Sri Lankan Archery Talent Wasantha Kumara Breaks into the World Stage with the Great Support of Link Samahan



Wasantha Kumara, a distinguished archer from the Sri Lanka Army, has etched his name in the annals of Sri Lankan sports history by participating in the Archery World Cup in the Compound category, held in Turkey. This marked the first time a Sri Lankan has competed in this prestigious event, showcasing the nation's burgeoning talent on the global stage.

The Archery World Cup is a significant event featuring top competitors from around the world. Wasantha’s participation highlighted the growing importance of archery in Sri Lanka and the country's potential on the international stage. His attendance was a monumental step for Sri Lankan sports.

Link Samahan, known for supporting extraordinary endeavours, was a crucial sponsor in this journey, aiding a variety of sports and enhancing the overall sports fraternity. Their backing not only supports athletes like Wasantha but also fosters the growth of diverse sports activities.

Wasantha Kumara’s groundbreaking participation in the Archery World Cup paves the way for future Sri Lankan athletes, demonstrating the nation’s potential in the world of sports.



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