‘Voices of Peace’: A novel approach to peace &reconciliation

Sarah Kabir at the launch of her book ‘Voices of Peace’

Nearly a decade after the end of a thirty-year civil war that once racked the island, there are voices still unheard and stories yet untold. With the intent of bringing the conversation of post-conflict reconciliation to the fore, Sri Lankan researcher and author Sarah Kabir released her book ‘Voices of Peace’ on 26 September. The launch event was held at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute in Colombo, and was attended by a diverse audience of academics, activists, members of the press, and invitees.

While there have been many discourses and publications on the topic prior, Voices of Peace with its unique format of storytelling, attempts to blur the lines of division by offering accounts from both sides of the conflict – humanising the very real struggles of both. Having spoken extensively with -and not just interviewed- over sixty active agents of the war, Sarah has chosen the stories of twenty; ten former LTTE cadres, and ten ex-Sri Lankan military personnel. Their accounts are accompanied by compelling images captured by photographer Munira Mutaher.

In a presentation introducing the publication, Sarah emphasised, “Voices of Peace encourages every reader to not just talk about these stories, but to listen.” Asserting that this was more a tool to influence policy on peace-building than mere reading material, she stressed further, “l urge you all to empathise with the storytellers, to internalise their message, and to act on it.”

The main aim with which she embarked on this undertaking however, she says, was primarily to shift ownership of the peace building process to those on the frontline. On a more personal note, relieving these veterans of the burden of bearing their untold stories was added incentive. The balanced narrative through which these stories are told has readers empathising with each individual, irrespective of political inclination.

Dr.Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Executive Director, Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) speaks at the ‘Voices of Peace’ launch while author Sarah Kabir and fellow guest speakers Aaranya Rajasingam, Women’s Rights and Peace Activist,Dr.Jehan Perera, Executive Director, National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, Saliya Pieris PC, Chairman, Office on Missing Persons (OMP) of Sri Lanka look on.

Gathered to celebrate the release of the book was an esteemed panel of speakers moderated by Executive Director at the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, Dr.Jehan Perera. Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, Dr.Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Aaranya Rajasingam and Saliya Pieris (PC), each offered their erudite views on the themes of peace and national reconciliation in a post-conflict Sri Lanka.

At the event, Dr.Jehan Perera acquainted attendees with Voices of Peace, lauding Sarah’s initiative at the same time: “In a divided society there is a need for an appeal to the heart.  Sarah Kabir does that through capturing detailed stories of those whose lives have been torn due to the war. It is harder to negate an individual's story that has been brought alive.Her book points to the need for a Truth Commission in Sri Lanka like there was in South Africa.”

Dr.Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Founder Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), opined: “Looking through the mine of information that is compiled in the book, the one cry that comes forth is the equality and oneness of all people in their struggles and experiences. In this light, we need to look for ways in which we can move forward towards the future as a people, united.”
Dr.Vinya Ariyaratne, General Secretary of Sarvodaya, too, was all praise for the project. “In a time where our country really needs reconciliation, Voices of Peace is a tremendous contribution to not just this discourse, but also to further research, and to mobilise even ordinary citizens to get more involved in the process.” 

Sarah Kabir is a researcher and humanitarian worker. She has a BSc. in Social Policy from the University of Bristol, and an MSc. in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies from the London School of Economics. After her Masters, her focus has been primarily on peacebuilding and development work.

Dr.Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Executive Director, Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)

Sarah has actively participated in research projects concerned with Philanthropy and Development, Diaspora and Remittances, and Pesticides and Global Health alongside researchers from the Universities of Sussex and Durham. In addition, she has worked with various international and local organisations within the civil society sector, her work appearing in various academic publications and research reports.

Over two years in the making, involving extensive research, compilation, and production, Voices of Peace is the first book Sarah has authored. Currently, only the English language edition will be made available. She hopes to reach a wider readership however, by having it translated to Sinhala and Tamil. To place orders for delivery and for preferred pricing on bulk orders contact 0773515262. Voices of Peace will also be available at leading bookstores.

Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the launch of ‘Voices of Peace’

Hon. (Prof.) G.L.Peiris - United People's Freedom Alliance(UPFA), Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara - United People's Freedom Alliance(UPFA), Hon. Eran Wickramaratne - State Minister of Finance and Ven. Dambara Amila Thero - University of Sri Jayewardenepura

H.E. Hanspeter Mock - Ambassador of Switzerland, Deviyani Iddawela De Silva, Hon. Dr. Harsha De Silva - State Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs,  Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa - Former Secretary to Ministry of Defence, Saliya Pieris PC, Chairman - Office on Missing Persons (OMP) and Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Executive Director, Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA).

Aaranya Rajasingam - Women’s Rights and Peace Activist, Dr. Jehan Perera - Executive Director, National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, Hon. Namal Rajapaksa - United People's Freedom Alliance(UPFA) and Hon. Thalatha Athukorala - Minister of Justice & Prison Reforms.

Guests at the 'Voices of Peace' book launch


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