25th Annual General Meeting of Plantation Human Development Trust

Plantation Human Development Trust (PHDT) held its 25th Annual General Meeting on 23rd March 2018 at the Coconut Cultivation Board Auditorium under the Chairmanship of Mr V Puththirasigamoney’.

Addressing the members Chairman Mr Puththirasigamoney stated that the year under review has been a remarkable year with the highest project allocation in the history and was confident that the Company is geared to accomplish its challenging tasks in the year to come. He also emphasized that while the need to develop the quality of life of the plantation community has still not been met fully, the Ministry of Hill Country New villages, Infrastructure & Community Development moved in with resources to meet the future challenges whilst welcoming the other supporting Ministries, Regional Plantation Companies, Trade Unions and otherInstitutions to help continue the work and achieve the PHDT’s concept of creating a “happy family” living with dignity.

The PHDT is a Tripartite Organization consisting of the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL), Regional Plantation Companies (RPCs) and Plantation Trade Unions (TU) formed by the GOSL to implement social development programmes to enhance the quality of life of the one million Plantation Community in the Estates managed by the RPCs.

The PHDT functions under a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from the GOSL, RPCs and TUs spearheaded by the Director General Mr L.R Perera who is supported by the Management and the staff attached to the Main Office in Battaramulla and further strengthened by seven Regional Offices located in the Plantation areas headed by a Regional Director to implement the many initiatives undertaken to improve the quality of life of the Estate community along with the estate management.

The organization works in close collaboration with the relevant Government Ministries, Trade Unions, Regional Plantation Companies, INGO’s, NGO’s and the Public/Private Sector Organizations in conducting the many infrastructure and social development programmes in the Plantation sector, including  the core activities of Housing & Infrastructure, Water & Sanitation, Health & Nutrition, Child Care & Development, Estate Worker Housing Cooperative Societies, Training & Development, Sports & Welfare etc.

These programmes have enhanced the health and living conditions of the plantation community, thereby improving attendance and assisting workers to be more productive and contribute to the growth of the industry and the economy. The entire Plantation industry stands to benefit from our projects as safe and healthy living conditions for the workers, protection of the environment etc. qualify for recognition and special certification to add further value to the end product. The availability of much improved facilities and privacy for studies has benefitted children with as nearly 100 students qualifying from the Plantations to gain entrance to Universities.
This AGM coincided with the PHDT celebrating 25 years of community service and was well attended by all stakeholders.


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