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Wed, 18 Dec 2024 Today's Paper
Planets during their journey around the Zodiac get into certain states of existence called Avasthas which are 10 in number.
We have already dealt with the peculiarities of the Head line, Heart line and the Life Line and their significations in detail and now we dwell on the peculiarities of minor lines and their significations at length in a series beginning the article
All students of Astrology know that it is a science that enables the prognostication of physical and mental qualities of a native and also the fortunes and misfortunes that await him or her.
We in an article carried in the Zodiac recently discussed the yogas or planetary combinations that portend ill for the native. We in this article propose to dwell on yogas that produce beneficial results for the native.
We all are keen on knowing what the future holds in store for those near and dear to us. However, it goes without saying that one would be more interested in knowing one’s own future. After all, we being ordinary mundane human beings self comes fir
According to Astrological principles, each planet derives a certain amount of strength when it occupies a particular position. This amount of strength can be measured by certain units called Rupas.
The Sun, the giver of light, life and energy is the king of the planetary world.
In previous articles we discussed the planetary combinations causing, Balarishta, Alpayu and Madyayu. In this article we propose to dwell on planetary combinations conferring Purnayu or a Full Life Span ranging from 76 years to 120 years. The combina
We have already dealt with the peculiarities of the Head line, Heart line and the Life Line and their significations in detail and now we propose to dwell on the peculiarities of minor lines and their significations at length in a series beginning t
An annular Solar eclipse will occur in the 1st quarter of Muvasirasa constellation in the Zodiacal sign of Libra (Thula)when the Moon will entirely cover the Sun creating a ring of fire at its edges beginning 13.42 hours (local time) on Thursday Jun
Students of Astrology are always advised not to make predictions after a superficial examination of a horoscope and are also advised to reach conclusions following an in-depth study of the strengths and weaknesses of the Rashis, planets and their Sha
Planets do not stand independently in Rashis or Signs. One planet is always connected to another planet or two or more planets some way or other- by association, Karakatwa or Rashi lordship.
We have already dealt with the peculiarities of the Head line and the Heart line and their significations in detail and now we propose to dwell on the peculiarities of the Life line and their significations at length in a series beginning this articl
Predictive Astrology, the entire edifice of Astrology for that matter, is based on the positions of planets in the heavens at a given time and the effects they produce on man and all other terrestrial phenomena through their rays and vibrations.
18 Dec 2024 47 minute ago
18 Dec 2024 2 hours ago
18 Dec 2024 3 hours ago
18 Dec 2024 4 hours ago