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HSBC Sri Lanka’s first-ever international student scholarship winner announced

23 Mar 2022 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Last year, HSBC Sri Lanka announced its first-ever International Scholarship Programme to support the ambitions of local students by giving one deserving student the opportunity to pursue their higher education with a US $ 10,000 scholarship to a preferred university, anywhere in the world. 

The scholarship programme was introduced after an extensive research was conducted both locally and overseas. It was established that parents have a shortfall in paying for their children’s overseas education, especially the tuition fees. This was further addressed by parents during several webinars on overseas education, which attracted over 2000 participants. 

Entries opened from June 2021 received an overwhelming response in applications, which were thereafter carefully evaluated and shortlisted by a panel of judges that included The British School in Colombo Principal Dr. John Scarth and Colombo International School Executive Deputy Chairman D.P.C. Lawrence together with the senior management of HSBC. 

The 15 shortlisted candidates had to then face a strenuous round of interviews and the top five finalists were then selected and interviewed by HSBC Sri Lanka and Maldives CEO Mark Surgenor, HSBC Sri Lanka Country Head of Wealth and Personal Banking James Rebert together with Dr. Scarth.

The five finalists that made it through were Shakya Ranatunga (Australia), Vihan Fernando (Australia), Shamiq-Abdul Cader (Australia), Adheeb Hashim (UK) and Sharmane Surasinghe (USA). They were selected based on the ability to articulate their ambition, vision and presentation skills. As finalists, the panel was impressed not only with their delivery but how they can truly support the country to lead on key areas such as sustainability, technology and innovation, architecture and design. 

After careful deliberations by the panel, Sharmane Surasinghe (John Hopkins University, USA) was selected as the winner of the US $ 10,000 scholarship to further her education in the United States. 

Sharing her thoughts on winning, Sharmane said, “I was thrilled to be awarded this scholarship by HSBC and am incredibly grateful for the financial support it affords me as I continue my education at the Johns Hopkins University. I appreciate the help and support HSBC has given me during my transition from Sri Lanka to the USA and am extremely grateful for their initiative in investing in the future by financially aiding international students. I am honored that I was selected out of the many worthy applicants and am determined to prove myself deserving of the scholarship committee’s faith in me. Thank you for helping me fulfil my ambitions.”

Sharmane is currently studying for a Bachelor of Science - Double Majoring in Neuroscience and Computer Science and Minor Computational Medicine at John Hopkins University, USA. Educated at The British School in Colombo, she enjoys debating and mathematics as well as archery and playing the piano. She has won numerous awards including Cambridge International Education Awards 2019, World Scholar’s Cup, Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition, University of Melbourne Trinity College Essay Competition, South East Asian Mathematical Olympiad, University of Waterloo Mathematics Contests as well as the Open Junior Archery Nationals. 

Rebert commented, “At HSBC our purpose is to open a world of opportunity for our customers and communities and we are delighted to be able to support Sharmane on her professional pursuits in the USA. As part of the panel, I was impressed by the sheer talent, depth and knowledge that was shown during the judging process. It augurs well for the potential that Sri Lankan students studying overseas have to develop and grow the country in future. We are committed to supporting them as the leading international bank in Sri Lanka that has been here for 130 years.”


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