Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Seylan Tikiri Children’s Month celebrations ignite happiness islandwide

03 Nov 2017 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



As a part of Tikiri Children’s Month festivities, Seylan Bank conducted a series of fun filled activities throughout the month of October to replenish Tikiri children with excitement, joy and mostly educate them on the habit of savings in a friendly manner.

Whilst the Tikiri Month celebrations spanned over the bank’s islandwide branch network, Seylan Bank’s Dummalasooriya branch celebrated the Tikiri Month with St. Anne’s Primary school, by distributing tills to every child. Children at the St. Anne’s Primary School now have the opportunity to save every day and be rewarded every month with exciting toys for achieving highest savings.
In addition to the till distribution, the bank also enabled kids with fun-filled engagement activities with their parents and rewarded for their talents and skills.

Meanwhile, children from around the Hasalaka area were gathered to draw their big ambitions and were engaged in different team events as the Seylan Bank’s Hasalaka branch celebrated the Tikiri month celebrations in partnership with six leading nurseries with an art competition. Furthermore, the bank’s Medawachchiya branch also organized a Tikiri Carnival where thousands of kids took part in various types of enlivening activities which focused on inducing savings habit.