Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Consciousness in corporate corridors

19 May 2017 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Today we live in the dawn of a new era, a new age of consciousness. Like the first light casting its godly rays nurturing the planet with its mystical energy… so are we in this dawn, energised by a majestic flame, giving us new visions and insight to reach out and realise greater and greater accomplishments in life. 
Rapid changes in global, political, economic and social spheres are confronting us with the most unforeseen challenges in life. Human nature is changing at an extraordinary pace along with a new kind of humanity coming into existence, especially trends arising from science and the urge toward discovery. As the world evolves from one stage to another, many facts that were established in the past seems obsolete. Even The Big Bang Theory is questionable today.
“Education, knowledge, experience are constituent parts of a success mechanism… But it is elevating yourself to a higher level of consciousness and intelligence that powers this mechanism differentiating you from the rest giving you that invincible intellectualism to be ahead in this challenging 
business environs.”
With incessantly dramatic changes taking place around us and resulting in a world system of deeper and deeper complexities creating an environment so challenging that it requires a higher level of consciousness and intelligence to confront these adversities and face it with confidence. 
Perhaps, we may need an adequate mental faculty that could capture and process data beyond the footprint of our five sensory domain. We should be looking at smarter ways of conducting and progressing in our business activities.

In the business world:

  • Organisations will inevitably have to change their strategies appropriately and reinvent infrastructures to gain a competitive edge.
  • New leadership paradigms will have to emerge understanding and accepting the fact that patterns of hierarchical leadership that exist today are unsuitable to function effectively in this rapidly changing global complexities. 
  • Business organisations should prioritise in creating strategies and action plans to mentally set their minds for attitudinal, cultural operational and infrastructural changes that need a quantum leap to be ahead of competition.
  • Principles of management will have to be rewritten above today’s thinking. Beyond the box thinking will have to be replaced by ‘beyond the mind thinking’.
  • Traditional marketing principles and strategies will have to be incorporated into their theories “predictable growth in complexities and consciousness levels” of their near future customers.
  • Human resources required for business efficiencies and development need to restructure their training and development models giving priority for leading and functioning with growing consciousness and emotional intelligence.
  • Business leaders’ abilities to work with a kind of multi-sensory system that could capture intelligence beyond the existing “knowledge box” becomes an imperative for success in this changing business environments that is of a “survival of the most evolved” nature.

We see the rise of a new system to attract power, wealth and fame not based on muscle and mind... but beyond conventional theories and principles of leadership and management and more specifically functioning at the highest point of consciousness in our organic scale, enabling leaders to visualise events beyond the scope of an ordinary mind.
In view of this, global and business leaders are intrinsically thrust forward, now showing interest in taking a glimpse of what lies beyond their existing capabilities, perhaps, to explore an adequate mental faculty which could show them the possibilities of encompassing knowledge and intelligence beyond the conventional theories and principles that govern and direct today’s leadership and management, which could help and support them in their efforts of seeking solutions to political, social, business and personal problems. 
Steve Jobs, who quotes that “innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”, dropped out of college and with no benefit of business education, he became one of the best leaders in modern business history. Jobs was motivated more than anything to feel he had made a solid and positive impact on the world during his lifetime. It was as simple as that. He would say, “I just want to put a dent in the universe.” A bold and daring intellect.
We see this intellectual curiosity and comprehension moving these individuals toward actual practice and realisation of this new consciousness.
 Old business theories and strategies are colliding with new ones that foster consciousness and a higher intelligent order in leading and managing people… and these new insights clashing with traditional thinking is creating conflict and disorientation in the boardrooms.
Today you cannot make a difference with knowledge, know-how or technology…they all have it now or soon. What differentiates you is when what you do cannot be equalled by another. And as long as your logics and understandings are not at a higher order, there will always be an equal. Gaining a competitive edge to survive in this environment requires weaponry with a difference.
Looking for it demands new visions and courage to leave the present shore. 
With many changes in social and cultural spheres taking place rapidly, there was concern among a few that interest and enthusiasm in the study and engagement of looking for extraordinary human faculties would decline. Research and study in this area are evidently and surprisingly vibrant and socially salient.
Of all the most significant change we see is pervasive evidence of people’s open-minded attitudes and growing beliefs in supernatural forces and mystical and contemplative styles.
In addition to the task-relevant competencies and skills required by a leader to lead with authority and righteousness, what differentiates a leader today from another or that competitive edge we are talking about comes from: 

  • Leading with a higher level of consciousness to demonstrate an understanding and mastery of all aspects of life-body to mind soul to spirit.
  • Leaders who recognise, acknowledge, trust and engage their intuitional promptings showered on them by their higher intelligence, to guide them in their decision-making process.
  • Leaders who possess the intelligence to comprehend the mindsets of a new generation who are incessantly growing in complexities and consciousness. 
  • Leaders who can introduce a new kind of motivation to their people, not based on economic rewards but on other human intellectual values.
  • Leaders who can exercise a non-coercive influence to lead their people not on a human to sub-human but on a human to human basis.

Perhaps a too closer view on our conventional and traditional methods of leadership and business management have blinded us from expanding our perceptions and crystallising our visions to explore and engage the unknowns, which probably could be the most efficient strategies in successful business management.
Or are we like the mice of the Pied Piper, charmed and rigidly holding on obsessively to conventional, traditional, old-school thinking?
(Elmo Ebert can be contacted via [email protected])