Daily Mirror - Print Edition

India’s invitation came in December;

12 Feb 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

deferred due to tight schedule: Vijitha

By Ajith Siriwardana  

Claiming that the NPP’s visit to India was not a sudden visit, NPP MP Vijitha Herath , who took part in the visit, said yesterday the invitation had come last December but was deferred to February due to tight schedule.  

He told a news conference that India invited them for a 10-day visit and that the NPP had to cut it short to five days due to their planned party activities.  

“The invitation from India came in December last year for a ten-day visit. But, we had to defer the visit due to our tight schedule and wanted to restrict it to five days.  

The MP said this was not the first diplomatic level invitation made to the NPP and added that NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake and a delegation had also visited China in a similar manner.  

“The visit to China was not given much publicity as of the Indian visit. I think people may have seen our Indian visit as important due to our previous stance on India,” He said.  
When asked whether India assured to support the NPP in future elections, he said no such matter was discussed or any requests were made in that regard.  

“Countries support governments that are elected by the people. They don’t’ support political parties to obtain power,” he said.  

Responding to another question why the NPP was invited when the government leaders or the opposition leader was not invited, he said countries only invite leaders who have the people’s blessings.  

Responding to why the NPP did not meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Herath said the whole schedule was prepared by the Indian government and that the NPP did not seek a meeting with Modi either.  

Responding to a question whether the NPP has changed its policies on Indian investors such as Adani and Amul, he said the NPP protested against investors being selected under unsolicited proposals.  

He said NPP government would welcome investors from any country and added that the investment process would occur in a transparent manner and in accordance with the tender procedures.  
Commenting on the visit, he said it was a successful visit and that the NPP government would put into practice most of what they learnt during the visit.