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Thu, 09 Jan 2025 Today's Paper
We have already discussed in our previous articles the main lines in the hand such as the Life Line, Heart Line and Head Line as well as some important minor lines.
A major celestial event of much astrological significance will occur when Saturn enters the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, its own House, after about 30 years in its journey round the Sun, at 09. 56 hours (local time) on January 24, 2020. Saturn’s tra
Sex drive often referred to as libido is a natural urge of any healthy person. And in fact, it is Nature’s guarantee of the survival of the species.
The Full Moon will turn a shade darker when a penumbral eclipse will occur in the 2nd quarter of Punawasa constellation in the Zodiacal sign of Gemini (Mithuna) beginning 22.37 hours (local time) on Friday, January 10, 2020.
The week before last we discussed what the signs on the first and second fingers signify phalanx by phalanx. In this article, we propose to discuss what the signs on the third and fourth fingers say.
Understanding your own Ayurvedic body type would help you do an introspection so that you would be able to rectify the shortcomings in your own behavior and thereby improve your relations with others while maximizing your productivity.
We have already discussed all characteristics of the Thumb and the significations of fingers relating to their shape, length and position in relation to one another. We propose to discuss here what the most common signs on the fingers signify.
We explained in our previous article that according to Medical Astrology or Ayurveda, the existence of Three Doshas (Humours) Vata (Wind), Pitta (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm) in a state of harmony assures the health of an individual. The imbalance of the
An annular Solar eclipse will occur in the 3rd quarter of Moola constellation in the Zodiacal sign of Sagittarius (Dhanu) when the Moon will entirely cover the Sun creating a ring of fire at its edges beginning 09.04 hours (local time) on Thursday De
Vedic astrology is considered the mother of Ayurveda, the Hindu System of Medicine.
Last week we discussed the significations of each finger based on their length and position in relation to other fingers.
The Kuhoo Yoga is an important yoga which gives mixed results from the conjunction or the association of the Moon and the Sun. It is common knowledge that the Sun -Moon conjunction occurs when the Moon and the Sun are placed in the same Bhava or Ras
In some previous articles we have discussed the characteristics of the fingers. In this article, we propose to discuss more significations relating to fingers based on their position, length and shape.
Accumulated wealth or a steady source of income is a fundamental requirement for every person who proposes to lead a normal life as a layman. Poverty means misery and suffering. Hence the imperative to be free from want.
We have already discussed the size and shape of the Thumb and its position in relation to the rest of the palm with details of significations relating to each type of Thumb.
Three powerful Pravurjya yogas and a powerful Rajayoga are due to arise when the Moon enters the Sagittarius sign in the Zodiac at 7.36 am on November 28 pointing to the birth of a great religious or political leader in the country.The Moon’s ingre
Yogas constitute an integral part of Vedic Astrology. Pravurjya Yoga occupy an important place among the Special Yogas like Dhanayoga and Gnanayoga.
We have already discussed the size and shape of the Thumb and its position in relation to the rest of the palm with details of significations relating to each type of Thumb. However, the reading of a Thumb is not complete without a study of the line
Some individuals are born with certain mental defects or physical defects, deformities or malformations. One cannot help one’s congenital mental or physical defects. One should try to cope with such defects oneself.
For the purpose of delineating the character of a person, eminent palmists have divided the Thumb into six types. The six types are:
In the previous articles, we described certain elements that come in the Jaimini school of Astrology such as Karakamsa, Chara Karakas and Swamsa Chakra or Chart.
The Thumb as in the case of fingers is divided into three main parts. These three parts described as phalanges like those of the fingers represent three worlds, embodying three supreme qualities, says renowned palmistry expert Psycho. They are: Willp
In the previous article, we described certain elements that come in the Jaimini school of Astrology such as Karakamsa, Chara Karakas and Swamsa Chakra or Chart.
To be used as an inset or a blurb We have already discussed the lines and signs on the Mounts in the hand. We also propose to run a series of articles on the lines and signs on the fingers and the Thumb. Prior to running that series, we wish to reca
Karakamsa could be a strange term for most students of Astrology.
Savants of palmistry say that it is impossible to say what a person’s profession or occupation is by the shape of the hand, but it would definitely indicate for what profession or occupation he or she is best suited.
The 8th Bhava is considered the evilest of the three Dusthanas (evil Houses) in a Natal Chart, the other two being the 6th and the 12th ones.
Adhi Yoga is one of the favourable or Subha Yogas expounded in Vedic Astrology.
08 Jan 2025 2 hours ago
08 Jan 2025 3 hours ago