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Thu, 09 Jan 2025 Today's Paper
We said in our previous article on the above subject that Astrology as a diagnostic science provides an answer to the complex problem of choosing the right person for the right job.
The Mount of Jupiter is located at the base of the Index Finger or the Finger of Jupiter above the first part of the Head and Life lines in a normally lined hand. It is seen immediately above the Mount of Lower Mars.
Management is a concept that manifests in practice in our daily life.
Readers are reminded that the portion of the palm under the base of the Thumb and inside the line of Life is called the Mount of Venus.
In the previous article under this subject, we explained that the great Ayurvedic specialist in ancient times Charaka who had analyzed the mind-body relationship on a wide scale had identified the human mind under three Gunas (qualities) for the purp
The great Ayurvedic specialist in ancient times Charaka who had analyzed the mind-body relationship on a wide scale had identified the human mind under three Gunas (qualities) for the purpose of tracing disease. The three Gunas are: Sattva, Rajas and
Description: A star on the lower Mount of Moon when the Heart and Life lines are yellowish. Result: Grave liver trouble leading to Dropsy.
Ayurveda has been part and parcel of Vedic Astrology from ancient times.
Readers are reminded that the Mount of Moon is the pad located between the Head Line and the Life line at the percussion of the hand below the Mount of Upper Mars.
The 10th House or the Karmasthana in a horoscope is also referred to as Abhimanasthana and Pitrusthana. The 10th House is also one of the four Kendras of the horoscope.
A competent astrologer can predict the disease that causes the death of a person going by the nature of the planet which aspects the 8th house and the part of the body to be affected would be that represented by the 8th House in the division under th
Readers are reminded that the Upper Mount of Mars is located between the Head Line and the Heart line at the percussion of the hand above the Mount of Moon.
All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity, says the great bard Shakespeare.
According the classical astrological work, Phaladeepika by Sage Manthreshwara, the 9th House in an individual’s Natal Chart holds the key to unlock one’s past birth.
Description: A star on the Mount of Mercury in a bad hand. Result: Incorrigible dishonesty. A star on a good hand: A remarkable talent for assimilating other people’s ideas and concepts, but may not put them into practic
Feeling of déjà vu and strange dreams Almost all reading this article may, no doubt, have had the occasion to experience the feeling at a new place they had visited that it was strangely familiar and that they had been there previously
Description: One single line on the Mount of Mercury Result: The subject would come in for an unexpected financial gain.
It is no secret that almost all believers in the Law of Karma and rebirth are curious to know what they were in their previous births, particularly in their immediately previous lifetime.
Description: A circle on the Mount Sun. (A rare occurrence) Result: The subject gains much fame.
Assessment of Putrasthana or 5th Bhava to ascertain factors indicating the prospects of getting progeny, sex or traits of children or the number of children to be born, requires the interpretation of the position of Jupiter in relation to other plane
Description: A cross on the Mount of Sun when there is a distinct line on it. Result: The subject is a person with lofty religious ideals. If the Line of Sun is not clear and distinct: Tendency towards religious insanity. (Very ofte
Children, even if they are not your own, are a great source of joy. We take immense delight in listening to their prattle or watching them at play. Some people believe there is no happy family life either without children and childlessness is conside
Figure 1 Description: A star almost in the middle of a double or a triple Girdle of Venus on the Mount of Saturn. Result: A terrible venereal disease followed by death.
In the previous article carried in the Jyotisha page under the above title we said that the Vedic Astrology rests on the Law of Karma and explained the five laws of nature that make up the Law of Karma as enunciated in Vedic philosophy.
By A. S. Fernando Figure:1 Description: Vertical line crossing the Fate line on the Mount of Saturn. Result: An unavoidable misfortune
None can gainsay the obvious fact that the science of Vedic astrology rests on the Law of Karma which also implies the existence of rebirth or the circle of birth and death.
Figure 1 Description: One single line on the Mount of Saturn Result: A great fortune awaits the subject.
09 Jan 2025 34 minute ago
09 Jan 2025 35 minute ago
09 Jan 2025 45 minute ago
09 Jan 2025 47 minute ago