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Fri, 10 Jan 2025 Today's Paper
In our previous article on the subject, we referred to ancient Indian sage Vashista’s assertion that the marriage Navamsa Ascendant is more important than the marriage Rashi Ascendant in the context of producing results relating to Muhurthas.&n
The Head line, according to learned palmists signifies the mental qualities of the subject. They say that the brain that creates, shapes and re-shapes the character of the mind reveals it through the Head line. Therefore, even if other main lines on
We are now discussing the significance of numbers based on the numerical and vibrational value of the name of an individual.
Most people in our country like their compatriots in other countries in the East, believe that success in any important work or event greatly depends on the Muhurtha or the auspicious moment at it is commenced. Panchamga or five cardinal basics
The Line of Life very often commences at the side of the hand from under the Mount of Jupiter, encircling the Mounts of Lower Mars and Venus. It in most cases, terminates under the Mount of Venus near the bracelets or rascettes.
We hope that our regular readers may remember that we explained the significance of the Basic Numbers from 1 to 20 in two previous articles.
Thanks to steadily growing opportunities for young men and women to work together, meet and know each other and share interests in real life and cyber space, love marriages have become the order of the day.
We have already discussed the Mounts on the hand and the markings on them. While explaining the location and significance of the Mounts and markings, we had occasion to make an occasional reference to the main lines in particular on the palm on the a
We hope that our regular readers may remember that we explained the significance of the Basic Numbers from 1 to 9 in some previous articles.
In countries in the orient like Sri Lanka and India marriage is considered as something sacrosanct – an inviolable sacred bond. People attach so much importance to marriage, they look one’s success in marriage as one’s success
Numerology or Swar Shastra, the ancient science based on numbers and resonance value attributed to them, says that you are born with a set of numerical values that represent vibrational frequencies that go a long way in shaping your life and destiny.
Markings which add strength to the Mount of Luna or Moon singly or in combination are the Star, Trident, Circle, Square and Triangle. The Grille, Dot or Spots, Cross and badly formed Stars signify defects in health and character.
People in our country like those in India, Nepal and Bhutan attach a great significance to giving a name to a newborn. In fact, they believe that giving a name to a book to be published, a new
In countries in the East like Sri Lanka and India where divorce, separation or a second marriage is frowned upon, marriage is the most important event in one’s life.
The signs which add strength to the Mount of Upper Mars singly and in combination are the Star, Triangle, Circle, Trident, Square, and the Single Vertical Line. The Cross, Island, Cross-bars, Dot, and the Grille show defects in the health and charact
As the qualities Number 9 person are closely linked to those of Number 9, let us ascertain the things both abstract and tangible that represent Number 9.
Signs which singly or in combinations add strength to the Mount of Mercury are the Triangle, Circle, Square, Trident, and the Single Vertical Line.
A large majority of people in our country still seem to believe in the conventional marriage judging by the contents of numerous marriage proposals advertised in the national weeklies these days.
Basic Number 7 represents tradition, air, brain, intelligence, erudition, sagacity, sobriety, analysis, philosophy, depth, spirituality, religion, criticisms, introspection, malice and isolation.
The markings which add strength to the Mount of Sun singly and in combinations are Star, Triangle, Square, Trident, and the Single Vertical Line. The Grille, Cross, Island, Dot or Spot, or Cross bars signify defects either in health or in character.
Basic Number 6 represents, among other things, peace, harmony, co-operation, sociability, perfection and the attempt to attain perfection, family, stability, indecision, dependency, bad judgment, water, green, conciliation, aesthetics and love of bea
There are certain markings which add strength to the Mount of Saturn singly or in combination. They are the Triangle, Trident, Circle, Square, or the single vertical line.
The qualities and symbols represented by Number 5 provides the clue to identifying the 5 person. Number 5 represents freedom, independence, adolescence, struggle and defiance of tradition and orthodox beliefs, journeys, fire, ether and red.
Each planet has its strong and weak aspects. A well- developed mount with good markings shows its strength. Grilles, cross bars, islands and crosses weaken the good effects of a mount. A vertical line adds strength to any mount. In some hands,
The qualities of basic Number 4 provide the clues to identify traits of the Number 4 person.
The Moon is the only satellite orbiting around the Earth. However, the Moon, in astrological nomenclature, is described as the ‘planet’ (Graha) closest to the Earth.
First let us consider things both abstract and tangible represented by Number 3. Some of them are creativity, children, happiness, expansion, expression, art, diversification, sociability, communication, jealousy, pride, inspiration, trinity an
The elevated area beneath the second phalange of the thumb surrounded by the Line of Life is called the Mount of Venus.
The number 2 represents duality, division, opposition, and is considered complementary to 1.
The Mount of Mars is two-fold. In fact, there are two Mounts of Mars in two separate locations on the palm. The elevated area located under the Mount of Mercury between the Head and the Heart Lines is called the Upper Mars or the Progressive Mars.&nb
10 Jan 2025 1 hours ago
10 Jan 2025 2 hours ago
10 Jan 2025 3 hours ago