02 Jan 2021 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
A happy, contented and comfortable life is in store for a female if the Moon, Venus and Jupiter are well posited in her horoscope
Astrological principles generally apply to both sexes, male and female and for example, astrological information relating to Graha Samyoga (planetary combinations), Ayurdaya (longevity), results of Dasas and Antar Dasas etc. cover both sexes.
It is auspicious for a woman to have female planets - the Moon and Venus in Chandra Hora and all male planets - the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the Ravi Hora at birth
Reasons for founding Female Horoscopy
However, ancient Indian Maha Rishis (sages) have expounded astrological principles specific to females basing them on natural laws of psychological, physical and spiritual significance underlining certain biological occurrences peculiar to women such as puberty, menses, conception and child birth.
There is yet another reason why the ancient savants had felt the necessity to found a separate of branch of Astrology called Female Horoscopy: they recognized the fact that the fortunes of a man greatly depend on his partner for life – wife. Therefore, Female Horoscopy has become a vital component of the subject of Astrology as a whole.
According to Astrological principles, marriage to a virtuous and a comely girl would nullify all Arishta Yogas (malefic combinations) afflicting the husband making way for him to lead a comfortable and successful life. Of course, we can find many examples around us in real life that go to prove the validity of the Astrological principle that a virtuous and compatible marriage partner adds both luck and luster to the life of a man.
Natal Chart says it all
A happy, contented and comfortable life is in store for a female if the Moon, Venus and Jupiter are well posited in her horoscope. A female is also fortunate if the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th Houses in her Natal Chart are strong and the Lagna is well aspected and is occupied by a benefic. If there are malefics in the 2nd House or the lord of the 2nd House is associated with or aspected by malefics in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House, the woman would suffer from want after marriage. If there are benefics in the 2nd House, and the lord of the 2nd House is associated with or aspected by benefics, the woman would live happily after marriage.
Students of Astrology should remember that the 3rd House is an angle of the Kama Trikona (triangle signifying sensual pleasures) and it exerts a great influence on marriage.
It is very auspicious for a woman to have a benefic occupying the 7th House while it is aspected by another benefic.
Impact on husband and children
Husband would not live long if the 7th House happens to be governed by a malefic or aspected by a malefic while its lord occupies a House of a malefic or an enemy planet.
It is auspicious for a woman to have female planets - the Moon and Venus in Chandra Hora and all male planets - the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the Ravi Hora at birth.
It is inauspicious for children if in a woman’s horoscope, the lord of the 5th House is associated with a malefic while another malefic occupies the 5th House.
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