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Female hand – a character portrayal

09 Mar 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Human hand – Trailblazer of human civilization



All renowned palmists in their great works have set apart a chapter on the Shape and Size of Hand. Because they have considered that the shape of the hand in reading the character and fortune of a subject is as important as the lines and mounts on the palm.

However, most astrologers have discussed various types of hands in general but have not presented a study specific to the hand of the female.

Why the female stands apart?

Human tendencies, feelings, emotions, desires and aspirations among many other things are common to both male and female. They share the same set of values as well as biological needs with males. However, there can be manners, mannerisms and reflex actions peculiar to women.

Specific role assigned by nature and tradition
Nature has created woman for a special role with skills and instincts essential for playing that role. Women are not expected to do hard manual labour. Nature has designed various parts of the anatomy of a female to suit the biological, reproductive and other `feminine’ functions. For example, look at the hand of a female. A woman’s hand unlike a man’s is soft, supple and well formed. One would not come across a woman’s hand characterized by stiff, heavy fingers, a clumsy thumb and a hard palm.

Elementary hand and the Murderer’s Hand are hardly seen among women.

The three main types, Conical, Spatulate and Square
A great French palmist has said that out of a 100 women in France, 40 belong to the conical type, thirty to the Square type and the other 30 to the spatulate type. What this great palmist says holds good for women in other countries as well.

The two broader categories: Small Thumb and Large Thumb
Palmists divide women into two broader categories: those with large thumbs and those with small thumbs.

The differences 
Women with large thumbs are more intelligent than sensitive. Serious things in life like books on important subjects attract them. Women with small thumbs are more sensitive than intelligent. Glamour, splendor and beauty captivate them.

Why Elementary hand is absent
Accounting for the absence of the Elementary Hand among women, a great French palmist says that the cares of maternity being extremely complex and difficult, women require an instinct of a higher plane than that is revealed by the Elementary Hand. 

Spatulate Hand with a small thumb  
 He says that a woman with a Spatulate Hand and a small thumb possesses a great fund of affection, desire for freedom, an imperious desire of action and a thorough understanding of life.
Women with Square fingers possess a lot of common sense. They have soft, supple hands with faintly marked knots. They are very witty.

Women with soft and supple hands with conical fingers and small thumbs love all that is brilliant. They are indolent, fanciful and sensual.

A woman with a delicate smooth hand and pointed fingers whose palm is narrow and elastic has tastes ruled by the heart rather than the by the mind and senses. Owners of such hands are calm and radiant and are endowed with grace and inspiration.

The somewhat large thumb of a woman indicates that she is cautious in the affairs of the heart and she holds sensations under control of a well- balanced will. Women with a small thumb are seductive and very fickle. They are inclined towards excessive coquetry. They are overwhelmed by unreasonable jealousy and unreliable nerves.

Short thumbed women cannot keep secrets. They are not reliable. They are always very inquisitive.
Large thumbed women are somewhat slow in taking stock of a given situation. Yet they are shrewd and calculating. For them marriage is a matter of business. They are great believers in common sense. They are domineering and they speak in a loud tone. They are trustworthy.




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