Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Myths and Misconceptions about Kuja Dosha

02 Nov 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Part 3

We have already explained that the mere placement of Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th House in a Natal Chart does not indicate the presence of Kuja Dosha. It is only a malefic Mars that causes the dreaded Dosha or the blemish and a benefic Mars would produce only good effects. In fact, a person with a benefic Mars in his Natal Chart is an active, energetic and dynamic person equipped with courage, executive skills and a positive outlook. 

Mars not malefic when Lagnadhipati or Yogakaraka
For Aries and Scorpio subjects Mars is Lagnadhipati, the lord of the Ascendant. There would be no Kuja Dosha for these two subjects no matter which of the afore mentioned six Houses where Mars is posited.

The same principle is applicable to Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces subjects. Because for these subjects Mars becomes a Yogakaraka or a special benefic by the virtue of the fact that Mars rules either a Moolatrikona or both a Kendra (a quadrant) and a Moolatrikona (a main Trine) in case of each of these four subjects. 



  • In the case of the Cancer subject, Mars becomes the lord of the 5th Moolatrikona and the 10th Kendra
  • In the case of Leo subject, Mars becomes the lord of 4th Kendra and the 9th Moolatrikona
  • In the case of Sagittarius subject, Mars becomes the lord of the 5th Moolatrikona.
  • In the case of Pisces subject Mars becomes the lord of the 9th Moolatrikona.

Beneficial yogas 
Powerfully placed Lagnadhipati and yogakarakas give rise to beneficial yogas. Therefore, Lagnadhipati and yogakarakas have to be considered special benefics and they cause no harm to the native. The fact that Mars commands aspect over several Houses, namely the 4th, 7th and the 8th Houses in a Natal Chart is a factor that immensely contributes to the phenomenon of Kuja Dosha. 

Houses Mars aspects
Now let us consider how Mars influences the Houses he aspects.

  •  When Mars occupies the Lagna or 1st House, he influences the 4th House, 7th House and the 8th House which means what these Houses represent. A malefic Mars in the Lagna can make the native arrogant, aggressive and hot-tempered. The 4th House represents among other things, the mother, mind and family life. And the evil aspect over the 4th House, therefore, can harm the mother, fill the mind with evil thoughts and ruin the family life.  Mars again aspects the 7th House which represents the spouse, partnerships and married life. So, he can harm the spouse, ruin the married life and wreck partnerships.
  • When Mars is placed in the 2nd House, he can influence the 5th, 8th and the 9th Houses with his aspects. The 2nd House which is also Kutumbhasthana represents among other things, speech and married life. An evil Mars in the 2nd House could make the native harsh in speech and ruin his married life. An evil Mars, as the 5th House represents sons and intelligence, among other things, can harm the children and turns the native’s intelligence in an evil direction to make him commit evil deeds. The 8th House represents the life after marriage for a female and an evil Mars’ aspect over it can ruin a woman’s married life. 
  • When Mars is placed in the 4th House he can have full aspect over the 7th, 10th and the 11th Houses. We have already discussed what harm an evil Mars can cause when commanding the power to aspect the 7th House. As for the 10th House it represents one’s career or occupation among other things. An evil Mars aspecting this House can ruin the native’s career or the occupation. The 11th House is Ayasthana which represents the native’s earnings and his friends and social status. An evil Mars commanding aspect over this the 11th House can obstruct one’s income sources and turn one’s friends into enemies and make the native an unpopular figure in the society. 
  • When Mars is placed in the 7th House he can command the full aspect over 10th, the 1st and the 2nd Houses. The evil effects Mars can cause when able to influence these Houses have already been explained. 
  • When Mars is posited in the 8th House, he can fully influence with his aspect the 11th, 2nd and the 3rd Houses. The harm an Evil Mars can cause when he is able to influence 8th, 2nd and the 11th Houses have already been dealt with. About the 3rd House, it is also called Karmasthana. It is a place where Mars can give one success and victory. But an evil Mars aspecting it can cause only defeat and failure. 
  • The 12th House represents physical pleasure – which most Indian refer to as bed comfort – and an evil Mars occupying this House can deny a couple any physical pleasure in married life. When Mars occupies the 12th House he can aspect the 3rd, 6th and the 7th Houses as well. We have already explained the harm Mars can cause when he can influence the 3rd and the 7th Houses. The 6th House represents disease, debts and enemies among other things. An evil Mars influencing the 6th House can make the native a sickly person, make him fall into debt and give him troubles from enemies.