Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Ganu Denu

26 May 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      




  • Ganu Denu is open to anyone who is hungry and doesn’t have the means on that day to purchase their meal or food requirement.

 Today I feature the team from Ganu Denu,  an interesting concept, which is curated to help those who are in an uncomfortable position to ask for a wholesome meal. What I loved about this concept is the fact that we have so many people who have  very limited funds to survive the 30 or 31 days in the calendar month. 

So anything out of that as a pending cost will be so impossible. It could be a small treat. It could be some ice cream for some of us. I’ve been there and this is to help those like us. Here’s how you can be a part of this amazing project.

What is the concept behind ganu denu? The  inspiration for the concept behind the feeding initiative stems from the stories of the Hindu Deity Annapoorna Devi. Annapoorna Devi, is the deity responsible to bring food, vegetation, and prosperity to the world. It is by her grace that the world is nourished.  She feeds all who are hungry without any judgement.
We believe there are enough resources to be shared across communities and so initiated a pay-it-forward feeding programme. One that allows restaurants to support their local communities while also generating revenue and for the hungry to be fed by the generosity and  kindness of  strangers.

How has it been finding partners? Finding partner locations has been a beautiful experience. So many food outlets and  restaurants have extended their support to us, some even extending a discount on the purchase of the token as well. 

There are so many restaurants and food outlets who have been practising various versions of feeding initiatives. Sharing food amongst  communities is not a new idea for us in Sri Lanka. We have connected with many supportive and generous souls in the restaurants industry who have extended their support to Ganu Denu.

If one wants to connect, 
how can they join?
instagram  handle is ganudenusl
Email  is [email protected]
Phone +0777393999

If someone wants to have a meal, how can they reach out to these places ? You can call the establishment and see if there  are tokens before you visit the location to avoid disappointment. Or you can always take a chance and pop in to redeem an available token.

If there’s a big group of kids /Persons who want to get this benefit? And if not many people have paid it forward how would it work? To be spontaneous  would be a little risky with a group of people,  as it could be that there were not enough tokens to redeem for a large group of people. We recommend that you reach out to us on our social media platforms or phone us so we may assist you with location choice and token availability. 

Is this targeted for people who have low income? Or is it open to anyone? Ganu Denu is open to anyone who is hungry and doesn’t have the means on that day to purchase their meal or food requirement.