Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Dengue claims life of another student in Matale

16 Aug 2017 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Students in the Matale area were shocked  when they heard that a GCE A/L student had succumbed to dengue. This was the second dengue death in the area; the first victim been a university student in Naula, Matale.  

Ruwan Chamara Wijesinghe the latest dengue victim in Matale was an 18- year- old A/L student at the Sinhala Buddhist School. He was from Harasgama Agalawattha Road in Matale and the eldest of three children. His father H.M. Gamini Wijesinghe was a vehicle driver. His mother was L.G. Anulawathi.

Recently, Chamara had gone on a trip to the Knuckles Range with some of his friends. However to the dismay of his friends some time after they entered the Dumbara Forest Chamara complained of tiredness and a weakness to continue on the pleasure trek.  So his friends decided to return. On the way back Chamara had complained of unbearable back pain and his friends acted quickly to admit Chamara to the Matale District Hospital. After a two weeks’ stay in wards he was transferred to the ICU  as his condition had turned for the worse.  

Chamara passed away on the 21st of  last month leaving his parents, sisters, friends and his village in deep sorrow. 

The Director of the Matale Sinhala Buddhist School- lecturer of Pali and Buddhist University, Ven Galkulame Uparathana Thera said Chamara joined the school as a 13- year-old  student in 2016 and that he was a studious boy, excellent in sports and popular among the other students. He said the death of    
Chamara was a great loss to the school.  

The JMO of the Matale District Hospital D.L. Vaidyarathna who held the post mortem pronounced death was due to dengue fever.