Daily Mirror - Print Edition


19 Apr 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

If readers may wonder what my headline means, I refer to the rat-pack who led others up the garden path to support the recent No confidence motion, by assuring them of victory. Numbers they said they had in abundance, in every statement and at every media briefing, many UNPers they said were in their hands and would support the motion. As an UNPer, born and bred who has never swayed or wavered in my support for the party and all its Leaders, ‘through its slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’, I have never been prouder of being an UNPer than when this motion was soundly defeated. 

  • UNPers stood as a team, in spite of their varied personal feelings
  • Everyone is equal; there are no first or second class citizens
  • When NCM failed, a certain media tried to get public sympathy
  • There was no attack at all, as UNPers abide by the rule of law
  • RW emerged a more stronger personality with popularity
  • RW has more experience in governance and in the school of life than any other politician

The UNPers stood together as a team,in spite of their varied personal feelings, the party came first as it always should! I was reminded of a line from W. S. Senior’s famous poem; ‘One man from shore to shore’ The Stranger become a brother. The task of the tutor o’er’. The UNP, as its very name, suggests is for all citizens of this country, irrespective of race or creed. Everyone is equal; there are no first or second class citizens. This is why one of the former great leaders of the party, the late Dudley Senanayake once said that it his wish and hope that all citizens would be able to say with pride and joy ‘This is my own, my native land’. Unity and strength are an unbeatable combination.  

The Prime Minister has come through this ordeal through the past two gruelling months with his usual cool composure

I was glad than no UNPer fell prey to media moguls and others trying hard to be king-makers in this scenario, in order to have Leaders they can control and get favours from.When the motion failed, a certain media station tried to get public sympathy, by announcing that a jubilant crowd who lit crackers in celebration of their Leader’s victory were there to attack them. There was no attack at all as UNPers abide by the rule of law. It is on the contrary, those sacked from the party who break the law, allow their children to do so too, and carry guns while taking part in so-called peaceful marches! The jubilant crowd also made their way to the Prime Minister’s private residence, where he lives in a house which has remained the same, ever since his father built it for him. They lit crackers there too. Was this an attack?  

The Prime Minister has come through this ordeal through the past two gruelling months with his usual cool composure. Never resorting to slander and fabrications against those who slandered him, day after day in no uncertain terms, with the vilest of lies. He just turned the other cheek in his customary style! He has emerged a stronger person with unprecedented popularity. He must ride on the crest of this wave and show that he is a stronger, decisive Leader and not a vacillating one as his enemies keep saying.   

This is not a time for complacency either for him or for the government. We were the laughing stock of the entire democratic world by trying to get rid of a Prime Minister and party leader after a local government election. It has hindered all progress, development and brought everything to a standstill for two long months. No work was done. It has hurt the economy, hindered tourism and investment and instilled a sense of instability. The former ruler’s group comprising of more than two parties got 44.6 % of the vote which was less than what they got at the last election. 

The SLFP with 2 parties got only 13% of the vote while the UNP on its own got 32% while other Ranil bashing groups got 0.1%! Some among those who got the 13% shamelessly joined the JO in bringing this No confidence motion. 

Those who enjoyed the perks and privileges of power and those basking in the reflected glory of it, who never had enjoyed this kind of luxurious flamboyant lifestyles ever before in their lives, did this in an attempt to return to the luxury they enjoyed with the corruption and murders that were an integral part of their horrific rule. How can anyone try to put the whole blame on the PM for the results of the elections? Surely there is something called collective responsibility, which is part and parcel of a democratically elected government? 

All Minister and MPs have to share the blame as it is their duty to get down to the grassroots and tell the people what has been done, as a great deal has indeed been done and remind the people of the misdeeds, corruption, white vans, murders and so on during the tenure of the regime which was ousted in 2015. It is time now for hard work on the part of one and all in the government. The people want more than ever to see the wrongdoers of the last regime punished.This was an election promise that must be fulfilled. Otherwise there is no hope even of a distant dawn!

The SLFP with 2 parties got only 13% of the vote while the UNP on its own got 32% while other Ranil bashing groups got 0.1%!  

Pomp and glory are not new to Ranil Wickremesinghe, he did not get these things through politics or power. He was born with a silver spoon and has had them all his life. He has been brought up on the solid virtues of self restraint and obedience. He has more experience in governance and in the school of life than any other politician. His ancestors have contributed more to the nation and to Buddhism than that of any other politician. In thought, word and deed, his vision is for the future generations and not only geared to the next election. This is what makes him different as he is a statesman of no mean stature and not a mere politician like the majority of his peers. He has stayed loyal to his party through thick and thin, and served all past leaders with loyalty,dedication and commitment to all tasks assigned to him.  

I would like to mention a few sentiments expressed to me after the defeat of the No confidence motion. A young man I know was at a dinner celebration with his family of his birthday which was on that day, when he heard the news. He said ‘This is my best birthday gift. I certainly don’t want my daughter to live in a country ruled by those in the last dictatorial regime.’ At two other events I attended, the majority of ladies present came up to me, knowing well where my loyalties were, they said they were all so happy and had prayed unceasingly for Ranil ever since they heard about the No confidence motion. 

Several other men also expressed the same sentiments including a well known SLFPer, I was surprised to hear that he too shared the same view as the rest of us. In lighter vein, I use a Churchillian phrase ‘a collective abomination’ to describe the Ranil-bashers. I have noticed that besides their hatred of him, another common feature they share is that none of them are oil paintings. Perhaps therein lies the birth of the green eyed monster from where their hatred stems!