Daily Mirror - Print Edition

A short life on the ‘cocaine throne’

21 Feb 2019 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

The arrest of Makandure Madush and the revelation of several politicians consuming narcotics underscores the fact that the drug trade in Sri Lanka has deep roots and can’t be eradicated that easily. No doubt a big fish in the drug industry was caught in Dubai and this news would be music to the ears of Sri Lankan President himself who has vouched to reinforce the death penalty on those trafficking in drugs. But Minister Ranjan Ramanayake stating that he has information of 24 ministers and parliamentarians who consume narcotics leaves room for us to think that there is support for drug traffickers like Madush within Parliament. 

  • Madush has also offered help to people to recruit their children to leading schools in the island
  • On February 4 Madush probably put his guard down
  • It demands great effort, manpower and discipline by politicians to wipe out drugs from this country
  • Maybe the great meditation masters too kicked the drug habit before they found something natural and permanent

Records reveal that Madush who was out on bail in 2015 had worked hard in propaganda work for several politicians during the 2015 General Elections. It was after this election that he had gone abroad. According to what we read in leading newspapers, Dubai has served as a get away joint for most notorious drug traffickers. It’s said that Madush had operated a garage there, but on the sly had continued with the drug business from overseas. 

The arrest of Madush and the war against drugs intensifying in Sri Lanka puts President Sirisena, STF Chief Latheef and much talked about Police Narcotics Bureau official IP Neomal Rangajeewa under real threat

Whatever critics say narcotics offer people a quick way to mint money. If you expand your network in terms of connections and survive the competition among drug lords, there is money for jam. 

Those who deal with drugs lead extraordinary lives. Extraordinary  Madush might have been, but he also seems to be someone with a complex personality. There are stories of him being generous to even police officers who were in need and even donated a building in the south to build a temple. There are stories of him having the practice of taking to meditation while in detention at the Terrorist Investigation Unit. He has also offered help to people to recruit their children to leading schools in the island. 

But the other side of his dual personality made him have animal instincts. There are reports of him ordering the killing of key individuals. Madush had amassed much wealth from dealing in heroin and cocaine. But his dream was to emerge as a ‘God Father’ which he eventually achieved. 

The drug industry is similar to a pack of hungry wolves. The leading wolf on the top of the hill must be eternally vigilant of the other hungry wolves climbing the hill and wanting the food in its possession. 

On February 4 Madush probably put his guard down. There had been a party at a Dubai six star hotel to celebrate the first year birthday of Madush’s first child. But his intelligence service failed to detect the massive plot that was being hatched to finish him off. 

Reports from Dubai state that his guards had scrutinised the hotel room before Madush made a late entrance to the party.

It’s also said that another reason behind throwing the party was to mark the retirement of STF Commandant M.R Latheef; who later received an extension of service for one year. The STF’s top rated official is said to have been involved in masterminding many raids to nab drug traffickers. But the Police raid in Dubai was swift and Madush along with several guests at the party were arrested. Subsequent blood tests proved that a good number of those arrested had traces of substance use. 

This is the ‘law’ in the drug trade. One is king for a short time before a smarter one bumps you off and sits on the ‘cocaine throne’. 

However Madush’s arrest puts Sri Lanka on the world map of narcotics as a drug hub. It’s reported that heroin, cocaine and Kerala ganja being trafficked from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and India fetch a very high price in Sri Lanka. What control of drugs can we expect in Sri Lanka when it is alleged that there are lawmakers who consume narcotics before attending parliament sessions. There is also evidence that substance abuse is a habit among some sections of the Buddhist and Muslim clergy of this county. This fact was revealed to the media by minister Ramanayake. 

It’s reported that heroin, cocaine and Kerala ganja being trafficked from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and India fetch a very high price in Sri Lanka. What control of drugs can we expect in Sri Lanka when it is alleged that there are lawmakers who consume narcotics 

The arrest of Madush and the war against drugs intensifying in Sri Lanka puts President Sirisena, STF Chief Latheef and much talked about Police Narcotics Bureau official IP Neomal Rangajeewa under real threat. Some say that the drug industry in the country is so strong and deep-rooted that it has the potential to topple a regime. President Sirisena has warned that the Welikada Prison- the place where those trafficking in drugs land themselves in when caught- is the centre of the narcotics trade. 

It demands great effort, manpower and discipline by politicians to wipe out drugs from this country. 

If Madush could engage in meditation when in custody at the Terrorist Investigation Unit, it leaves us room to think that one doesn’t need substance to bring one’s mind into total focus or in other words to ‘feel high’. May be the great meditation masters too kicked the drug habit before they found something natural and permanent in terms of tuning their minds inwards. It seems this is the time to seriously reflect on the use of drugs and find an alternative to substance use.