Daily Mirror - Print Edition

“Blind Spots”, Black Holes and ‘Olympics’ in the Vaccine Roll Out

09 Aug 2021 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



The continued mismanagement and mishandling of vital issues by the government is causing chaos and disorder. The contradictory announcements, imposing unrealistic rules and regulations and reversing them overnight is adding to the instability and confusion. 

However, the silver line is the excellent manner the vaccination drive progresses spearheaded by the military and to a lesser degree by the state health sector. WHO Director General Adnom Ghebreyesus has commended the management of the vaccination of over three million persons up to end of last month. He also thanked the Government for their efforts, and continued alertness on proven public health and other measures to suppress the spread.

In the midst of such an efficient and pragmatic programme launched, I am perplexed to understand the philosophy of an SLFP stalwart [this particular gentleman belongs to the rare breed of politicians with unquestionable integrity] who saw “Blind Spots” in the 24-hour operation carried out at several centres in the city. An article by him appeared on Tuesday’s DM describing the effort as,
 “The euphoria that followed the sudden announcement that a 24-hour vaccination centre has been set up in the Vihara Maha Devi Park for Astra Zeneca booster vaccine…., from a distance it may appear to be the most pragmatic decision taken….. This is of course if you prefer not to see the blind spots.” He continues, “We are not in competition with any country to set records … We are not in Covid Olympics. We are not going to get medals for rolling out the vaccines fast.” 

Talking of ‘Blind Spots’, one is reminded of the French naval officer Pedro Dascon’s romantic catastrophe. As the Kandyan folk tale goes, Daskon, appointed chief minister by King Narendrasingha of Senkadagala, was in an eternal sanctuary of ‘blind’ love with beautiful Premilla Devi, the King’s chief concubine and favourite.  Dascon who had free access to the inner chambers of the palace had spotted a [‘Blind’Spot?] birth mark while zeroing in on the erogenous zones in the queen’s anatomy. He could not guard his tongue when he disclosed the top secret only he and His Majesty were privy to, to the queen’s sculptor leading to his tragic end in 1707!

He continues the well written piece, “Continuous failure to see things from the people’s perspective could certainly lead to the downfall of an administration” quoting how ‘late Lalith Athulathmudali, who as the Minister for Agriculture  consulted  the farmer organisations  prior to making decisions with regards to  issues on Agriculture’.  Athulathmudali, the Oxonian and visionary leader introduced the Mahapola scheme, a precious dole that benefits hundreds of thousands of poor undergrads in meeting their basic needs. 

However, he failed miserably as Minister-Security in consulting experts on a highly sensitive diplomatic issue in 1987. He specifically kept Premadasa and Gamini in the dark [perhaps with the idea of winning presidential stakes a year later], when he ordered Navy to block an unarmed Indian flotilla of food-aid for Jaffna on June 2, 1987, with an undignified and unwarranted remark, ‘go and distribute it among the starving Indians.’ [In a publicity stunt, the drama was played live over electronic media] Indians returned after a tense four-hour verbal confrontation. 

 Athulathmudali’s intellect, [or was it combined JR-Lalith’s?] failed to read the hidden motive behind Gandhi’s arms-twisting move. The chasing away of the flotilla was considered the greatest triumph against the giant neighbour. There were calls by supporters for Jubilation and ‘Victory’ celebrations. Constant craving and irritation with one another among senior cabinet colleagues made him to mistakenly conclude India was going to take it lying down.
Within 46 hours, India informed our High Commissioner of their plans to violate our air space and any aggression would lead to five Mirage fighter jets that escorted to retaliate.  Unconfirmed reports said JR and Lalith unsuccessfully attempted to convince Air Force Commander, who possessed a few old anti-aircraft guns dating from WW II, to respond. The fighter planes were armed with 2× 30 mm DEFA 554 revolver cannon with 125 rounds each and two Matra II AAMs. In a mission named ‘Operation Poomalai, the Russian built Antanov cargo aircraft dropped 23 tons of food in Jaffna; the worst ever foreign assault since the 1942 Easter Sunday Japanese air raid which was successfully thwarted then.  Slightest provocation would have steered the Mirage Jets fly towards the Capital? It was intended to be a message forcing JR to sign an accord [drafted unilaterally in Delhi, with one or two amendment agreed] with Gandhi or face likely military intervention. Remember, the ‘Operation Eagle’ 1971, how East Pakistan became Bangladesh!

The boss sidelined Lalith and got Gamini and Hamid to meet the Indians in the next move forcing disgruntled Minister Athulathmudali along with PM Premadasa to openly declare very strong and vehement opposition to the accord that was signed 55 days later on July 29, 1987, indirectly inciting their supporters to join the JVP/DJV rioters in violating curfew and take to streets in thousands for the government to open fire and kill some 140 within morning hours.   The repercussions of these colossal blunders are continuing to haunt the sovereignty of this land with the forced down Peace Accord and13A. 

The epidemic has caused a devastating blow to the nation as well to the whole world. The poor teachers and Principals who are parading the streets agitating for a well-deserved salary hike have fallen into the ‘Blind spots’ of the politico-backed trade unionists and a cash-strapped government.

 The  SLFP that ruled the nation for almost half of its independent years, has been relegated to history’s dustbin by its present leader, aided and abetted by the astute Rajapakses who achieved their twin objective with one stone; destabilization of Yahapalanaya and the gradual destruction of Bandaranaike’s dream by handing over the party leadership on a platter. There is only one option available for them; leave the government, rather than losing the remaining 1.5% [what they gained at 2020 election going alone in Kalutara and N/E], and approach SJB for a few, may be 3 or 4 seats at the next parliamentary election, or if there’s going to be a change in the SJB leadership, [a very likely scenario with the maneuverings of ‘43 Brigade’] the possibility of their survival is greater. SLPP is no longer interested in the 15 seats, unless they have an idea of introducing a 21A for further undemocratic
power consolidation.  

Sir John Kotalawala, third head of state and Prime Minister, who on retirement talking to late Stanley Jayaweera, the Administrator and Diplomat in his Kent farm in 1970s said, “All this talk about principles and ideology in politics is a lot of balderdash, Self interest and Opportunism are the guiding rules of political power!” Late President JR lamented, “Politics is nothing but sanctimonious humbuggery.” 

Major hospitals have declared an emergency due to overflowing of COVID infected patients, the daily death toll exceeded 100. All credit to vaccination drive. They must ignore the duplicity of those who see ‘Blind Spots’ but beat Marcel Jacobs, the world’s fastest man, and go for an Olympic Gold by speeding up the roll out!

[email protected]