Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Brawl in parliament; Lawmakers turned lawbreakers

22 Nov 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

As a mother and grandmother, I wholeheartedly condemn the behaviour of the parliamentarians responsible for the thuggery witnessed in Parliament recently. I am at the end of my life, but I shudder in dread for my children and grandchildren if this is how the representatives of the people behave. This was undoubtedly the very worst example of unruly conduct, in the annals of our parliamentary history. Those who threw books across the floor, chilly water and broke chairs were the worst offenders. This is government property, was this the right way to behave, but quite obviously those who behaved as they did not know or choose to know the difference between right and wrong. It is useless for them to deny their involvement as it has all been recorded on camera, which has done the rounds to make all citizens aware of how these MP’s behave. I hope those who voted for them see this and never vote for them ever again.

  • Shocked to see some Christian MPs involved in this kind of violent uncontrollable behaviour
  • Those who misbehaved could not identify what was right and what was wrong
  • Ranil Wickremesinghe, perhaps the only gentleman left among Leaders who remains calm and controlled through any crisis
  • It is the democracy that is at stake during the present crisis, caused by a constitutional coup

To throw a Bible is sacrilege, this has been denied by some, but if it was any book at all it is an insult, as one is throwing away knowledge, which to us who value the knowledge we have gained from reading is an unforgivable offence. As a Christian, brought up on Christian values and principles, I was shocked to see some Christian MPs involved in this kind of violent uncontrollable behaviour. As one who was married to a Buddhist, I had learned from him of the compassion, tolerance and respect one must have for others, particularly for older people.

It is useless for them to deny their involvement as it has all been recorded on camera, which has done the rounds to make all citizens aware of how these MP’s behave. I hope those who voted for them see this and never vote for them ever again


How could they possibly treat Speaker Karu Jayasuriya as they did? Didn’t their parents and teachers bring them up to have respect for older people? For those MP’s who try to deny that it wasn’t chilly powder. I would say this, they have absolutely no credibility as they are known to be economical with the truth and known for their slander. This MP insulted the former President Chandrika Kumaratunge in the worst possible foul language during the last Presidential campaign. This kind of language should not be used against any woman, let alone a former President under whom he once served.

No woman should ever vote for him. I fail to comprehend how and why he was ever made a Minister after the Presidential election after losing his seat. He has no right to be there at all. Furthermore it was wrong to throw anything at all. Another senior politician Gamini Jayewickreme Perera was also attacked. What would have happened if either of the two victims or both of them had heart attacks as a result?. Is this the smiling, compassionate Sri Lanka that we have been famed as and got back due to the efforts of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe after losing this and the friendship of all democracies in the world due to the atrocities of the former regime?.

To throw a Bible is sacrilege, this has been denied by some, but if it was any book at all it is an insult, as one is throwing away knowledge, which to us who value the knowledge we have gained from reading is an unforgivable offence

I am proud of the UNF MP’s as a group, the TNA and the JVP who respected the dignity of this most august assembly, the Parliament of Sri Lanka by remaining calm and controlled in spite of the provocation. I am aware that Ranil Wickremesinghe spoke to UNP MP’s the night before and asked them not to get provoked, I’m sure the TNA and JVP leaders did this too. But I was certainly surprised to see MR, who is supposed to be a strong leader watching in silence with his son and heir by his side, making absolutely no attempt to stop the unruly, disgusting behaviour of his MP’s. Don’t they realize what they have done to the country, hotels have had cancellations, soon after we were called the top destination by Lonely Planet, GSP withdrawn, some countries have stopped aid, and our country has become a pariah state once again. 

We live today in a world which is global. A country like ours depends on foreign aid,we cannot exist on our own. One has to respect the norms of democracy and freedom which we all fought hard for and won against heavy odds in 2015. Gone are the days when the House of Parliament had gentlemen as politicians, whichever side of the political divide that they represented. Arguments there must have been and were, but they were all conducted in a gentlemanly fashion , not with the use of violence, disrespect and the use of brawn against brains. I was not surprised to be shown the exam results of some of the worst offenders. They had failed in all subjects at the O/Levels. The UNP on the contrary, has a majority of well educated, qualified MP’s who believe in the use of words, rather than fisticuffs to prove their point. 

A country like ours depends on foreign aid,we cannot exist on our own. One has to respect the norms of democracy and freedom which we all fought hard for and won against heavy odds in 2015

For this we have to thank the leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe, perhaps the only gentleman left among Leaders who remains calm and controlled through any crisis, and believes firmly as he has done throughout his political life in freedom and democracy and the rule of law. It will be the sad end of an era when he retires. It was I think the late President Jayewardene who once stated that whether it is cricket, politics or any game at all, one must abide by rules. It is democracy that is at stake in the present crisis, caused by a constitutional coup and this is what each of us has to fight to protect, for the sake of our country and the future of our youth. We must continue to pray fervently through night and day, as it is only God who can save us from this man created disaster. We certainly need a miracle which only God can give us.