Daily Mirror - Print Edition


07 Jan 2019 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Mahinda’s appointment as PM 



The latter part of the year just past, was certainly an annus horribilis with a threat to democracy, which made civil society rise in protest In  an unprecedented way. The first threat to the Prime Minister came when there were moves  in February, encouraged by the President, first to try to get him to resign, then later several forces combined to bring a vote of no confidence in him in Parliament. This was soundly defeated. 

Ranil’s re-appointment as PM



In the meantime, the President took  several public swipes at the PM breathing fire and fury, again this is simply not done, is inappropriate and probably again done on the wrong advice. One was to say publicly that the UNP was not the party it was in the Senanayake era. Times have changed, as have issues and no party including his own, the SLFP is the same as it was when it was started by the late SWRD Bandaranaike. I’m sure former President Chandrika Kumaranatunga, the daughter of the founder would agree with me. The UNP however hasn’t changed in its ideals, visions or in the fact that it has always stood as its name portrays for every citizen in this country beyond the narrow peripheries of race,  caste or creed. 

Those behind these moves, reportedly two sacked disgruntled UNPers and a media mogul who wants to be a kingmaker, boded their time waiting for an opportune moment to lay their plans in place for their next move which was to get the President to  remove the PM and appoint the former President as PM. He had betrayed the former earlier, by  doing a political high jump after enjoying a meal of hoppers with him,contesting him and  shouting himself hoarse from every conceivable platform to say that he would be killed by them if he lost. 

The nation voted against Mahinda Rajapakse at the Presidential election, so he was betraying the confidence placed in him by the people, in making this unconstitutional move with this coup. Why he listened to people who obviously didn’t care or know anything  about the constitution and where this mistake would land the President, and not take advice from those officially  there to advise him who knew the law of the land, seems to me to be like the ‘Peace of God which passeth all understanding”.



"This is the first time in our country’s history that a judgement like this has been given by a bench of judges who will go down in history as the heroes and saviours of the nation, of democracy and of freedom"

This is the first time in our country’s history that a judgement like this has been given by a bench of judges who will go down in history as the heroes and saviours of the nation, of democracy and of freedom. By their historic judgement, they have planted their footsteps firmly in the sands of time in the annals of our history. We must thank God for men and women such as this, who had the courage and the independence to recognize  and state that what was done, was not in keeping with the constitution by the Head of State. We also have to thank lawyer Esh Kanag Eswaran whose brilliance and eloquence in this cause was unequalled. He too deserves to be known as a hero and a saviour of our time.

The  cunning protagonists behind this moves, politicians and their advisors. underestimated the Prime Minister. He never rants and raves at his foes like they do, but thinks before he talks or acts which is what they fail to do. They thought he would go quietly, because he was famed as a gentleman. They failed to see or sense the hint of steel behind that cool patrician composure. As an unwavering believer to the last word in democracy, freedom , the rule of law and the constitution, he stood firm and refused to budge unless the court  ruled otherwise or he lost the confidence of Parliament. They didn’t bargain for the thousands of UNP supporters  who stood with him, guarding him  through night and day, ready to protect him by sacrificing their lives if the need arose to do so.



  • He was instilled in right principles and values from birth
  • It is vital that the party stands together, leaving personal agendas aside

 I fail to comprehend how MR as a former President, wasn’t aware of the law of the land and constitution and allowed himself to be part of the disgraceful  coup, which put the country into a state of instability, stalling of aid, halt to investment and a tourist  ban, when we had just been named as the top destination for 2019 by Lonely Planet. Even the democracies of the world failed to recognize him as Prime Minister or to congratulate him. Although Ranil Wickremesinghe was born with a silver spoon, he and his siblings were never spoilt by their parents, with luxurious cars, and other such gifts.  The right principles and values were instilled in him from birth onwards which have stood him in good stead throughout his political life. He never came into politics to make money, but to serve the nation. 

I was proud of the UNPers who stood together, and woke up from their slumber to protect democracy. Also the UNF and its leaders. But I am disappointed now that some UNP MP’s are resorting to threats and fighting for Ministries. They must surely understand the situation that ministries are limited and also that the President also has a say in this. It is important that the party stands together, leaving personal agendas aside for the moment. We know what it cost the country in the last few months when a personal vendetta lost us the respect of the world and placed the country in unprecedented difficulties in varied spheres.  



"The right principles and values were instilled in him from birth onwards which have stood him in good stead throughout his political life. He never came into politics to make money, but to serve the nation"

We have a team of excellent young people,in the second line, superior to those of any other party. Our MP’s must display patience and show that they are statesmen and not mere politicians, that they are there to serve the people and not to further their political ambitions. During the  times of the late Dudley Senanayake’s, JR Jayewardene’s and President Premadasa’s leadership, no –one demanded Ministries, you took what you got and had to be content with that. I appeal to our MP’s for the sake  of the country, please don’t try to hold the Leadership and the  party to ransom.With the help of God,  each one will get there at the right time , in the right place if they all pull together,work at the grassroots and make our country great once again.  

‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’—John F. Kennedy