Daily Mirror - Print Edition


10 Jul 2019 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

We are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that our country was attacked and it brought everything and everyone to a screeching halt. Thanks to the efficiency and commitment of our security forces, a sense of normalcy prevails. But there is an underlying unease and an apathetic lethargy that pervades. The need for more comprehensive and stringent operations cannot be overlooked. There seems to be an economic pall over the country, non-stop discounts being offered at retail and wholesale outlets, churches and other places of worship still guarded by the police and Armed Forces which are appreciated wholeheartedly as it is undoubtedly for our safety. 

The enemy is still arrogant and powerful and hard to get at. They possess enormous resources and we cannot even begin to imagine what perils lie in store for us. From all the hostile destructive behaviour happening around the world today, and the practice of unprovoked attacks, violating territorial integrity, the intention is clear that they mean to dominate and no one can tell what new complications can arise. Dealing with a situation of this magnitude if and when it does arise is a question to which there is no answer. The assurance of normalcy is puerile. 

Intriguing situations keep emerging which carry threats to the sovereignty of our country and the political masterminds behind all this intrigue and deceit continue to remain totally oblivious to the impact it will have on the country and its people as a whole

The crux of 21/4 was that there was a complete breakdown of command due to the animosity between the President and Prime Minister and the former leaving the country in the full knowledge of what was going to happen. Intriguing situations keep emerging which carry threats to the sovereignty of our country and the political masterminds behind all this intrigue and deceit continue to remain totally oblivious to the impact it will have on the country and its people as a whole.  

Adding to all this political bewilderment, chaos and confusion, we are faced with the country being mortgaged to interested international powers. ACSA and SOFA, the services agreement with the US and the development agreement to be signed with the Millennium Challenge Corp (MCC) of USA, include conditions which would invariably leave Sri Lanka dancing to the tunes of the US. MCC officials state the loan is purported to continue progress on compact development and that it had established 29 signed compacts with countries around the world. What does all this mean to us? How vulnerable will that leave the sovereignty and national security? Wide open; exposed to harm and danger! 

Conversely, the newspapers claim: “Unparalleled benefits to all from today”; “Biggest pension increase in history”; “2500 salary increase for public servants from July”; “Armed Forces allowances increased after 20 years”; “Relief for bus owners”; “Allowance for differently-abled increased up to Rs.5000”; “Rs.1.5 billion relief package to boost tourism industry”; “Families ignored for over 21 years receive Samurdi.” 


Heading the disruptive allegations are the statements made by the President that 90% of politicians are corrupt and 10% of the public servants; while Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith alleges not one of the 225 Parliamentarians is fit to rule the country and asks them all to go home

According to Ven. Rahula Thera: “Buddhism aims at creating a society where the ruinous’ struggle for power is renounced; where calm and peace prevail away from conquest and defeat; where persecution of the innocent is vehemently denounced; where one who conquers oneself is more respected than those who conquer millions by military and economic warfare; where hatred is conquered by kindness and evil by goodness; where enmity, jealousy, ill-will and greed do not infect men’s minds; where compassion is the driving force of action; where all including the least of living things are treated with fairness, consideration and love; where life in peace and harmony in a world of material contentment is directed towards the highest and noblest aim, the realisation of the ultimate truth, Nirvana.”

In our country where the tenets of Buddhism prevail, why is it impossible for our President to adhere to them? Why make ruinous struggle for power? Why can’t he acknowledge what he had done is wrong by every moral standard, that he is contravening all his promises and the standards that brought him into power and are invariably making him less of a human being? Why are only Hemasiri and Pujith being held responsible? The President and every minister also knew, so why aren’t they taken in? – JUSTICE DEMANDS THAT! AFTER ALL, THOSE WHO CONQUER THEMSELVES ARE MORE RESPECTED THAN THOSE WHO CONQUER MILLIONS BY MILITARY AND ECONOMIC WARFARE! 

Our country is in chaos, total and utter chaos – one minute Pujith and Hemasiri are in jail, the next they are in hospital, then from hospital to jail! Do so-called authorities even know what they are about? Offenders are taken to court, sentenced to prison, appeal and in the flash of an eye, are on bail!

Our country is in chaos, total and utter chaos – one minute Pujith and Hemasiri are in jail, the next they are in hospital, then from hospital to jail! Do so-called authorities even know what they are about? Offenders are taken to court, sentenced to prison, appeal and in the flash of an eye, are on bail! What in the name of all that is holy is happening? It is not just technology that has disrupted our lives; the plethora of happenings is disruptive and destructive! Heading the disruptive allegations are the statements made by the President that 90% of politicians are corrupt and 10% of the public servants; while Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith alleges not one of the 225 Parliamentarians is fit to rule the country and asks them all to go home and Champika Ranawaka comments on ‘brain-drain’ which he feels is due to economic reasons! Notwithstanding all this, the deterioration of the public service is due to it being filled with political appointees who serve only political masters and not the public!

Adding to all this, technology has caused disruption to our lives - When the television came to my house, I forgot how to read books. When the car came to my doorstep, I forgot how to walk. When I got the mobile phone in my hand, I forgot how to write letters. When the computer came to my house, I forgot spellings. When the AC came to my house, I stopped going under the tree for the cool breeze. When I stayed in the city, I forgot the smell of mud. 

By dealing with banks and cards, I forgot the value of money. With the smell of perfume, I forgot the fragrance of fresh flowers. With the coming of fast food, I forgot to cook traditional cuisines. Always running around, I forgot how to stop! So let’s stop right there before we forget how to talk! 

The crux of 21/4 was that there was a complete breakdown of command due to the animosity between the President and PM