Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Churchill & Volunteers Defeated the Only General Strike in the UK

08 May 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

A cunning plan by Winston Churchill and volunteers smartly defeated the first and only General Strike in Britain in May 1926. Churchill was the then Chancellor of the Exchequer in Stanley Baldwin’s Conservative government.

The General Strike which began at midnight on May 3 was launched by TUC [Trades Union Congress], in solidarity with coal miners who downed tools in protest against their wages being reduced by 13 percent and an increase in their shifts by one hour, from seven to eight.The tragic situation arose as a consequence of huge expenditures on war budgets during the First World War resulting in an unprecedented economic collapse; [a situation similar to SL in 2022].UK was the top Allied Power during WWI- [1914–1918]. Miners in Scotland, Wales, and the North of England, went on strike, marching to the slogan: “Not a minute on the day, not a penny off the pay.”

“Not a minute on shift; not a penny off wage” 

1.2 million coal miners were sympathized by some 1.7 million workers in other trades, especially in the heavy and transport industry; they walked out in solidarity with miners. While In London, newspaper printers in Fleet Street refused to print the leading articles disapproving of trade unions; and they were joined by the entire membership of TUC in many essential industries. The result was that an estimated 1.8 million people across Britain stopped working. They included dockers, printers, railwaymen, power station workers, and transport staff. The TUC’s intention was to bring London to a halt and so force the Administration to give in to the striking miners.

Society was behind Churchill, many people were annoyed by the TUC’s unjustifiable action that had taken the entire population hostage. He was well prepared, and recruited tens of thousands of patriotic volunteers who lined up in response to his call, to maintain essential services. 

Volunteers rushed in and sections of the capital’s trains, buses, trams, and delivery vans were kept running by some workers who were not members of the TUC, also helped by university students who volunteered. Violent clashes broke out between strikers and police in some cities across the country and in a few places, police charged rioters with batons.



Society was behind Churchill, many people were annoyed by the TUC’s unjustifiable action that had taken the entire population hostage. He was well prepared, and recruited tens of thousands of patriotic volunteers who lined up in response to his call, to maintain essential services



In a radio broadcast Stanley Baldwin, Conservative Prime Minister made a genuine appeal: “I am a man of peace. I am praying for peace, but will not submit to the protection and the security of the British constitution. Because the printers were on strike most newspapers were not published. Churchill launched a new newspaper, “The British Gazette”, which was printed in Paris and flown to London daily. Its circulation rose from an initial 250,000 to 2,000,000 and the paper proved to be an effective propaganda tool for the state, also ensuring freedom of the press. 

There was little or no violence in London and the TUC after nine days gave up in defeat. On 13thMay, union leaders, knowing that the strike was a flop, called it off – much to the annoyance of miners, who gained nothing in the end.
The government immediately passed a new law that successfully outlawed sympathetic strike action and mass picketing. It was repealed by a Labour Government in 1946 though, the ‘outlawing of sympathetic strikes’ clause was re-introduced by Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, which is still in force.

In Sri Lanka, the Wickremesinghe/Gunawardena government did not give in to the demand for raising the cut off point in PAYE tax calculations for University teachers who finally decided to call off their ‘struggle’; a bouquet for Ranil, who simply reminded the academics about the confiscation of assets of the violators; as a consequence of declaring education an essential service.We appreciate the decision of FUTA though their arrogance had delayed AL results.

University teachers are manipulated by the ultra-left union gangs. Party leaders are pulling the strings behind them. A good majority of Lecturers don’t agree with FUTA decisions; Minister Susil Premajayantha, a mediocre performer has been molly codling FUTA for too long. We need more astute ministers in the calibre of Wijesekara to make those Trade Union trouble-makers in the teaching profession, eat the humble pie. The introduction of some extra rules/laws to combat such Problem-Creators is a must. Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment, Manusha Nanayakkara, has called for proposals from the public for compiling new labour laws. Here is an opportunity to ensure free education is free of politics, rather than the proposed draconian laws [ATA] to curtail Freedom of Speech and Media in place of PTA. 



In Sri Lanka, the Wickremesinghe/Gunawardena government did not give in to the demand for raising the cut off point in PAYE tax calculations for University teachers who finally decided to call off their ‘struggle’; a bouquet for Ranil, who simply reminded the academics about the confiscation of assets of the violators; as a consequence of declaring education an essential service



Addressing a media briefing the teacher TU leaders criticized the President’s decision to attend the coronation of King Charles III, avoiding negotiations with them on the future of AL students. Ranil, the anglophile who declared a holiday in honour of the Queen before flying to London for her funeral, has accepted Buckingham’s invitation to attend Coronation too. Academic extremists understood that they have no leg to stand on and decided to surrender. They ridiculously expected a meeting with the president to pronounce the decision.
Privatize state universities, increase the Mahapola, and bursaries and provide long-term interest-free bank loans and scholarships ONLY to poor deserving students.

For Ranil, the king’s coronation was an important event in his agenda. Does he think SL is a colony of Great Britain? Even the king’s son The Duke of Sussex did not appear in the official coronation portraits as he prioritized a hasty return to his family in California; as a non-working Royal, Harry 38, did not take part in the grand procession and did not appear on the balcony with the royals. Talking to a close friend King Charles quipped prior to the ceremony, “A terrible blow, I just think it’s the most tragic. But the new monarch would have been ‘gladdened’ that our President filled the vacuum. In a survey--58% of Britons voted to continue to have a monarchy—while 27% preferred an elected head of state [with the rest undecided].

However, Ranil Wickremesinghe used the opportunity to attend Commonwealth heads meeting in addition to several sideline meetings with important VVIPs as well. The President will have his own way, regardless of appeals and protests, and demonstrations by TUs and threats of SJB, JVP regarding elections. Unions will give in humbly as he ignores them often. So far he has succeeded. Ranil, a changed politician, knows how to deal courteously, warmly, and effectively with all he meets, from his humblest citizen to the grandest fellow head of state. He has learned about diplomacy, statecraft, and government since he was rejected at the 2020 polls. In short, he has grasped the art of being a leader. However, he is under pressure from Basil’s faction corrupt Pohottu guys who are in a dilemma over the delay in settling the appointments to the Cabinet with many senior SJBers knocking at the government’s door. 

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