Daily Mirror - Print Edition


30 May 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Who bears the burden?

Since our forefathers, the founding fathers of democracy passed on, the country has been gradually reduced to a state of hypocrisy!!! The system of being a democracy favouring social equality has been systematically eroded!!! With the onset of the Eelam War, the system of democracy that we cherished was torn apart!!! With that came a terrible fear psychosis; no one was safe, yet life went on!!! For over three decades, people never knew when they went out in the morning, if they would come back in the evening!!! The danger to life was untenable!!! Regardless of all this, the country continued to be governed!!! Today, all we hear of are shuffles, shuffling and reshuffling; to the extent that one of the Mahanayakes observed that the Ministers do not know what is expected of them because they have hardly begun to deal with one portfolio when a different one is thrust on them!!! Why this uncertainty and inability to give correct guidance so that the country will be governed as it should be??? WHY??? Because the focus is not on governance, but on which country to visit next, which turnaround of portfolios would be personally beneficial and other matters not relevant to governance!!! Price hikes have gone through; petrol, diesel, resulting in bus fare hikes, trishaw meters starting at Rs. 60/- and absolute chaos!!! Who bears the burden of all this??? The common man of course!!!

‘Nato’ - No Action, Talk Only

In addition we now have to contend with STORMS, NOT STORMS IN TEACUPS, BUT REAL STORMS THAT HAVE RESULTED IN FLOODING, LEAVING THOUSANDS HOMELESS!!! LET US HOLD FOR A MINUTE, DIDN’T OUR ERSTWHILE PRESIDENT PROMISE THAT WHEN WE DID NOT HAVE A MONSOON TO COPE WITH, ALL THE RESERVOIRS WOULD BE CLEANED, SO THAT WATER COULD BE STORED!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLEANING OF THE DAMS??? THIS IS A CLASSIC CASE OF ‘NATO’ [NO ACTION, TALK ONLY!!!] Looking at RAMADAN, the Prime Minister said the Muslims were to be given ALL THE DATES [fruits needed for breaking fast] THEY NEEDED!!! PERHAPS THEY WERE ONLY ‘BLIND’ DATES; that is why my Muslim friends tell me that they have neither received nor seen a SINGLE DATE so far!!! In addition, they complain that the ALL IMPORTANT MUSLIM FESTIVAL OF RAMAZAN is overlooked by the Government and they only get holidays for HAJ and Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, but RAMAZAN, WHICH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT IN THE MUSLIM CALENDAR, IS FORGOTTEN!!! They rightly ask what the Muslim Ministers are doing in Parliament, if they do not have the guts to fight for this all important holiday!!!

‘Alladin’ the wonderful human


Conversely, and as opposed to all the inhumanity that we Sri Lankans are exposed to all the days of our lives, there are still some GOOD, DECENT PEOPLE AROUND; like Alladin, the sweep ticket seller from Digana!!! An old lady had won 20 lakhs through her ticket and she very trustingly took her ticket to Alladin!!! When Alladin realized the quantum of money she had won, he very kindly told the Policeman standing by to be good enough to escort the lady to her home, stopped a trishaw and made sure she was safely sent to her home!!! This is something so contrary to what the average Sri Lankan would do. It shocked the old lady out of her wits!!! Most Sri Lankans are only hell bent on stealing and they don’t care from whom!!! But, as I said earlier, there are still SOME GOOD PEOPLE AROUND IN OUR COUNTRY!!! The old lady did not even know how much she had won!!! 

Locating Arjuna Mahendran is like searching MH17!


Sri Lanka has gone through countless changes of Government. However, unlike at the beginning, most of the 21st century Parliamentarians have to account for many murders!!! Not the present regime, but anyone who stood in the way of the previous regime was eliminated!!! The present regime must account for the damage to the economy of the country, particularly by the Central Bank and those that they put in charge!!! Their inability to do anything about the woeful state of the economy is akin to their not being able to find ARJUN MAHENDRAN when he is right under their noses!!! WHAT IS THE TRUTH HERE??? WE HAVE ASKED BEFORE AND WE ASK AGAIN, IS IT THAT THEY CANNOT FIND MAHENDRAN OR DO NOT WANT TO FIND HIM!!! THAT SEEMS CLOSER TO THE TRUTH!!! IS THERE NO PUNISHMENT THAT CAN BE METED OUT TO THIS MAN??? Looking for Arjuna Mahendran is the same as looking for the Malaysian MH17 aircraft that vanished!!! Murders and abductions continue to remain unsolved and the terrible crimes that were committed in the unlawful acquisition of lands and wealth in the previous regime are yet to be resolved!!! The perpetrators have got away and will continue to do so; they are laughing at the absolute incongruity of it all!!! The burning question here is ARE THOSE IN CHARGE NOW INCAPABLE OR, MORE CORRECTLY, ARE THEY AFRAID??? WILL WE EVER KNOW???

More reforms within UNP next week?

We are told that with the prevailing storms, the Diyawanna Oya is going under!!! With the current Members of Parliament that Parliament is housing today, is it any wonder that the House of Parliament is going under!!! They are not men of integrity, honesty or inherent decency!!! Therefore, the structure housing Parliament must collapse with the weight of their perfidy, their treachery even though they are cushioned in the hallowed halls of democracy - Parliament!!! Now we hear that the UNP is going to bring about more reforms next week!!! Are they actually telling us that THEY ARE AWARE THAT THE PARTY NEEDS A COMPLETE OVERHAUL - A TRANSFORMATION??? That the young ones have to shoulder and rectify the glaring mistakes because the present regime does not seem to be able to do anything about it??? There is so much chaos, so much division, so many cut-throat activities that we wonder if the MANEL and OLU FLOWERS will ever bloom in the Diyawanna Oya again!!! Those beautiful flowers may not be able to bloom because they will be throttled and ruined by the treachery of those who inhabit that hallowed place!!! A former sporty one is battling only a 100 million take; while a Kalutara district one claimed a snake bite on the way to Court and ended up in hospital!!! SO MANY TAKERS, MOVERS AND SHAKERS, WITH A YOUNG ONE OF THE FORMER REGIME NONCHALANTLY SHOWING ‘V’ SIGNS EACH TIME HE COMES OUT OF THE FCID!!! ‘I have done no wrong’, is what we are being told!!! Where are we heading??? With SO MANY TAKERS, THERE MAY NOT BE ENOUGH SNAKES AROUND TO CONVENIENTLY BITE THEM ALL!!! We live in a world of declining moral values, but no where are they being tinkered and tampered with to the detriment of society as in this country of ours!!! THE ABSOLUTE HORROR IS THAT WRONGS SEEM TO BE REWARDED!!! Perhaps it would be good if those in power realize that the only time ‘SUCCESS’ comes before ‘WORK’ is in the Dictionary.