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Defeated Trump: the selfish emperor without clothes

21 Nov 2020 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

With the Covid-19 pandemic still raging and the second wave being worse than the first,the United States President Donald Trump is still refusing to concede defeat and is continuing to underplay or undermine the pandemic as he did when it first erupted in January this year. By yesterday more than 250,000 Americans had been killed by the pandemic, more than 11 million afflicted and more than 80 thousand hospitalised in emergency care units with the medical doctors, nurses and other staff doing a brave job and risking their lives but running out of supplies including safety kits due to the lack of funds and financial support from the defeated and desperate President Trump, his cronies, sycophants and stooges including his chief legal adviser Rudi Giuliani. Mr. Giuliani was New York’s mayor when the terrorists attacked the gigantic twin towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Some 3000 American’s were killed in that attack but now defeated President Trump is now being widely accused of being criminally responsible for the killing of more than 250,000 American’s due to his negligence and failure to listen to scientists who had been advising that he should order or recommend that all people should wear face masks, maintain a physical distancing of at least two metres, wash hands with water and soap regularly and use sanitisers to disinfect places where Covid-19 patients are found. In 2001, Mayor Giuliani played an effective role in maintaining calm after the 9/11 attack. The famous “Time Magazine” named him the Man of the Year. Now Mr. Giuliani could be named as the joker of the year because he filed more than ten cases on behalf of the defeated President Trump and almost all the cases have been thrown out by the judges because Mr. Giuliani himself admitted he did not have a shred of evidence to support Mr. Trump’s claim that the Nov.3 Presidential Election was rigged or illegitimate.   

The independent Cable News Network (CNN) on Thursday quoted President-elect Joe Biden as saying Mr. Trump will go down in history as being one of the most irresponsible Presidents of the US. At a news conference after meeting with Republican and Democratic governors - part of Mr. Biden’s effort to work around the Trump administration’s refusal to allow his transition team access to federal agencies, including those co-ordinating the coronavirus response – Mr. Biden lambasted Mr.Trump’s actions, saying that Americans were “witnessing 
incredible irresponsibility.”   

The result, he said, is an “incredibly damaging message being sent to the rest of the world about how democracy functions.” President-elect Biden said, “it is hard to fathom how this man thinks. It’s just outrageous, what he’s doing.”   

His comments came after Mr. Trump’s Republican state lawmakers from Michigan to the White House on Friday, according to a person familiar with the matter, Mr. Trump and his legal team have mounted a multi-state effort to overturn the election’s results in Courts or through key States’ Republican legislatures. Mr. Trump’s lawyer Giuliani and other members of the President’s legal team held a wild news conference on Thursday, making a series of unfounded claims about voter fraud without offering evidence.   

Mr. Biden - a veteran politician who had been in the senate since 1973 and was the Vice President from 2008 to 2016 - said he was moving forward with building his administration, and had chosen a nominee for Treasury Secretary that he intended to announce it just before or after Thanksgiving day next Thursday.   

“You’ll find it is somebody that will be accepted by all elements of the Democratic Party, from the progressive and the moderate coalitions,” Mr. Biden told reporters in his hometown of Delaware.   

President-elect Biden and his Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris—the first woman and the first coloured American woman to be elected to this high office - won by a majority of about eight million votes and also won a clear majority of 306 in the Electoral College of 538. Tragically, though most Christian evangelical groups are supporting Mr. Trump, he is likely to end up in a hell of a mess as the most irresponsible if not criminal President in US history. He is like the emperor without clothes and unfortunately many of the Republican Party’s elected representatives are going along with him. We are waiting to hear the prophetic voice that tells this self-styled emperor that he is without clothes.