Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Despite Covid-19, can Sri Lanka conduct safe elections like South Korea?

20 Apr 2020 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



By D.B.S.Jeyaraj

Sri Lanka’s Election Commission, comprising former Commissioner of Elections Mahinda Deshapriya, retired Legal Draftsman Nalin Abeyesekera PC and Ex-Jaffna University vice-chancellor Dr. Ratnajeevan Hoole , is scheduled to have an important conclave  on Monday, April 20. The three wise men of the election commission will take up for discussion, the crucial question whether elections could be held to Sri Lanka’s parliament while the country is struggling to cope with and contain the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The elections that were due to take place on April 25 were postponed indefinitely due to the prevailing COVID-19 threat by the Election commission on March 19. No new election date was given because of the prevailing pandemic.  Earlier the new Parliament was to meet on May 14.  Since Parliament was dissolved on March 2 was required to re-convene within three months on or before June 2, it became necessary for a new date to be fixed in the second half of May. The commission opined that a new date in May was not possible amidst the prevailing health situation and requested President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to refer the matter to the Supreme court.
However, the recent correspondence - publicised in the media - between the Election commission and the secretary to the president Dr.P. B. Jayasundara indicated that the key decision regarding elections would be the election commission’s responsibility. The President would not seek the opinion of courts. It also became clear that he would not rescind the gazette proclamation he made on March 2 and re-convene the dissolved parliament thereby negating the need for new elections. In short, the “holding elections decision” ball was in the election commission’s court.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa

The Govt stance was reiterated firmly by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa. According to a report in an English newspaper, the PM had said it was up to the Elections Commission to decide when to hold the next parliamentary election, and the government only had to implement that decision. “There are some people who want the government to hold the election while others are demanding a further postponement of the polls. We, as a government, are ready to follow the instructions of the Elections Commission (EC). It is the EC which decides when to hold the election, not us. In the meantime, many opine that there is no need for elections at all as the police, security forces and other essential services continue to carry out their services, irrespective of the danger prevailing. But we uphold the democratic values and are for holding elections at the due time. Whenever the Elections Commission decides to hold the election, we will participate in it,” the Premier said.
Premier Mahinda Rajapaksa also issued a press release on April 18 under the heading” Coronavirus pandemic and the postponed Parliamentary election”. In that media communique premier Rajapaksa stated as follows – “On March 2 the President dissolved Parliament and fixed April 25 for the poll and May 14 for the first meeting of the new Parliament. Ten days later, when the first Coronavirus patient was found, the President did not have the power to postpone the poll. Under Section 24(3) of the Parliamentary Elections Act No: 1 of 1981, when the poll cannot be held on the day fixed by the President, the Elections Commission is mandatorily required to fix another day for the poll. 



"There is much speculation among political circles about what the EC decision would be. Although the Govt maintains a outward stance of “non -involvement” in the Election commission’s decision -making process, the political grapevine keeps buzzing with unconfirmed reports of the Govt wanting an early poll notwithstanding the COVID-19 threat"

They have no power to postpone the poll without fixing another date. Such mandatory legal requirements cannot be ignored on the basis of speculation as to what may or may not happen weeks and months into the future. The Elections Commission should first fulfill its duties under Section 24(3) and thereafter take up for discussion any outstanding issues.”
It is against this backdrop therefore that the three-member Election Commission (EC) chaired by Mahinda Deshapriya will be meeting this week to discuss the elections issue. The EC will also engage in consultations afterwards with relevant stake-holders in arriving at a decision. According to a report in this newspaper,  Elections Commissioner N.J. Abeysekara had told the “Daily Mirror” that ‘the Election Commission would consult political parties, doctors, epidemiologists, the armed forces and the Police and all others fighting the war against COVID-19, after April 20 in order to take a decision on conducting Parliamentary elections. 
However, Mr. Abeysekara reiterated that the conduct of the polls entirely depended on the situation of the viral infection in the country. “The Elections Commission has the entire freedom and authority to decide the date of elections after it had been postponed and we couldn’t conduct elections as we planned. Under the prevailing situation, we also cannot decide an exact date. That is why we would meet the experts and consult with them,” Mr. Abeysekara told Daily Mirror.

Speculation about EC decision

There is much speculation among political circles about what the EC decision would be. Although the Govt maintains a outward stance of “non -involvement” in the Election commission’s decision -making process, the political grapevine keeps buzzing with unconfirmed reports of the Govt wanting an early poll notwithstanding the COVID-19 threat. (a Pohottuwa stalwart predicted on condition of anonymity that the EC would announce on April 23 that elections will be on May 28).
It appears that the Govt wants an early election for more reasons than one. Besides it seems to be confident that the Corona threat is prevalent only in a handful of districts. Premier Mahinda Rajapaksa’s April 18 statement illustrates this mindset. The statement says “Things have to come back to normal sooner or later. In eleven of the 25 administrative districts, there have been no coronavirus patients at all. In another seven districts, there have been only one or two patients, and five to seven patients in two more districts. 



"The Elections Commission has the entire freedom and authority to decide the date of elections after it had been postponed and we couldn’t conduct elections as we planned. Under the prevailing situation, we also cannot decide an exact date"

Only five districts have a high incidence of coronavirus patients”. The Prime minister’s statement gives rise to the thought whether the Govt is contemplating the possibility of   staggered polls in certain “safe” districts.
It is in this context that the Election Commission would be arriving at a decision after discussions and consultations with key stake holders. The EC consists of knowledgeable, honourable members who have displayed a commendable sense of independence and dignity so far. Although there have been sharp areas of disagreement on certain matters among the commissioners in the past, the EC has always closed ranks in the final analysis. Apparently, the commission members take an internal vote on areas of disagreement and then abide unanimously by the majority decision. The final decision is always by consensus. Thus, it is to be hoped that the Elections Commission would arrive at a consensual united decision that would focus on the good of the nation at large rather than the interests of a political grouping.

Successful South Korea Elections

Meanwhile, the debate on the issue of conducting elections amidst the COVID-19 pandemic acquired a fresh dimension both nationally and internationally thanks to South Korea. This East Asian nation with a population of 51 million people was severely afflicted with Corona virus disease. Yet it has managed to contain and control its spread to a very great extent. So much so that South Korea has been able to hold successful elections to its 300-member legislature successfully with a 66 % voter turnout on April 15. Incidentally, South Korea boasts of being the fourth largest economy in Asia and the 11th biggest economy in the world South Korea’s accomplishment of conducting elections in a COVID-19 stricken environment demonstrated that polls were indeed feasible in these times of a pandemic if correct measures were adopted. This naturally paved the way for different reactions to emerge in different countries. 
In Sri Lanka, academic-turned politician Prof. Gamini Lakshman (GL) Peiris, who is the SLPP chairman, touched on the South Korean example while speaking to a local newspaper. Here are relevant excerpts from the April 16 news report. “The PAFFREL on April 13 on behalf of a civil society grouping declared that 30 major elections world over were in jeopardy due to rapid spread of COVID-19, but the former top legal academic (GL Peiris) pointed out that South Korea, in spite of being one of the worst affected countries, conducted parliamentary polls for the National Assembly, on April 15”.



"Although there have been sharp areas of disagreement on certain matters among the commissioners in the past, the EC has always closed ranks in the final analysis"

“Prof. Peiris said that he perused a spate of reports pertaining to South Korean elections and it was clear President Moon Jae-in took necessary measures to conduct the poll. In fact, they made special arrangements for coronavirus affected persons, too, to exercise their franchise. He said that South Korea was the first country to hold a country-wide poll amidst the pandemic. South Korea reported over 200 COVID-19 deaths and over 10,500 of its citizens had tested positive. Asked whether the SLPP was trying to justify parliamentary election amidst crisis caused by the highly contagious virus, Prof. Peiris said that he merely pointed out that a nationwide poll was conducted in a country that had been severely affected by the deadly virus. The SLPP Chairman said that obviously the civil society grouping hadn’t been aware of the South Korean election.”

Early election inspired by South Korea?

Former Foreign Affairs Minister GL Peiris’s comments created an impression among many that the SLPP govt, inspired by South Korea, was thinking of an early election amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Two days later former UNP parliamentarian and current Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) Colombo district candidate Dr. Harsha de Silva responded to queries posed by the local newspaper regarding the South Korean election example being applicable to Sri Lanka. Here are the relevant excerpts “Responding to another query, the former non-cabinet minister said that the government seemed in undue haste to prove that the unprecedented health emergency could be tackled soon to enable parliamentary polls. The SJB contestant scoffed at suggestions that Sri Lanka could hold parliamentary elections the way the South Koreans did, amidst health emergency caused by COVID-19.”



"The commission opined that a new date in May was not possible amidst the prevailing health situation"

“The Colombo District candidate emphasised that the South Korean situation couldn’t be compared with that of Sri Lanka. It would be a grave mistake on the decision makers’ part to justify parliamentary elections here on the basis that there were only seven COVID-19 deaths here, compared to over 200 in South Korea. The former UNP lawmaker said that South Korea never locked down. Instead, the administration there carried out a very aggressive PCR testing and quarantine programme. Dr. de Silva pointed out that South Korea conducted some 540,000 PCR tests in a population of 51 million people before last Wednesday’s election and was confident of the ground situation. But, Sri Lanka had conducted very much lesser number of PCR tests on 21.5 million people here and the government was in the dark as regards the actual local situation, he asserted.”
“Having explained how South Korea took tangible measures to ensure the safety and security of voters, as well as the polling staff, the former MP urged the government to examine the two situations carefully without resorting to a disastrous course of action. South Korea polls shouldn’t be under any circumstances a reason to justify parliamentary polls, in Sri Lanka, amidst the continuing spread of COVID-19.”

Drawing a parallel with South Korea

The attempt to promote the case for conducting polls in Sri Lanka in a pandemic situation by drawing a parallel with South Korea, was strongly condemned by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP). Media reports quoted a hard-hitting statement by JVP national organizer Bimal Ratnayake in which the ex-MP asked the Govt. whether Sri Lanka had the resources and capacity to replicate the same steps adopted by South Korea in conducting a safe election. This is what Bimal Ratnayake reportedly said; “The South Korean health authorities have issued a fresh warning that the next two weeks would be crucial after their election on April 15. They spent US$14.3 million for the disinfectants provided at the polling booths alone. In addition, that government provided two sets of hand gloves for each voter. Their authorities took stringent safety measures, disinfecting all 14,000 polling stations, and requiring voters to wear masks, have their temperatures checked, use hand sanitizer and plastic gloves and maintain a safe distance from others. All elections officials, numbering over 26,000, had been provided with sets of complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). For that purpose, the South Korean government spent US$ 4.5 million. Irrespective of all those measures, the health experts have warned that the next two weeks would be very decisive for that country. So those who speak of holding elections, talking of the Korean experience, should take those factors into consideration.”



"The attempt to promote the case for conducting polls in Sri Lanka in a pandemic situation by drawing a parallel with South Korea, was strongly condemned by the JVP"

Speaking further, Ratnayake said; “The government in power is not even capable of distributing the Rs.5,000 allowance, among low income groups hit by the crisis. Grama Niladharis across the country, withdrew from the duty of providing the Rs. 5,000 allowance due to a circular problem. According to their union, the project had been politicized in favour of the ruling party. It is such a government that now talks of holding elections.”

Possibility of Sri Lanka emulating South Korea

These then are the arguments and counter arguments over the possibility of Sri Lanka emulating South Korea and conducting parliamentary elections despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and well-being of the people is of paramount importance. There is no doubt that Sri Lanka has done remarkably well in combatting COVID-19 pandemic so far. However, attempting to hold elections in the current environment is a decision that requires much thought and planning. It cannot be taken by comparing apples and oranges. South Korea is not Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka is not South Korea. The pros and cons of a South Korea - Sri Lanka analogy has to be carefully considered by the people and their Govt before arriving at a crucially 
important decision. 

The author can be reached at  [email protected]