Daily Mirror - Print Edition


08 Aug 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      


Politics of nepotism

In any country, there are party politics but in our country, we also have family politics and countless ministers and ministries, there are Pradeshiya Sabhas, Palath Sabhas and the good lord knows what else, but all these Sabhas are inundated with ministers and ministries!!! What they are actually doing to warrant the prestige of minister, no one knows!!!   

Into this political arena comes the ‘families,’ the secretarial wives and daughters, the brothers and sisters, who are supposedly the office managers and in some cases, even the peons!!! Not forgetting the uncles and aunts!!! They are prepared to take whatever position is given regardless of what the job title is; the pay packet at the end of the month is all that matters!!! WHO PAYS ALL THESE SALARIES??? YOU AND I, SO ARE WE NOT ENTITLED TO ASK WHAT THEY DO??? MORE THAN THAT, WHAT DOES THIS CONGLOMERATION OF SABHAS DO??? AS IT IS, WE HAVE COUNTLESS MINISTRIES, PERHAPS THE BIGGEST PARLIAMENT IN THE WORLD!!! SO WHEN ALL THESE MINISTRIES ARE DUPLICATED OR TRIPLICATED, WHAT HAPPENS??? MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHY ARE THEY NECESSARY???



Local architects overlooked 

We read in newspapers that Haycarb bagged the US$56 million Mega Sewerage Project in the Maldives; while congratulations are due to Haycarb on this achievement, we are constrained to ask why our local architectural and building companies are overlooked when it comes to building high-rises in our country??? Sewerage is entirely different to construction but why is it that when construction is necessary, our people always look to the Japanese and the Chinese to do the work??? Are they saying outright that local contractors are not good enough for them and that the Japanese and the Chinese are superior??? ISN’T IT TIME WE STARTED APPRECIATING OUR OWN PEOPLE??? DELEGATING JOBS LOCALLY??? 



Illegal acts with legal cover

JALIYA’S ARREST WARRANT EXTENDED, WHY DIDN’T WE ALLOW MR TO BRING HIM BACK ANYWAY??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHERS, MAHENDRAN AND THE OTHER BUNCH OF CRIMINALS WHO HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO SLIP AWAY??? NOW DHAMMALOKA THERA HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO PROCEED TO LONDON, SO MANY OTHERS WERE ALLOWED BEFORE HIM BUT WHO KEEPS A COUNT OF THESE PEOPLE AND CHECKS IF THEY HAVE RETURNED ON TIME??? They are allowed to proceed and then they disappear, that is the bottom line here!!! So many were allowed before but no one knows if they have returned or not!!! WHO CARES ANYWAY??? Our President said categorically that DRUG TRAFFICKERS WOULD GET THE DEATH SENTENCE, AND NOW WE SEE ONE OF THE BIGGEST TRAFFICKING IN HEROIN GETTING LIFE IMPRISONMENT??? Do these people even know the difference between WHAT THEY SAY AND WHAT THEY DO??? Three hearty cheers to the old lady L.B. Karunawathi who has volunteered to take up the position of executioner!!! She very correctly asks “WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO GANG RAPED VIDIYA??? What happened to the other victim SEYA SADEWMI???” Very pertinent questions indeed, which this column has asked many times but got no answers!!! People are allowed to commit all kinds of heinous atrocities and are then protected under the cover of Buddhism (with no offence meant to Buddhism)??? REINSTATING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS THE ONLY CURE FOR THIS COUNTRY!!! WHEN DEFENCE COUNSEL HAVE ASKED FOR FAVOURS, WHERE IS JUSTICE IN THIS COUNTRY???



Ailing patients vs. protesting doctors

Looking back, human life seems to be the cheapest commodity still!!! People don’t think twice, or one could say, don’t think at all before they take a life!!! The number of murders one reads about is horrendous and even more horrifying is the cold-blooded manner in which they are carried out!!! When we look at human life, we are instantly reminded of another injustice against human life and that is the action of our doctors who are supposed to be the guardians, the protectors of human life!!! We see the SLMC Chairman resigning while the GMOA goes ahead with its strike!!! On the one hand, it is heartening to note that the GMOA has resorted to this issue and I quote from the SLMC Chairman: “The SLMC is a statutory body established for the purpose of protecting healthcare seekers by ensuring the maintenance of academic and professional standards by health professionals. However, there are critical issues in the archaic Medical Ordinance. I cannot continue my duties without correcting them.” While we applaud the SLMC and the GMOA for the stand they have taken for the benefit of patients (as they proclaim); we are constrained to ask, WHO DO THE PATIENTS GO TO IN THE EVENT OF A STRIKE AND THIS HAS NOT BEEN THEIR FIRST??? 



Vanguards of health

These vanguards of our health, who claim they are striking because of us, need to take a closer look at themselves!!! We, the general public, pay colossal amounts as consultation fees just to see them, having done so and even being given a number, we patiently wait and I mean PATIENTLY WAIT for our number to be called, but that depends entirely on whether the PROFESSOR, DOCTOR OR SURGEON in question has deigned to make his or her appearance!!! You are asked to come at 5.00 p.m., but if you are lucky, he or she might show up at 7.00 p.m.!!! Most often to the horror of all concerned, an announcement is made over the public address system saying THE PROFESSOR, DOCTOR OR SURGEON YOU ARE WAITING FOR IS NOT COMING THAT DAY!!! SO, WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO EXCEPT TO GET ANOTHER APPOINTMENT TO SEE HIM OR HER??? BE THAT AS IT MAY, WHEN YOU ARE ASKED TO BRING THE TEST REPORTS TO SEE THE DOCTOR YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN, YOU ARE TOLD THAT HE OR SHE HAS 40 OR MORE PATIENTS AND IF YOU COULD MAKE ANOTHER APPOINTMENT!!! THIS MEANS YOU PAY ANOTHER CONSULTATION FEE TO SHOW YOUR TEST REPORTS!!! VERY COSY, COMFORTABLE AND ADVANTAGEOUS, DON’T YOU THINK??? 



Pay hike 

Now they want their salaries increased. Apparently, what they are getting isn’t enough it seems!!! Poor guys, they have to walk to Parliament, their lifestyle is in jeopardy, their children are impoverished and it is just not possible to keep up the posh lifestyle they are used to!!! So, what do we BEGGARS DO??? WE JUST HAVE TO GIVE THEM THE INCREMENTS THEY ARE DEMANDING IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY, ISN’T IT??? AFTER ALL, THEY CAN ONLY ASK, THEY CANNOT GO ON STRIKE LIKE ALL OTHER ILLUSTRIOUS PEOPLE, NOT EVEN FOR 24 HOURS!!!