Daily Mirror - Print Edition

If leaders genuinely care for the nation

04 Dec 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      


Who can legally accept the Speaker’s ruling? (Photo AFP)



  • The Chief Justice reached this place of eminence with his judicial experience in the minor judiciary-is an ornament for career judges who-take to long to reach high office



See. ...see..do you see.. a glint of light with a silver lining amidst the dark clouds that overhang the public domain ? I do. Peer degrees penetratively to see the glimmer of hope during these hopeless days; when ‘hope’ itself has flown away.   

While those wretched parliamentarians talk of sovereignty, picked in the chambers of ‘dodgy lawyers’ they consulted to find a comfort zone to laze in the sun for just a few more days, ( legal giants of the past- H.L de Silva, E.D Wickremanayake S.L.Gunasekera would think of the black-coated minions of today?) Fortunately the President’s orders were struck down by an interim judicial pronouncement that made judges heroes of the last resort (possessing a judicial outfit that we can be proud of after carrying whims of the executive for too long) restored a semblance of confidence. Knowing those worthy robed judges from a distance, the final order, maybe with an enlarged bench - will first extend the stay order until the court gives its final order. Sure will bring sunshine, in these days of gloom and doom, overcoming the present impasse. Is the judiciary the last saviors to guide us on to a proper path?   

Look to the judiciary with Colombo’s legal fraternity sadly being mere nodding dodos- not advisors - but listeners/followers of their political masters. Chief Justice being newly appointed makes his task more onerous, alongside Priyantha and Prassana Jayewardane restored a fighting spirit that spilled over limits of tolerance in the near past made the three member judicial team rooted firmly in my book of heroes. The Chief Justice reached this place of eminence with his judicial experience in the minor judiciary-is an ornament for career judges who-take to long to reach high office while the former’s CJs husband avoided incarceration by a whisker.   
Rather doubt if she was sitting as the prime judge in court. Any such reduced punishment for the heinous wrongdoing while where do you hear of those great men of the Bar Association who danced a jig and dropped her like a hot potato when she returned home.She got too big for her boots-now deservingly a forgotten character.   
Searching for a light at the end of a long tunnel that appears to be never ending. Justice should not be rushed nor hurried instead be parried to its rightful place. Let me take you to that light we yearn which is within seeing distance.   

Parliamentarians showed their true self at a session where Speaker lost his bearings.   

His credibility, being deemed partisan. Crazy to state, when an ominous decision is awaited, amidst the pandemonium, that he relies on the sound effects rather than on a count made electronically or physically.Who can legally accept the Speakers ruling? Recount is called for, if so. Why does a honest man make such a diabolical ruling in favour of the party that elected him? He is partisan, full stop. A night of many mistakes in surroundings where no heroes emerged where most were dubbed as pulp. 

Genuine parliamentary way of life 

If you truly believe in a genuine parliamentary way of life, rise up and be a man, and vote wisely which is the prime function, to cleanse out the existing crap of parliamentarians-that dance to any tune that suits them at our expense. Who is Wasantha Senanayake hop step and jump specialist-a disgrace to the Senanayake clan - such are the lads today.   

Parliamentary democracy, sick with the sad performance of the men in parliament, it is time to usher a new set of parliamentarians for the better or for worse ridding off the unruly present mob. The assignment is in your hands alone. Would you do it in 2020 or rather live with the motley crowd as at present to represent you? If we look at the past, Sri Lankan voters are often taken for a ride with many promises that materialize little as we have short memories of the past. Most UNP/SLFP supporters vote for the official party nominee and cry what can we do, as we are committed to the party of out forefathers. Suffer in silence if you are stupid for another 5 years from 2020 by failing to cast your vote sensibly   

Now is the time to oust both MR and RW because those two champions watched the carnage in parliament without ordering their disorderly members to behave with decorum.Why don’t you vote to usher in a newer set of parliamentarians of any party of your choice with fresh thinking ? Have you the guts to mark the ballot paper or will you forget the events of last week in parliament when you can vote in 2020 to rid of the rubbish that you have continuously been voted for by you-elected and derided most vocally thereon? The ball is in the court of the voter. Legitimately, unless; parliamentarians give a 2/3 majority - voting sensibly is the need awaiting till 2020 belatedly when the people exercise their right to vote. Please do not be too harsh on Jayampathy as he did as well as he could with his mint size brain; what H.W Jayawardane and Mark Fernando did with ability and ease. What more can you expect from the likes of Jayampathy, a protege of Sarah Siva. Naturally confusion is round the corner. Let me labour no more on a worthless issue. 



Parliamentary democracy, sick with the sad performance of the men in parliament, it is time to usher a new set of parliamentarians for the better or for worse ridding off the unruly present mob

Need to ask MR just a single question, and await an answer. “Why did you scuttle the aspirations of the people by not voting against the 19th and talk big now against the 19th Amendment or tell your blind and sick-minions to vote in haste in favour of such legislation after you knew CJ Siravan failed to provide an answer to counsel Gomin Dayasri and to the issues raised by him in the case of Gomin Dayasri vs Attorney General - the consolidated case on the19th amendment.   

Did you in the opposition seek legal advise before you voted on 19A or can you please tell the public at least what your legal pundits suggested you to do ?   

A counter to MR

Appearing for myself - Here are the synopsis of the written submissions I propose to make orally if required offer any elucidation. I shall express my opinion as a legal watchdog on the constitution and find a practical solution to end the current crisis tell which I shall place before you before court.   

As a counter to MR holding elections at the most favourable time for himself; the good governance kids made it impossible to hold elections at any time; but only after 4 1/2 years time unless 2/3 of the members voted in favour of a resolution to hold elections earlier. Would these worldly parliamentarians that behaved to discredit themselves give away their privileges which are beyond the means of the ordinary people?   

(B ) President Sirisena, a resident from Pollonnaruwa, did well to beat Rajapaksa the resident from Hambantota, but that is history. Things have changed incredibly fast, whereas Sirisena acts according to his fancy in nominating PMs contrary to the Constitution. In most democratic societies impeachment against a President would have been under way for flagrant violation of the constitution, but here he continues to indulge in more mischief making swinging between the UNP and its rivals for his benefit. Both are men with not high as learned and with no inclination to read and learn. Both men react instinctively without any respect for the prime law set out in the constitution. Are we also a nation with a short memory?   

In this sad episode who behaved worst?That is easy! Its Sirisena acting without any respect for the constitution; he did it in his own stupid way to cross bridges for his political wellbeing. Each day he does a thing that attracts material for his impeachment.Yet, the biggest loser is Mahinda as he was the comfortable winner on a popular vote from the electorates. Why did he not bide time and await a comfortable win on a popular vote from any combine of parties? Did Sirisena fix him for all times....No his trusted legal advisor should be pasted,   

People are fed up as they need the economy improved and they well realise that the persons that suffocate Parliament are the losers. Don’t ever be too harsh on a man who wiped out terrorism, but take to the cleaners his advisors and lawyers who make a fool of him, by allowing him to do what he is presently doing!   

Ranil is so unpopular he cannot expect to return as PM and Sirisena realises this fact and takes advantage of it. If Ranil resigns UNP can be revitalized and give a lead to an SLFP and its companion parties to reject Mahinda. That will open the field to a new leader. 

It is in the the interest of Ranil and Mahinda to retire gracefully and become senior statesmen so as to come out and guide the nation from their armchairs. They can give their valued opinions without any political coloration.We still need both in different offices for their experiences in security concerns and handling foreigners reinvestments. Let it be the President or Prime Minister or Chief Justice they are all beneath the law including the Constitution. Once the Constitution is deemed passed by the parliament it becomes the supreme law of the land. None in the opposition voted against it.