Daily Mirror - Print Edition


30 Oct 2019 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Moving from global warming and energy crisis to school crisis, rising prices, mega sales, train crisis, medical, environmental, salaries, the country is riddled in CRISES!!! The world over it is worse, natural and unnatural disasters by the score!!!  Have we ever stopped to ask ourselves what is happening; is the end of the world drawing nigh???  If so, are we prepare d to face the next world and all that it implies???  Are we prepared, not just within ourselves but our children, grandchildren and everyone else who definitely has to face the inevitable???  The stark reality of our world today is that in most countries, people don’t care; there is a tragic lack of discipline, children have no respect for parents, elders are not given the respect they deserve, law and order don’t govern society, anything and I mean anything, whatever your heart desires and which your purse cannot afford can be bought on a ‘BUY NOW, PAY LATER BASIS!!!’  

As we said, you can get anything from a house to a swimming pool, a car to a motorcycle, a cartload of groceries, you can even dine in and pay later, live in the best 5 Star luxury hotels and pay later, buy an air ticket and pay later and who cares if you don’t pay, you’ve already gone where you wanted to anyway!!!  Children don’t ASK, THEY DEMAND!!!  The same is true even with grownups, some adults who are too lazy to work make unconscionable demands on their parents, partners or whoever they can make demands on!!!

As opposed to these suffragettes, there are also decent people in the world, but sadly too few though!!!  People who had nothing, yet rose from the ashes of their lives through sheer grit and determination to become millionaires, multi-millionaires and even billionaires and yet never lost their sense of humanity!!!  The immigrant owner of a restaurant in the States has a mission that will blow you away!!!  Sakina Halal Grill in D.C. looks like a normal high-end restaurant; however, it is more than a place to eat good food – If someone says they need a meal, he will say”O.K” This popular Pakistani restaurant just blocks from the White House feeds the homeless and poor for free every single day, no questions asked, one homeless man has been going there twice a day for four years, the owner knows their orders by heart. “We have so many now that they are like regular guests, so we know them and what they want to eat.  Some have teeth problems, so we give them boneless chicken and tender ones, due to alcohol and drugs, a lot of people have teeth problems.”  Last year they gave away 16,000 free

 meals. “Once upon a time, I was in a similar situation where I didn’t have enough money to eat. You pass by a restaurant but you don’t have money, nobody is going to let you in. “I am trying to worship our Creator through food.”  His paying customers are the reason why he is able to give back.  People have fear that a lot of homeless people have mental issues, they have health issues, they are dirty, and they are not clean.  If you let them come in they will ruin your business. “I tell those people look at my life and look at my restaurant does this look dirty to you?  I want people not to have fear of loving others; caring for others and sharing with them. “It is going to bring joy to your life; when you uplift another human being, it is a beautiful thing.” As someone said “there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of his or her way to make life beautiful for others!!!”

What of Human Life???  Does it not seem like the cheapest commodity on the market today???  Accidents claiming endless lives, People killing each other, Shootings, Murders of the most gruesome kind, irrespective of whether they are family, friends or just other human beings!!!  These horrific incidents are not related to humans alone, even the Elephant population is being decimated and cruelly so!!!  What is the reason, the necessity to resort to this wanton destruction whether it is human or animal???

Apart from the very act of actually taking lives, there are other cruel and needless horrors being perpetrated!!!  There are desperately poor kids who love to come to school and cannot do so for numerous reasons!!!  Some of them do not even have a road to walk on or travel on, some have no food to bring to school, others no uniforms, some even without the necessary books!!! All these extremely dire circumstances need to be addressed forthwith!!!  Some time ago, kids were going to be given free TABS; why could they have not assessed what they really needed in each school district and ensured that they got it??? That would have been so much more meaningful than donating TABS!!!  

Looking at the Government Hospitals, we see another horrifyingly inhuman set up, ruled more often than not by the attendants who, in some hospitals, even insist on being called Miss like the Nurses and God help you if you don’t!!!  The attention to patients in most of these hospitals is barbaric where in some cases saline drips are left in long after they are finished and the patient starts to bleed but NOTHING IS DONE ABOUT IT – NOTHING!!!  The language and the attitude used on patients are BRUTAL, BUT, IF YOU HAVE GREASED THEIR FILTHY PALM THEIR ATTITUDE CHANGES IN SECONDS!!!  Their mouths are constantly stuffed with food, which they get or more often than not, STEAL FROM THE PATIENTS!!!

Whoever the Party, there are pressing issues that need to be addressed:

  • Affordable schools for our children, with uniforms and a mid-day meal or even a cup of milk particularly for students in the poor schools.
  • Have a non identifiable person patrol the Hospitals to check on what is happening and restore some sense of normalcy and humaneness for the sake of the poor patients.
  • Have someone keep a tab on the availability of medicines at the Government Hospitals and ensure they are not sold outside at ridiculous prices thereby depriving the poor patients of what is rightfully theirs.
  • Have Women’s Groups visit the Hospitals, Mental Institutions and also the Prisons, not forgetting Children’s Homes, especially where kids are given for adoption and they should all report back to someone in Authority.
  • Make fertilizer and other amenities available to the poor farmers and ensure the vegetable cultivators get decent prices for their crops.
  • Drastically punish all those dealing, selling or procuring drugs, particularly in schools.
  • Set up facilities and livable pensions for the ever increasing elderly population.