Daily Mirror - Print Edition


17 Apr 2019 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Our country is once again poised on the brink of political anarchy, the Foreign Minister himself has been sent to negotiate bringing the biggest Drug King Pin back to the country!!! Could not the law, the international laws have been applied here to bring this scum back??? We have no basic infrastructure facilities; people are suffering without water and lights!!! Our country is in shambles, the various political parties are divided amongst themselves!!! At one time they are riding each other’s back; the next they are tearing each other to bits, vilifying their own compatriots, there doesn’t seem to be any meaning to the madness that is going on!!! 

President vows death penalty for drug offence

One could honestly say the country was steeped in narcotics, drugs and heroin, until the President mercifully stepped in and called a halt!!! Was the lesson not embedded in the application of reform and the removal of destroying forces and practices; the abjuration of all forms of drug associated terror??? The swearing of the Oath was a foretaste of what is to come!!! No one dared to go against the Drug Barons who conveniently continued to set the stage for disaster and then sat back to reap their ill-gotten gains; whilst poor mortals who do not know better languished in the misbegotten euphoria of drugs!!! One man dared to step in, dared to bring it all out in the open, to condemn, to act and to set the whole conscience of the country against Drugs; the President!!! He didn’t stop there though; he imposed the Death Penalty for future offenders; sought to make everyone culpable not only in use but also in the knowledge of WHEN, WHERE AND WHO IS USING!!! 

Value of democracy

After all that the country has been through, the desecration of Parliament and other lip service to democracy, we need to believe that the President, acting the way he did without fear or favour, is in some manner giving us the key to better understand and value democracy, to equip ourselves with the knowledge of how important and urgent it is in the abyssmal political arena of today!!! 

Truth cruelly assassinated in politics! 

In a leading newspaper, Rev. Fr. Augustine Fernando has said “Truth Casually Assassinated in Politics” the Truth is not Casually but Cruelly Assassinated dear Father!!! Father is very correct though when he says and I quote: “The Political Stability and Economic Progress that Contribute to the Pursuit of Peace, Happiness of the People and Freedom from Undue Worry can never be Divorced from Truth. When Truth is Compromised and even Assassinated and seen to be so, Space is created for Misinformation, Fake News and Naked Lies to rise and prevail leading to Social Disorder, Lawlessness and Fratricidal conflicts. Sri Lanka needs to discard and dump in a Limbo the noted Corrupt Political and Administrative Figures. The Citizens should take the Initiative to summon a new generation of Honest Persons, Genuine Patriots into Politics and Public Service”!!! 

This is exactly what should happen, a new generation of honest politicians is the crying need of the hour!!! The person who stands out in my mind is Ranjan Ramanayake!!! That is the calibre of politicians we need today, but it does not end there!!! We have Ruwan Wijewardene, Sajith Premadasa, Navin and Mayantha Dissanayake, Eran Wickramaratne, Harsha de Silva, Patali Champika, Akila Viraj and others who could quite capably form a government and carry this country to great heights!!! The unassailable problem is that the Old Guard, the politicians who have served and done their time are not willing to step down and let the young ones take over!!! How can they then, in all conscientiousness, claim to have the good of the country at heart when they put up this obstacle of unwillingness to let true democracy prevail??? We should adopt some stringent rules about the ages of all politicians; if government servants and private sector employees have to resign at 55, why not the politicians??? There should be a retiring age stipulated, but more than that, their conscience, their self-respect, if they have any, should tell them it is time to go!!! What are they hanging on for; the good of the country, most certainly not, but for their personal gain; it is so hard to let go!!! Greed, avarice and the unshakable desire to grasp more and more, no way to let go, oh no!!! In their arrogance, the politicians of our country must realize that the people of this country are sufficiently imbued with the ability to acknowledge and abundantly demonstrate misrepresentations.

Grade 5 scholarship: Heartening or disheartening?

Grade 5 Examination causing much controversy by not making it compulsory giving rise to much dissension!!! Most of the students in rural areas find it disheartening as it was their only means of securing a scholarship!!! However, there seems to be a lot of dissension in this area and apart from rural students finding it not encouraging, the examination itself has become aloof to its main objectives and exerted unbearable pressure on students, claims Education Minister, Akila Viraj!!! Not making the examination mandatory seems to have left a number of question marks in people’s minds!!! What is the actual issue here??? 


Politicians must be impartial

At the opening of a Children’s and Women’s Clinic, Hirunika Premachandra has said that politicians should set aside their differences in the political arena and join hands to serve the people!!! She said that though only Rs. 5 million was originally allocated to this project, it cost Rs. 7 million and the balance Rs. 2 million was provided by the Mayor of Dehiwela-Mt. Lavinia even though he represented the SLPP!!! She emphasized that this was the kind of service all people’s representatives should provide to make Sri Lanka a better place to live in, especially by setting aside their political differences!!! Our country would be a real paradise to live in if ALL OUR POLITICIANS THOUGHT LIKE THAT!!!


All eyes are on the ‘eventual outcome’ of deported drug-lords

The Dubai Drug Bust seems to be making headway!!! A news report said two more suspects arrested in Dubai with underworld drug kingpin “Makandure Madush” had been deported today (April 8). The duo arrived in the island at around 5.10 am this morning. The police media spokesperson SP Ruwan Gunasekara noted that the suspects were being detained by the CID since their arrival. 15 suspects who were arrested in Dubai with Madush had been extradited as of now. Apprehending and speedily sending the suspects to Colombo seems to be happening without any serious glitches!!! What the eventual outcome would be is tenuous!!!