Daily Mirror - Print Edition

More than what meets the eye

26 Mar 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Yahapalanaya more focused on waging power struggle, not meeting pledges given to people

Sri Lanka emerged from three decade-long ethnic hostilities which claimed numerous lives and inflicted economic havoc. It saw SL retrograding in many respects. Adding insult to injury, SL had to face global opprobrium at international forums. SL thus became a virtual pawn in pertinacious scheme of geopolitical machinations pursued by vested interests that are propelled by influence-peddling pro-LTTE Diaspora.  

Excesses perpetrated by the then ruling elites basking in the glory of military success disregarding the emerging geo-political realities led to dramatic unseating of charismatic leadership. Surging wave of mass protests from various quarters gained timely momentum rallying round the only available mediocre alternative to cause revolutionary leadership change stunning everyone.   

The advent of Yahapalanaya heralding a pragmatic outlook offering an olive branch promised among many things: to usher in democracy, bring about ethnic reconciliation, promote inclusive economic growth, eradicate social vices namely corruption, profligacy, abuse of power etc and bring those responsible for mass scale plunder and abuse to book.   

The honeymoon of Yahapalanaya characterised by pretentious cold-blooded harmony saw promises galore being trotted out with some tangible measures taken to alleviate burdens of poor man’s pocket and cultivate international goodwill. However in reality only copious eloquent lip-service was paid to simmering issue of reconciliation and socio-economic development priorities.   

Conciliatory stance of Yahapanya saw profuse global accolades being showered on signifying global approbation of favourable policies which led to the edge being taken off the sinister propaganda campaigns of Diaspora operating round the clock to bring SL to global disrepute as a pariah state. SL thus started gaining sympathy of most of the influential players who lashed out at the country with vituperative censure. There emerged the silver lining in dark clouds thanks to newly generated positivism.  



"The honeymoon of Yahapalanaya characterised by pretentious cold-blooded harmony saw promises galore being trotted out with some tangible measures taken to alleviate burdens of poor man’s pocket and cultivate international goodwill"

Amidst the said gains coalition leadership largely resorted to highfalutin grandiloquence to woo public although measures to translate words to deeds remained awfully wanting. Had genuine measures being taken to implement a pragmatic economic plan, practice austerity, eliminate waste, eradicate corruption, alleviate economic hardships of the man in the street and restored ethnic harmony SL would have been on a transformational path to become a multi religious multi lingual participatory democracy practising cultural pluralism and shared prosperity. Unfortunately this was not to be and self serving political considerations obviously outweighed national priorities.   

One of the main planks on which Yahapalanaya ascended to power is by bringing politically influential culprits of corruption to book demonstrating law is equal to everybody. Thus establishing rule of law and making everyone equal before it irrespective race, religion, caste, sex, social status, political affiliation etc guaranteeing that every citizen is entitled to equal rights and protection in law as per Article 12 of the Constitution became one of the main commitments undertaken by Yahapanaya which rose to power when lawlessness was rampant with democratic institutions and law enforcement apparatus reduced to docile instruments of expedience.  



"Conciliatory stance of Yahapanya saw profuse global accolades being showered on signifying global approbation of favourable policies which led to the edge being taken off the sinister propaganda campaigns of Diaspora operating round the clock to bring SL to global disrepute as a pariah state. "



The unexpected electoral success achieved by Lotus Bud to utter public astonishment proved public disgust towards “No Action; Talk Only Lackadaisical Posture” of the coalition, although bigwigs of the past regime had been publicly censured branded and berated as utterly corrupt, wasteful, prodigal & abusive not so long ago. So, Sri Lankan public quite shockingly tendered an unpalatable verdict to Yahapalanaya indicating that people abhors empty talk want rulers to walk the talk.   

It is a sad paradox that today’s presidency seemingly lacks a clear vision. The President was hoisted to power largely by Non-SLFP votes to usher in “Good Governance”. People aspired for selfless, sacrificial, and non-partisan leadership. It was a mass verdict given in favour of someone who promised to do way with autocratic Presidency wielding unbridled power. Masses expected the new leader to be a true statesman and expose wrongdoings and punish wrongdoers without hesitation and play a non-partisan role. So what transpired in the aftermath is a sordid saga of treacherous backtracking smacking of political skulduggery.   

Proud pronouncements to nail culprits have withered faster than expected with leadership predominantly manifesting the will to retain largely impotent party leadership with aspiration to cling on to high office. Masses are dismayed as pretentious words fed in large morsels have failed to evoke tangible actions. Recent electoral verdict made collective disgust of the masses crystal clear & resultant hullabaloo signifies a power structure rapidly falling apart. Public turmoil at the drop of a hat has become the order of the day.  



"Proud pronouncements to nail culprits have withered faster than expected with leadership predominantly manifesting the will to retain largely impotent party leadership with aspiration to cling on to high office"



Things cannot be so auspicious for the sinister enemy in waiting to make hay while the sun shines. Growing state of instability provided the ideal setting to plant the seeds of racial hatred- this time against Muslims to destroy many accomplishments that have been painstakingly made locally and overseas which has been keeping evil forces at bay. Copious spewing of nationalistic venom by the Lotus Bud, basking in electoral gains too may have provided necessary fuel to accelerate the sinister agenda of the plotter wielding influence transcending mighty ocean surrounding this tiny island nation. Follies on the part of misguided ones in the body politic craving power at any cost may have served fodder and played in to the hands of the adversary in furthering the inimical scheme.   

Sri Lanka won long lost GSP Plus. Coalition earned plaudits at every global forum. Talk on electric chair became history. SL achieved peace with laws of the land in motion. Concerted measures to eradicate drug menace show progress. Better signs of democracy are visible. There is RTI law in operation. Minorities seem to enjoy better voices. Citizens of all races can traverse the length and breadth of SL without hindrance. Endeavours are underway to attract FDIs, set up investment zones, and generate employment. Expansion in hotel accommodation, proliferating iconic condos, face-lifting of metropolises, refurbished road networks, new highways and aggressive promotion tourism, proliferation of foreign universities and novel avenues of study for the youth, upgrading of State sector hospitals to provide star class health services at zero payment on par with private sector, are some of the promising signs of potential economic gains.   



"Leaders and opinion makers from whole gamut of political hues, religions, races and social groups need to decipher reality to perceive there is more than what meets the eye and time is ripe to put national interests before self to defeat the common enemy in disguise."

The haunting invisible foes harbouring expansionist blueprints detest stability in SL whilst growing Chinese influence in SL economy too would obviously irk them. When Kandy flare-up led to negative reactions of inordinate magnitude, it became evident that violence was not spontaneous, but the isolated incident that finally generated excessive reprimand was part of a grand premeditated scheme to create mayhem accompanying far reaching politico-economic fallout. Could this have been orchestrated to destabilize SL back to Black July 1983 era, is a pertinent question to ponder? There could well be wheels within wheels of geopolitical machinations.  

Fomenting anti-Muslim sentiments would justify concoction of ISIS/Al Qaeda involvement to generate catastrophic political ramifications, and provide grist for global anti-Muslim mills paving the way for another theatre of conflict. Will not this undo many accomplishments made locally and overseas and drive SL down the abyss as an outcast is a possibility to seriously consider. Could this not result in devastating economic setbacks in terms of losing middle-east jobs, FDIs, tourism with domino effect exacerbating the economic woes.   

Leaders and opinion makers from whole gamut of political hues, religions, races and social groups need to decipher reality to perceive there is more than what meets the eye and time is ripe to put national interests before self to defeat the common enemy in disguise.