Daily Mirror - Print Edition


26 Dec 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



It would appear that the much hackneyed phrase “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely,” was specifically coined to portray what is happening in our country today!!!  The voters of this country have been taken for fools; we didn’t know who this moron called Maithripala Sirisena was, it was Chandrika and Ranil who foisted him on us and now we can’t get rid of him!!!  We are told never to trust any leader with too much power and after the colossal mistake made by J.R. Jayawardena bringing in the Executive Presidency; we, the citizens of this country, have had to contend with many abuses of this wretched POWER when it passed into the wrong hands, as it has today!!!  The burning rhetoric of Dr. Colvin R. de Silva’s prediction is painfully visible today when this moronic baboon can’t get it into his thick skull that what he DID and what he is CONTINUING TO DO IS WRONG, DEAD WRONG!!! Who gave him the RIGHT, THE POWER TO SACK RANIL???  The Executive Presidency!!! Nothing penetrates the head of one who does not want to acknowledge HE IS WRONG!!!  How does one describe such base ingratitude???  Specifically speaking, GREED is the summation of this moron’s idiocy!!!  

Respect can’t be bought

Reading the eulogies and tributes to the late George Bush, one particular tribute from Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, in the USA, was striking, in the present context of our country; he said and I quote: “He was the first President to teach me that in a democracy sometimes you fall short and, that how you handle that is just as important as how you win.”!!!  I guess the sublime meaning of this, portraying how President Bush handled defeat with grace, would be totally lost on our Presidential moron!!!   People earn respect in various ways and once respect is established, mostly in the case of politicians like our own, the fear of failure sets in and they will do anything it takes to keep that position!!! What they fail to realize is that respect is EARNED IT CANNOT BE BOUGHT; WHEN SUPPOSED ‘RESPECT’ IS BOUGHT, VARIOUS STRATEGIES EMERGE TO KEEP THAT RESPECT AND REMAIN IN POWER!!!

Dealing with autocracy

When you have to deal with a leader who has too much power and who plays tricks to stay in power; then few dare to criticize him!!!  He cannot be restrained, he does not permit the necessary checks and balances and refuses to listen to any criticism, constructive or otherwise, is shouted down, not listened to!!!  Criticism, constructive or otherwise is an essential part of a healthy democracy!!!  Today, we are not dealing with democracy but an autocracy!!! A dictatorial moron who should go back to the farm he came from!!!  It was heartening to note from one of today’s headlines “RW HITS BACK AT MS” (6/12 ‘DAILY FT’) that Ranil was finally hitting back!!!  Why couldn’t and why didn’t he do it all this time???  Why did he allow the moron to get away with all his personal attacks???  

Mental cases

Congratulations to Sarath Fonseka for his brilliant realization that most of the nuts we have in Parliament are MENTAL CASES!!!  What we desperately need NOW is NEW BLOOD, NEW IDEAS, YOUNG MINISTERS who are capable of facing whatever is dealt out to them and CARRYING IT WITHOUT FEAR TO A SATISFACTORY CONCLUSION FOR THE COUNTRY!!!  All the ancient relics who are now incapable, inconclusive, incompetent, taking up valuable space of Parliament must, for the sake of the country, go back home where they belong and leave the YOUNG ONES, THE NEW GENERATION TO SHOW WHAT THEY CAN DO FOR THE COUNTRY, STARTING WITH ABOLISHING THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENCY!!!  The Parliamentarians we have now are an incompetent, spent force, damp squibs or as they say in Sinhala ‘PUSSWEDILLAS’ they don’t want to go with dignity, all they want to do is hang on when they can’t even make their presence felt!!!  Most of the young ones we have are sons of brilliant politicians who left their mark on the history of this country and these young men will be proud to uphold the dignity of Parliament and carry on the legacy their fathers inculcated in them!!! COUNTRY FIRST!!!  TO MAKE VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COUNTRY!!!  AFTER 70 YEARS OF FREEDOM, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY THAT SUCH MADNESS HAS TAKEN PLACE AND WE ARE LEFT WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT!!!  THEY ARE WASTING MONEY ON PARLIAMENTARY SITTINGS WHEN NOTHING CONCRETE OR WORTHWHILE IS GENERATED!!!  TOURISM IS NON EXISTENT; A FRIEND FROM SWITZERLAND SAID ALL BOOKINGS TO SRI LANKA FOR CHRISTMAS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!!!

Please go

Our President has threatened to go back to his VERY VISIBLE “GRASS ROOTS” – why doesn’t he???  No one is stopping him, it would be a service, a boon for the country if he does go, he would be doing a huge favor for himself and the country!!!  PLEASE GO!!!  In a video that is going viral, our politicians have been likened to ‘Post Turtles’ – while stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old man, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man and eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders!!!  The old man said “Well, as I see it, most politicians are ‘Post Turtles’ – not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a ‘Post Turtle’ was – the old man said when you are driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top , that’s a ‘Post Turtle’ -  the old man saw the puzzled look on the Doctor’s face so he continued to explain “You know the Turtle didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he is up there, he is elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb a…..  put him up there to begin with”!!!  Best explanation of our country’s Politicians, I have ever heard!!!

No decency

It is heartening to note that some Buddhist Priests and members of the Maha Sangha have told MR categorically that they don’t condone the ugly incident in Parliament and that it cannot be accepted!!!  Well done!!!  Ven. Ittepane Dharmalankara Thera, Mahanayake of the Kotte Parshwaya of the Kalyani Dharmasree Maha Sangha Sabha told MR “We are a people who have such a great history, as such we cannot condone what happened in Parliament recently and added that the incident created a situation where we cannot go to another country and identify ourselves as Sri Lankans!!!”  Even then, MR has not had the decency to accept that what they did was wrong, despite the Venerable Mahanayake saying that “the respect that had been earned by the Bhikkus in the past has been diminished!!!” BUDDHISM AND ITS VENERABLE CUSTODIANS ARE NOT SACRED, THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE MEAN NOTHING, ARROGANCE, GREED AND AMBITION ARE ALL ENCOMPASSING!!! THEY ARE IGNORANT OF WHAT THEODORE ROOSEVELT SAID “THE MOST PRACTICAL KIND OF POLITICS, IS THE POLITICS OF DECENCY” – THEODORE ROOSEVELT