Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Ranil and Dinesh to Run the Interim

18 Jul 2022 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

US Fingerprints Behind Aragalaya?



Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe sworn in as the Acting President



Gotabaya resigned and fled the country for Singapore, Arjuna Mahendran’s safe haven, that, the then President Sirisena’s plea in 2017 [remember 20,000 signatures] for the swindler’s extradition was disregarded.  
The famous 225, meeting in groups at multiple venues haven’t made any compromise resulting in all party interims rule a non-starter. They will never be able to suppress their greed for power, position and privileges; cast off their personal agendas and unite for the sake of the country. Sri Lanka needs urgent international financial prop up to find its feet.  IMF and some developed countries are cautious about rescuing us until the formation of a politically stable government. As at present it is not certain as to who is in control.  Why not make the Royalist Classmate duo, Ranil and Dinesh the President and Prime Minister?

US Fingerprints…

 According to international political analysts, facts are emerging that some sections of the protesters were funded by US interests. A “digital strategist” given recognition by the pro-Western media for the toppling of the government was a ‘volunteer’ at a USNED [National Endowment for Democracy]-funded ‘election’ organization. His involvement in the ongoing protests is similar to events that stretched during the US-engineered “Arab Spring in 2011.

They tried pacts like MCC and SOFA few years back but government gave up proceedings due to protests. It’s quite well known that Americans like many Sri Lankans, hated Rajapaksas. It’s true that Lankans are fed up with economical misconduct and corruption within Rajapaksa regimes, but they ought to be more conscious of the greater peril as well.  In two and half centuries of existence the US has battled against 29 sovereign nations, from action against Morocco [Operation Torch] to overrunning the small Grenada [Operation Urgent Fury]. The US tried extremely hard to get India on to side, but clearly seeing that India was in fact getting closer to Russia, are they rushing to find a footing in the region?  Sri Lanka would be easy for them to manipulate by causing instability. 



the Aragalists invaded six-time PM, Ranil Wickremesinghe’s private residence. He was appointed as PM in May by Gota, to restore international credibility

9th May was an instant that even a few weeks ago would have been unimaginable: Mahinda Rajapaksa, the most powerful member of the Rajapaksa family was forced to renounce. His resignation wasn’t a customary fall over of a leader/regime. The one time most popular politician’s descend was a severe blow to the family that enjoyed a solid base and an unshakeable grasp on the grassroots, especially during the past two decades. Gotabaya received a mandate with a huge majority for stabilizing national security, economic development, mainly due to the influence of his charismatic brother; a fact that President Gota whom the voters placed their trust upon, conveniently chose to forget. The arrogant character even requested his elder brother and mentor to relinquish Premiership in his desperate attempt to stay in power.  

Rajapaksa dynasty commenced its political journey in 1930/40s with great men in the calibre of DM and DA brothers. They had wealth and nationalism, and the charisma to win elections. The second generation Rajapaksas, especially, the children of DM, [Lakshman and George possessed all of above qualities and were men with integrity. They represented and served the downtrodden masses of Giruwapatthu from the late 1930s, to 1970s. However, the other brother’s children [Don Alvin’s] after climbing to the zenith in ruling echelons, they commenced manipulating things. 

Protests, Invasions, Merry-making and Mob violence

On Saturday 9th July, massive crowds from all parts of the island joined the Aragalaya in Colombo: the youths broke into President’s official residence and also occupied his secretariat in Galle Face. Political party leaders joined mass agitators in calling both the leaders to resign. Aragalists invaded six-time PM, Ranil Wickremesinghe’s private residence. He was appointed as PM in May by Gota, to restore international credibility that would help negotiate a rescue package with the International Monetary Fund and other agencies.

A determined movement of protests by youth branded themselves ‘Aragalayists’ demanded a new political culture, a ‘system change’ as they called it. It’s an unprecedented amazing moment where thousands of people from all walks of life coming and serenely protesting for months due to the economy being disgustingly mishandled by our politicians led by Rajapaksas, their cronies and some bureaucrats. According to what we experienced last week the peaceful protesters turned mobs had its way, which is an alarming development and a disturbing signal.  They invaded three, [two state and one private] TV stations and was seen dictating and threatening the staff on how they would perform duties in the future giving priority to Aragalaya ideology. Quite a large number of items with archeological value in the historic Governor’s residence have been left vandalized. 

The mob behavior that was seen last week will cause anxiety and lack of confidence amongst the Aid Agencies and would only set hurdles for the authorities in negotiating for Dollars. The mob was unruly and inconsiderate:  it can conceivably be explained as reckless men and women who unwisely thought that they could rule the nation from outside the parliament and wanted to decide the destiny of the nation by themselves. Millions of peace-loving Lankans were stunned and remain flabbergasted as they did not approve violence. The voice of wisdom by the politically matured was not heard in the electronic media, as they only focused on the acts of protesters.
A stable political set up receiving maximum people’s support is a sine qua non with the taking over by a New Executive, provided the cabinet constitutes men with integrity and honesty. [Are there any within?] They should be able to function with courage of conviction that people would support them.  

Wickremesinghe, the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, initiated complicated negotiations with IMF and other financial institutions, and friendly countries to find money to fill the coffers.  However, it is rather unfortunate that he lacked both popularity and public support for his efforts. Protesters  believed his appointment as PM was simply  to alleviate part of the pressure exerted on Gotabaya to resign. The family members who held all top positions in governance have been mostly responsible for the economic adversity faced. Political scientists and analysts are suspicious whether any leader who replaces the Rajapaksas could overcome the continuing disasters. They even fear that the prevailing political vagueness, mob rule and insecurity will last intensifying the crisis situation.

The large majority, though remained within indoors, unconditionally showered their blessing on the protesters right from the beginning. However, the invasion of ‘Palace’, and taking pleasure in swimming, playing games, cooking food and other merry-making and their joyful mood raised many an eye brow.  Are they the real sufferers? Since vacating the place, they are having a picnic at Galle Face. Their behavior makes one to take a dispassionate view at the turn of events.   
When controversial US President Donald Trump lost, his supporters attempted to prevent the peaceful taking over by Joe Biden as the next president by invading the historic Capitol Hill in the USA; all similar events can be interpreted as sort of gang rule. Even if the  economic concerns get optimistically sorted out within a few years, the political issues that the disaster has ‘invented’ could create added grave issues, unless the new administration under a new Executive introduces better principles and values for the sake of  the country.  

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