Daily Mirror - Print Edition


07 Nov 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

  • the selfishness of our time has reached gigantic proportions
  • we prosper in our ignorance or we think we do!!!
  • The lawmakers are now the lawbreakers




With the progress of time, man has become progressively selfish!!! It is time we started thinking in terms of WE not I, the selfishness of our time has reached gigantic proportions and the reason is that we prosper in our ignorance or we think we do!!! It is only the truth that can set us free; the acceptance that we come with nothing, we go with nothing so why all this traitorous scurry to HEAP THINGS, to AMASS WEALTH, POSITIONS, POWER, MONEY, millions and more notwithstanding how we do it??? Plotting, planning, manoeuvring and scheming; why do our people continue in the relentless pursuit of material things, irrespective of who gets hurt or gets killed in the process???



Two PMs; one country (RW and MR)

Because of selfishness, our country is in absolute and utter chaos!!! The lawmakers are now the lawbreakers, the Police force in particular; they are an absolute disgrace to the uniform they wear!!! Now the highest in the land has succumbed to the selfishness of greed!!! The situation in general smacks of a coup d’etat; numerous little innuendos leading up to the grand finale – TWO PRIME MINISTERS IN ONE DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY!!! It could have and would have been ‘above board’ had they not resorted to such secrecy, carried it out within the framework of the Constitution, and not at a time when the citizens of this country were all in their homes, totally unprepared for the shock of a swearing-in of a Second Prime Minister!!!




Twist in the plot

Amazing how DIG Nalaka de Silva’s alleged involvement in an assassination attempt on the President and former Defence Secretary suddenly SWITCHED to the alleged assassination of an ASP!!! Heaping more coals, Namal Kumara alleges that Sarath Fonseka is at the bottom of this coup with the Piece de Resistance being the President alleging that the incumbent Prime Minister was also privy to the contemplated assassination!!!




Change yourselves 

For many Asian countries, if there is money no democracy is needed!!! The politicians can weave their magic and the people are deceived!!! Whatever they do, people accept them because democracy is not necessary for people dancing in the gallery; people must realise they cannot change the Government, they must change themselves!!! The sad part is that people accept the dirty politicians and when they come in procession they are greeted with kiribath and kavun !!! As long as there are people like this, the politicians are happy because in a country like this we don’t need a Parliament, we don’t need law and order!!! All problems can be solved like animals solving their problems on the road!!! Would the SUN EVER SHINE ON A COUNTRY SUCH AS THIS??? AS A NATION, WE AR E STUCK IN THE MUD!!! If and when a change occurs, will we as a country be governed by the criminals who will be brought back??? If the father in a house is a madman, what happens to that family??? We must keep in mind that leadership is not measured by how many people serve you; it is measured by how many people you serve!!! Serving is the greatest act of Leadership and serving the people is why you exist!!




Two options  

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said there were two options for him!!! “Either I get corrupted and I put my family in the Forbes list of the richest people in the world and leave my people with nothing; OR I serve my country, my people and let my country be in the list of the best 10 economies in the world; I chose the second option!!! Sri Lanka politicians said there were two options for them too, but the second option was already taken by the Singapore Prime Minister!!! NO SELFISHNESS, ONLY THE COUNTRY INVOLVED!!!




The difference 

There was this lady in the USA, who after a long hard day at work would find time to take small parcels of food and give to the poor homeless!!! One day a businessman approached and questioned whether her work made a difference; while the businessman was reproaching her a man came up and said “Excuse me, madam, I had no food and I thought I would have to go to sleep hungry; I prayed to God to send me some food and when I opened my eyes you were there, God bless you!!! “God bless you too,” the lady said and turning to the businessman with tears in her eyes said, “Well it made a difference to him!!!” 

Every day we all have an opportunity to make a difference, but with so many problems going on it is hard not to think how much of a difference can I really make!!! How is my one small action actually going to change anything??? What is important to remember is that you do not need to change the world, you do not need to solve the country’s problems; but if you just focus on helping solve one person’s problem to make even one small difference in just one person’s life; TO THAT ONE PERSON IT COULD MEAN THE WORLD, REMEMBER IF YOU CAN MAKE JUST ONE PERSON SMILE, LAUGH OR FEEL LOVED AND TREAT HIM OR HER WITH KINDNESS, WITH RESPECT, THEN YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE!!!