Daily Mirror - Print Edition


23 May 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

As the daughter and granddaughter of doctors, who were leading doctors of their time, I am ashamed of the way doctors of the Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) are behaving and have been for some time.

  • Doctors have been the beneficiaries of a free medical training but seize any opportunity to go on strike or go slow
  • Forgotten the Hippocratic Oath they took when they became doctors after the free medical training they had

They have been the beneficiaries of a free medical training, but instead seize any opportunity to go on strike or go slow. 

Who suffers when they do? None other than the poor and underprivileged, who cannot afford to go to private hospitals or to doctors who are private practitioners.

The rich and the privileged do not suffer as they are able to afford private medical care.

Some of these doctors who are leading these strikes and inciting others to follow their example have been seen going in and out of the office of the former ruler leading the JO, so he and his party are supporting and encouraging these strikes. 

By doing so, they are also responsible for the suffering, that the poor have to endure and sometimes face death, as a result of strike action by doctors.

The PM and the President must instil more discipline in both parties, in public servants and speed up the process of punishing those who milked the country dry

The doctors who are striking, seem to have forgotten the Hippocratic Oath they took when they became doctors after the free medical training they had. 

This oath is a formal promise that they would do everything possible to help their patients, ease suffering and have high moral medical ethics.

I fail to comprehend how they can strike after taking this oath. I’m glad that there are some doctors who I respect, who have firmly refused to join or support any strike action.

Sarath Fonseka 
We also read the ridiculous statement made by the former ruler, that animals would run into hiding, as Field Marshall Fonseka was made the Minister responsible for Wild Life.

I am surprised that someone, who was once the President of the country could make this kind of childish comments.

Many have expressed the opinion, that perhaps he was echoing his own thoughts as to what he, his family and his cohorts would have done if the Field Marshall was made Minister of Law and Order. 
I, for one, think Sarath Fonseka should have been made Minister for Law and Order.

It was he who led the country to victory in the war, against terrorism, on the battlefield, although others took the credit and continue to bask in the reflected glory of that victory.

He would most certainly, have taken swifter action against all those guilty of violence, murder and corruption during those horrific years of rule of the former government. One of the main criticisms against this government is that nothing has been done to punish those who ran havoc, ignoring the rule of law, behaved as if the country was their private property and did as they liked against those who went against them, together with rampant corruption. Time is running out.

There are rumblings in the throat of the nation, therefore it is imperative that action must be taken fast.
The publicity machine of the Government and Ministers must stress on what the Government has done and the strides taken, to the people at all levels, particularly at the grassroots. 

The price of petrol is still lower than it was pre-2015 and has increased only because of the world price increase.

Salaries of Government servants were increased, insurance for schoolchildren, land that was forcibly taken by the Government in the North has been returned to its rightful owners.

We have now an Independent Judiciary, freedom to speak or write as we wish. People must be made aware of this in a more forthright manner.

Then there are some who didn’t win their Parliamentary seats but came into Parliament on the National List, through the grace and favour of the President, also shouting themselves hoarse against the UNP, which is a partner in the coalition and raving and ranting against the Prime Minister.

If they were as honourable as they make themselves out to be, they should resign from Parliament, not sit with the Opposition. 

Some of these doctors who are leading these strikes and inciting others to follow their example have been seen going in and out of the office of the former ruler leading the JO

No woman will forget the insulting remarks hurled at former President Chandrika Kumaratunga by one of them and I doubt that any woman will vote for anyone who insults a woman, whoever she is, let alone a former President, in such disgraceful, lowly manner.

Our country is beautiful, it is a pity, that there are vile people around, hungry for power and dominance who want to destroy it and its international image by their actions.

When hatred in any form is allowed to fester, violence is paramount.

The Prime Minister has played his role with great elan, despite all the slanderous attacks and fabrications hurled at him.

He is above all, a gentleman, a fount of information on any subject, be it history, music, economics or politics. He has always had integrity and courage, instilled by birth, conviction and instinct. History will I’m sure record all this, in spite of the slander spread by those who are lesser mortals and who cannot reach his standards in any sphere at all. 

But both he and the President must instil more discipline in members of both parties in the coalition, in public servants and speed up the process of punishing those who milked the country dry and were responsible for murders in the former regime.

It is only then that the country can be a Utopia, which is an imaginary place with a perfect social and political system.

I am confident that discipline and unity, combined with increased knowledge, a better understanding of the social forces will ensure progress, development, and permanent peace and reconciliation.