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Science today is for spirituality of tomorrow

07 Jun 2021 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

By making GMO s we change the gene composition given by nature

Covid pandemic situation also shows that countries who adopted the technologies blindly got affected very much compared to the countries like Bhutan



We have listened to the famous quote called “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” told by Edward Teller. Now the time has come to think twice about this statement. Science, for sure, is a good thing; we do need to learn science as much as possible. Even Gautama Buddha knew science probably, 100% of the science of nature. We don’t know even a decimal point percentage as that of the Buddha and ignorance of science is the reason for all troubles that we created in our livelihood.  But what about the technology? We indeed use science to develop the technology. Why do we develop or use technology? If we analyze all the reasons why we use technology, we might see that we use them, because we have desires to live comfortably, or get long life, or earn money or get high yield or get delicious tastes, etc or if not if we have hatred feeling, we use the technology for destructions or creating negative things.    

We use technology mostly for passionate or repulsive feelings. That is the point that problems create.  So, though science is good, we have to think scientifically very well when accepting technology, because technology has pluses and minuses.  As we don’t know the science behind either becoming too passionate or becoming too much repulsive, we continuously produce mutated energy by producing lustful and hatred feelings where there may a reverse impact on us and nature. 

Scientists in Quantum physics have pointed out that every thought has its wave frequency. Scientists who are involved in artificial intelligence have found that if we passionately attach to something, certain frequencies generate with our thoughts. Probably, those frequencies are strong enough to grasp a sort of modified energy, probably called “vinnana” energy. Gautama Buddha has told that “vinnana” is the energy that gives fuel to live and produces all impulsive and anxious feelings. As long as we can maintain equanimity feelings in our mind without any passion or repulsive, there is no possibility to generate such modified frequencies where there is no possibility of creating “vinnana”, but helping for achieving nibbana.  

If we take a leaf, from our scientific knowledge we know that photosynthesis goes on inside the leaf. That is all that we know.  But an enlightened person or persons, who developed the third eye, could see all the things going on transparently such as all motions, kinetics, and thermal energy generating thereby changing frequencies and interactions that happened throughout nature, which is called “vijja”, the ability to see penetratingly. If we take another example, our doctors say that if we get stress (due to hatred feelings etc), we get diseases. But an enlightened person could see sort of kinetics or modified energy produced by altered frequencies generated by hatred feelings and their impact on frequencies of other material in the body and nature and interactions with each other, eventually resulting in an abnormal condition in the body leading to diseases. So that may be the reason why the Buddha has told that ‘raga’, ‘desha’ are the ‘causes’ for all sufferings/effects of living beings which are the results, in other words, ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ theory. 

Nowadays we can see that people are having second thoughts before accepting the technology. I heard in the news, saying that one US fuel producing company who has computer-digitalized the whole work, now has changed to manual because of a cyber-attack by terrorists. Even in Sri Lanka, discussions are going on to move towards cultivating traditional crops instead of high-yielding hybrid seeds that are mostly imported. Also giving up chemical fertilizers completely and moving to organic fertilizer have been considered. So era has come to revise and review things with a purified mind. 

A few months back manydiscussions were going on allowing GM (Genetically Modified) crops in Sri Lanka and University students were also allowed to debate on pluses and minuses of the GM crops. A foreign resource person has blindly promoted GM crops in that particular debate. As a person who has produced transgenic plants for my postgraduate study, I have somewhat knowledge to talk on the topic. It is not an individual GM plant or a person that is affected and that needs consideration. We get decisions at a certain condition, for example, at a certain position of earth, solar system and being in the milky-way. But we should understand that all these things move and change and thereby many unknown consequences might arise relative to a different position of the earth and so forth. By making Genetically Modified Organisms (GMos) we change the gene composition given by nature. What sort of frequencies generates due to these changes are not known.  So my personnel opinion is that unless it is very much essential, it is not a necessity to allow GMOs to come into Sri Lanka. Because Sri Lanka is not like another country, there are so many unexploited crops and materials to eat. Same as hybrid seeds, after allowing GMOs, it may not be easy to stop it.   So, before, accepting the technology given by foreign countries, better we think twice and analyze all the positive and negative points. However, as a country to survive, it is no harm to develop all these technologies inside Sri Lanka and make aware the community. If necessary, technology developed in the country itself could be adopted and implemented under suitable restrictions and conditions. 
Whatever, the technology, when we accept it we should get a decision with the purified mind because once, the technology is adopted, it is not easy to completely give up, because many branches might have already grown based on the particular technology, for example, producing job opportunities and other infrastructures etc.

Completely stopping a technology all of a sudden, that has been using for years,  may create again repulsive feelings in many people, eventually, once again generating altered frequencies emitting bad rays for the universe, which have a reverse effect as a result. So leaders should strategically manage these things to minimize the emitting unfavorable rays from the minds of people. Because we know that although mobile phones release unfavorable frequencies, now we are bound to it. So, prohibiting such things all of a sudden is not a solution.

Development with zero destruction is impossible. But development with minimum destruction may be possible. Somehow, when implementing strategies, leaders should try their best not to have clashes and fights among each other because the frequencies generated by repulsive feelings of people may cause damage to the country. We cannot forget tsunami, earth slips, and the collapse of a garbage dump etc, which could be explained by altered frequency changes. 

I think, the Covid pandemic situation also shows that countries who adopted the technologies blindly and conscious with passionate or repulsive feelings throughout days, having many battles, got affected very much compared to the countries like Bhutan and New Zealand who live calm and quietly with 
nature maximally. 

So finally, I want to emphasize the fact that if we learn science, we develop the technologies, which are important for our survival and stand up as a country.  But if we learn more and more science deeply, then we become closer and closer to nature where we try to minimize the use of technology and maximize to improve spirituality by maintaining equanimity feelings in our minds. 
The writer is a professor in biotechnology attached to the Faculty of Agriculture and plantation management of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.