Daily Mirror - Print Edition


28 Oct 2020 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

No one has explained the monster that is stalking our world better than this:

Never have I seen
such a mess in life. 

The air is pure but 
wearing a mask is 

Roads are empty 
but it is impossible 
to go on a long drive.

People have clean 
hands but there is a 
ban on shaking hands.

Friends have time to 
Sit  together but they 
cannot get together.

Food is available at home but you cannot 
call anyone to lunch or dinner

Every Monday, 
the heart longs to go out,
but the weekend does not seem to end. 

Those who have money 
have no way to spend it. 

Those who don’t have 
Money, have no way to earn it 

There is enough time 
on hand but you can’t 
fulfill your dreams. 

The culprit is all around 
but cannot be seen. 

A world full of irony! 
Be positive but test negative.”

Irony of ironies, those who have jobs are losing it. On October 23 Cathay Pacific said they have laid off 5,900 workers. We are talking thousands here, where do these people find jobs, who feeds their families? Crime, suicide, robbery even killings are resorted to on a daily basis, but most super powers in the world have not done anything to contain this. They are still trying to imply THEY ARE GOD!  Nothing can touch them; it is because of them that the world has been brought to its knees, but they still cannot accept that THEY ARE NOT GOD!!  WE ALL AND I MEAN ALL, NEED TO GO DOWN ON OUR KNEES AND ASK GOD TO FORGIVE US AND TAKE AWAY THIS VIRUS! WE HAVE TO NOTE THAT ALL THE SUPER POWERS IN THE WORLD ARE UNABLE TO FIND A VACCINE FOR THIS VIRUS.  W H Y? THIS IS GOD’S ANGER, GOD’S CURSE ON THE WORLD, SO GOD WON’T EVEN PERMIT A CURE!  WHY SHOULD HE WHEN WE HAVEN’T YET GONE DOWN ON OUR KNEES AND ASKED HIS FORGIVENESS. LOOK AROUND YOU, THE BIRDS OF THE AIR ARE STILL FLYING HIGH, THE ANIMALS, NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE, ARE STILL WALKING FREE, ONLY MANKIND IS IN A CAGE!!!

People who lost their jobs in the first outbreak are still struggling to find jobs, to make ends meet, to feed themselves and their children. Offices, businesses, stores, shops, etc., who were compelled to resort to cutting salaries are still compelled to do so and with this new onslaught, it is likely that, like Cathay Pacific, most places will also be compelled to lay off staff. We are looking at one big boiling pot pourri of destruction, of want, of unfulfilled needs, the stark glaring inability to pay mortgages, loans, even house rents. People balancing on the brink of destruction, looking at suicide as their only way out, though it certainly isn’t; wondering where to turn, what to do, or where to go next? Questions that cannot be answered because the answers cannot be found. The sad part is that through it all and despite it all, it is they who have to face the brutal reality of their plight.  So many are facing the same dilemma, a dilemma from which there seems to be no repeal.  Shrouded, shadowed, all hopes eclipsed horizons bleak, they look for a ray of hope, a star at night, but there is none! Could anyone fathom the bottomless despair of their souls? The oft repeating refrain, it’s better to die than to live? Hopes and dreams consigned to embers, leaving the rest of a lifetime to remember!!! 



Today the whole planet will echo the same prayer at different times.
There is no set time, but there will be 24 hours of prayers, which will become 48 hours due to time zones
“Strengthen me, Lord. Follow me, Lord.  Protect me, Lord. Cover me with Your precious blood, Lord Jesus, the Lord, is my rock, my shield, my strength. I love You, I need You. Protect me from the virus that threatens human life, protect my loved ones, protect all humanity and bring health to all who are sick. Lord Jesus, united as brothers, we pray to You, that through Your Infinite mercy, you would not allow COVID-19 to enter us or our homes. Place your Angels around each house, where the family that prays in Your Holy Name takes refuge and makes Your Word come alive.Let us pray together:   * Psalm 91, verses 10 and 11 *
“No harm will come to you, no misfortune will reach your home. Because He will give orders to your angels about you, that they may protect you in all your ways. Amen!

"People balancing on the brink of destruction, looking at suicide as their only way out, though it certainly isn’t; wondering where to turn, what to do, or where to go next? Questions that cannot be answered because the answers cannot be found"

Pray the Our Father
Beloved Lord,Thank you:
For my health, For my family, For my food, For a roof under which we can rest.
And mainly, for another day of life with the people, I love so much.
Bless, Lord: my family, my friends, my loved ones and all the people I still don’t know, because we all need You. Bless everyone, Lord, and bathe them in Your blessed mercy which is great and infinite. Forgive those who still don’t believe in You and make fun of Your Word.

DO NOT ALLOW, OH LORD, that death from this silent disease will lead to the loss of more innocent people. Your Holy Will be done.
Bless and protect all Doctors, Nurses, Police Officers, Members of Defence Forces, Firefighters, and all workers who, by Your sovereign order, go out every day to save lives.
Return them healthy and safe to their homes, Lord. Bless, in Your infinite mercy, ALL who are reading this message now. I ask You in the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus. AMEN