Daily Mirror - Print Edition


12 Jul 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      


  • I must condemn the recent statement by Vijayakala Maheswaran wishing for a return of a  Prabharakan
  • As a politician representing Jaffna district, she must surely be aware of the people’s suffering
  • UNP MPs without pointing fingers at the Leadership must turn the searchlight within and see where they went wrong
  • No supporter says this government is perfect. They have a long way to go and much more to do



We seem to have many in the former regime, wandering In a wonderland, shooting their mouths off at any given opportunity. This brings to mind a Churchillian saying ‘Before they get up, they do not know what they are going to say; when they are speaking, they do not know what they are saying; and when they have sat down, they do not know what they have said’. The former ruler sheds crocodile tears about a lack of law and order and murders, when both time and space are insufficient to list the unprecedented incidents of this nature, which were committed during his tenure of office. He refers to the government as a Bull and Buffalo Government. What about the diverse herd he heads, made up of rogue elephants amidst others of varying political hues, whose behavior patterns are lower than those of the laws of the jungle? 


The UNP’s second line of command, on the contrary, has all qualified young people. Memories are way, way too short in this country and politicians like former leaders, seem to suffer from selective amnesia as well. They encourage doctors to strike resulting in breaking the Hippocratic oath; which affects the underprivileged who cannot afford private hospitals. They encourage other strikes which again affects the populace of the nation as a whole. So many debts, so much extravagance to enhance personal glory, was indulged in by them, using public funds even for family memorials, so many white elephants which brought this nation to its knees economically. This government is working hard to retrieve all this in a concentrated effort, to bring our nation back to the Paradise it once was. The former government basked in the glory of being happy warriors of squandermania! 

The former first lady stayed at a luxurious hotel in Paris at government expense, which the Queen of England rejected as being too expensive! Anyone attacking or guilty of sexual assault has been arrested under this government. Did this happen under the former one? We all know how a rapist and murderer was protected till The British authorities took a firm stand. Then and only then was action taken.  

As a woman, I must harshly condemn the recent statement by former State Minister Vijayakala Maheswaran wishing for a return of a  Prabharakan. Hitler and he were as bad as each other. I do not think any sane person would want a return to fascism and terrorism practiced by them both. Vijayakala lives comfortably in the heart of Colombo 7, in a mansion far removed from the torture her people in North suffered at the hands of the LTTE. But as a politician representing that district, she must surely be aware of their suffering. How children were forcibly taken away and made to join the LTTE. 

How families were afraid to protest or come out of their homes because they feared for their lives at the hands of the LTTE. If she doesn’t know all this, she is unfit to be an MP and even more unfit to be a Minister. She was an embarrassment so it’s a good thing she decided to resign, resulting in good riddance of bad rubbish. Wasn’t she accused of protecting a rapist and murderer once? What about the millions of women in the South who were left widows and their children fatherless because of killings by the LTTE. Wasn’t her own husband killed by them? It must surely be a world’s first when a wife heaps accolades on one whose terrorist party murdered her husband. Here again, we hear shouts of protest about her words from the JO. But isn’t Karuna who killed so many policemen during the attack on Dalada Maligawa which was led by him, as much a terrorist and murderer as Prabhakaran. But the former leader took him into his fold and even made him a Minister! The UNP has never taken any LTTE’er into the party.  


This government is working hard to retrieve all this in a concentrated effort, to bring our nation back to the Paradise it once was. The former government basked in the glory of being happy warriors of squandermania


No supporter says that this government is perfect. They have a long way to go and much more to do. Promises made at the elections must be kept. First among these is for quick action against wrongdoers, the corrupt, those guilty of murders of journalists, whisking those who attacked them away in white vans.This must be done fast and people must be reminded again and again about these atrocities. This government has reduced the price of medicine,introduced insurance for schoolchildren, reduced fees for cataract operations,increased salaries of public servants, but there is more to be done.The most important things are, that we now have freedom to say and write what we want, without fear and an Independent Judiciary. 

UNP MPs without pointing fingers at the Leadership must turn the searchlight within and see where they went wrong. Many of them spend far too much time abroad or in the social swing in Colombo. I recall the Prime Minister when I was on the working committee, telling them that they must spend Friday to Sunday in their electorates, talking to the people, explaining things to them and finding out their views and woes. I wonder how many of them do that. Their should be monitoring to check from the grassroots level whether MP’s visit and move with the people in their electorates.  

This is important. I think this Churchillian phrase is apt to describe Prime Minister Ranil WIckremesinghe. ‘The only guide to a man is his conscience; the only shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions’ . But the time has come to be tougher with MP’s, instill more discipline in them and in the public service and for quicker action against the corrupt whichever side of the political fence they may stand on. People misinterpret gentlemanly virtues as weakness, and often take advantage of kindness. But I’m proud that he does stand alone and tall in the political arena against the vindictive slander heaped on him in abundance, by never slandering back but turning the other cheek. That is greatness at its best as I see it.  

‘O God of Earth and Altar. Bow down and hear our cry,  
Our earthly rulers falter, our people drift and die.  
From all that terror teaches, from lies of tongue and pen,   
From all the easy speeches that comfort cruel men. 
From sleep and from damnation,   
Deliver us. Good Lord!