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The US, Zionism and moral depravity

31 May 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

“Finish them,” failed Republican Party presidential candidate Nikki Haley writes on a shell Israel will use to kill children and civilians in Gaza

As Israel’s genocidal campaign in the Gaza Strip enters its eighth month, more and more people around the world realise that Zionism is an evil ideology. If Zionism is not denounced and eradicated, similar to how the world dealt with Nazism after World War II, nations may soon find themselves dependent on this destructive ideology for their survival.

The day Zionism is defeated is the victory day for humanism and humanity.

Already, the United States is on its fours, worshipping Zionism, Israel’s state ideology. The harmful impact of Zionism on the US body politic is colossal. It is evident in the appalling normalisation of deviance in the US. The US has lost its soul. In their total devotion to Zionism, US politicians, except for a handful, see evil as good, injustice as justice, human suffering as a hate-driven spectacle, and genocide as a meritorious act. The moral depravity of US politicians knows no bounds. It is revolting.

Hours after Israel killed 45 Palestinians, including children, in the southern Gaza region of Rafah on Sunday with weapons supplied by the US, failed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, an avowed Zionism devotee, visited an Israel military facility in occupied Palestine. “Finish them,” she wrote on a shell that is to be dropped on children and unarmed Palestinians in Gaza. The revelation that these US-supplied weapons had only hours ago reduced Palestinian children to ashes was none of her concern. But concerns are expressed only by people with the heart to feel indignant about injustice. Haley does not appear to be one. 

Then there are Senators such as Lindsay Graham who call for the nuking of Gaza.

Their abominable conduct is just a microcosm of the dystopian state of affairs the US has willingly fallen headlong into by subscribing to Zionism. There is not even a snowball’s chance in hell that these Zionism-worshipping American politicians will realise the harm they cause to their country. By the way, it is not their country. The country’s original owners are Native American tribes. Just as most of Palestine was colonised and annexed by European Zionists with doubtful Semitic origins, America was colonised by Europeans. Like the Zionists, these early Europeans carried out genocides to wipe out as many native people as they could. Through these horrors, there evolved a country called the United States of America with a constitution, a bill of rights, and a commitment to uphold democratic principles.

Zionism, which promotes apartheid, colonisation, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, is the antithesis of the spirit of the US Constitution. This foreign ideology has triumphed over US values. 
Freedom of speech is compromised by submission to Zionism. Dissent is silenced by brute force. Want proof? See what is happening in US universities. Students who voice their protest against Zionism and Israel’s genocide in Gaza are labelled as unruly rebels. They have been denied their graduation for exercising their First Amendment rights. Police and even thugs were set upon them when they spoke out against the government’s complicity in Israeli war crimes that have seen so far the deaths of more than 36,000 people, including 15,000 children, apart from destruction to hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, the usage of starvation as a weapon of war, and the denial of water, fuel, medicine, and other basic needs. 

These American students are true patriots and freedom fighters. They are at the front to liberate the United States from Zionism’s colonial yoke. Like Palestinian freedom fighters, they may not achieve their goal, but they will be remembered for being on the right side of history while the US president and politicians pay poojas to Zionism.

US President Joe Biden is perhaps the most Zionist-servile president the American voters have ever elected. No matter how many Palestinian children were charred in Israel’s brutal attack in Rafah on Sunday, he would not betray Zionism’s cause. His red lines on Rafah attacks are a load of baloney. The White House said that nothing in recent incidents in Rafah would prompt the US to withdraw military assistance to Israel. He thus gave Israel the green light to continue its genocide in Rafah and other populated areas of famine-stricken Gaza while endorsing the Zionists’ justification that killing civilians is Kosher because Hamas, which is responsible for the October 7 attacks on Israel, uses them as human shields. 

And what’s more? US politicians rush to scuttle whatever little the international system could do to end Israel’s horrors in Gaza and equally gruesome attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank. They have threatened the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) prosecutors for daring to seek arrest warrants on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, alias the Butcher of Gaza, and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant. 

On top of these US threats comes a shocking report about Israel’s pressure tactics to intimidate ICC officials. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the British Guardian newspaper, which still has some good journalism left in it, published articles exposing the thuggish level to which Israel would go to intimidate international civil servants.

According to Guardian investigations, the then Mossad (Israeli intelligence) chief, Yossi Cohen, told the then ICC-Prosecutor General Fatou Bensouda, the present prosecutor Karim Khan’s immediate predecessor, “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”
Such intimidation goes against the grain of civilised state behaviour. It is simply gangsterism. 

The Guardian says Israeli agents stalked the ICC prosecutor and used “despicable tactics,” including bribes, to dissuade her from taking action against Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders for the continuous war crimes in occupied Palestinian territories. 

Even Khan is subjected to intimidation. But he made it clear he was going ahead with his arrest warrant applications, undeterred by intimidation. However, he did not name in what form these intimidations were directed at him or from whom. 

Intimidation, bribery, and even assassination are on Israel’s menu. With Zionists dominating the global porn industry, sex blackmail is also part of Zionist arms-twisting. Have you heard of American financier Jeffrey Epstein? A Jew, he was alleged to be working for Mossad. He ran a child sex ring, and among his clientele were influential politicians, royal family members, and world leaders. It is alleged that Mossad used secretly filmed sex clips to honeytrap world leaders, including Middle Eastern leaders, to force them to do its bidding.

Epstein was arrested following a complaint by a parent of one of the underage girls he had abused. But he died in custody. Prison authorities said he committed suicide, but his lawyers disputed the official version.

Although the paedophile is no more, the Zionist state has sophisticated artificial intelligence-led technology at its service. Israel has gone beyond the Pegasus spyware that enables it to eavesdrop on phone conversations.

One of the top five countries excelling in artificial intelligence, it is only a matter of time before the Zionist state uses the destructive power of this technology to blackmail and compel world leaders to genuflect before Zionism. 

Before it is too late, Zionism should be stopped in its tracks right now.