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Trump plays new card for peace with Pharaoh

18 Sep 2020 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

First the United Arab Emirates, then Bahrain and which Arab nation is next in line to make ‘peace’ with Israel? In Washington on Tuesday, the UAE and Bahrain formally signed with Israel what is touted as peace agreements, which also gave the man behind the deals, the United States President Donald Trump, the much-needed electoral mileage to brag about a foreign policy victory, just 50 days before the November 3rd presidential election. 

The UAE and Bahrain may be having their reasons for stabbing the Palestinians in the back and making peace with Israel though critics question the use of the word peace to describe the agreements as the two Gulf nations had never been at war with Israel. Probably, they realise that the only way to stay safe from Iran, which they fear is pursuing regional hegemony and implementing a secret nuclear ambition, is to fully embrace nuclear power Israel, which has the United States under its spell, to boot. 
The US has been for the past seven decades dominating the Middle East largely for two reasons: One is oil and the other is Israel’s security. With the US is more or less self-sufficient in oil and likely to become an oil exporter following large scale commercial exploitation of shale oil, Washington’s main concern now is serving the interests of the 
Zionist regime. 

During a campaign rally in North Carolina on September 8, Trump blurted out the home truth when he said, “While I’m president, America will remain the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. We will remain energy independent… The fact is we don’t have to be in the Middle East, other than we want to protect Israel. We’ve been very good to Israel. Other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East. You know there was a time we needed desperately oil, we don’t need that anymore. We have more than they do, isn’t that nice? After years of rebuilding other countries, we are finally building our country.”
One does not need a doctorate in international relations to know the United States’ obeisance to the Zionist agenda.  US politicos, Republicans and Democrats alike, know a declaration in support of Israel will help them win votes of white Evangelicals – who make up one fourth of Trump’s vote base -- and get donations to run their election campaigns. Besides, the US Congress has a policy of not approving arms deals to Arab nations if it feels such deals will threaten Israel’s military edge. 

Placating Israel is an established norm in US politics and the only politician who decided to defy the Zionist pressure was President John F. Kennedy. When the America-Israel Public Relations Committee (AIPAC), the biggest Israeli lobby in the US, made its donation for his presidential campaign contingent upon an understanding that his administration’s Middle East policy would be dictated by AIPAC, Kennedy felt it was an insult and interference in the presidency. He confided in his friends that if he became the president, he would take steps to ban political donations from lobbies working for foreign countries. 
Kennedy was killed before he could introduce the ban. Since then, the Israeli lobby’s influence has spread so far and wide that one wonders whether it is Israel which in effect governs the US. No wonder the US, like a tributary state of the pre-modern times, pays to Israel billions of dollars as ‘protection money’ though the transfer is officially called military and economic aid. 
This special relationship between Israel and the US explains why Arab Gulf states think that they need to be in the good books of Israel if they want to persuade the US to protect them from Iran.  Soon after the deal on Tuesday, Trump said the US would sell advanced F-35 fighter jets to the UAE.

"With Trump in office, Israel’s task has become much easier. A US president being pro-Israel is nothing unusual, but Trump is foolishly pro-Israel, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, who was a tad circumspect with Israel"

That Iran has been made a bogey by Washington to serve the interest of Israel and the US is lost on most Arab Gulf states. These nations have walked into a trap set by Israel and its all-weather patron, the US. In their present mindset, the Gulf nations will not listen to the counsel that their real enemy is Israel, which is pursuing a larger agenda for the setting up of Eretz Yisrael or Greater Israel spreading across the region from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. 
Israel feels any opposition to the Eretz Yisrael project should be, at best, neutralized or, at worst, weakened.  As Israel implements the project, the Palestinians keep losing their historical land. The Palestinians lost 55 percent of their land when Israel was created by a United Nations resolution in 1947.  Today, the Palestinians have control of only about 17 percent of what was historical Palestine. Israel can seize the remaining Palestinian land without facing much international pressure, if the Arab nations are silenced or bamboozled to sign instruments of surrender, which are masqueraded as peace deals. 

With Trump in office, Israel’s task has become much easier. A US president being pro-Israel is nothing unusual, but Trump is foolishly pro-Israel, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, who was a tad circumspect with Israel. 
Award winning US journalist Bob Woodward, in his latest book Rage which has skinned Trump alive for his mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic, claims that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hoodwinked Trump by showing him a doctored video. This made him an avowed Palestinian hater. The then US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Woodward that the fake video was presented in May 2017 at a time when Trump was beginning to think that Israel was a hindrance to peace. In the doctored video Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had been portrayed as calling for the murder of Israeli children.

According to the excerpts, a day after watching the “spliced-together” video intended to “counter any pro-Palestinian sentiments that were surfacing,” Trump confronted Abbas, calling him a “murderer” and “liar,” and shortly after ordered the closure of the Palestinian representative office in Washington and cut nearly all US aid to the West Bank, Gaza and Palestinian refugees.
The Rage revelation shows there is no end to the Arabian Nights like cloak-and-dagger politics in the Middle East. After the UAE and Bahrain, which Arab nation will fall victim to Israel’s game of deception or sign a peace deal with a pharoah? The spotlight is on Saudi Arabia.