Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Ukraine war and the ‘international community’ - EDITORIAL

02 Mar 2022 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

The war in Ukraine today enters its fifth day. The civilian death toll according to Ukraine’s Health Ministry on February 28, stood at 352 people; including 14 children killed. The United Nations (UN) estimates over 500,000 people have fled Ukraine to neighbouring countries.  

High-level talks between Kyiv and Moscow which commenced on February 28, ended with no agreement in sight except to keep talking. While talks to end the conflict are in progress, countries like Sweden, Finland, Germany, the US, Lithuania and Britain, pledged to send millions of dollars of military hardware to help encourage the war effort in Ukraine. All of them without exception have categorically rejected the idea of putting ‘boots on the ground’ to help Ukraine continue its war.   

At the same time all of these countries have called for an end to the ongoing war and its accompanying death and destruction. Sadly supplying war materials to one or the other of the warring parties does not seem the best way to bring combatants to the table or bringing the conflict to a speedy end.   

But, it does help the manufacturers in the defence industry with a practical testing ground to verify the efficacy of these death dealing instruments of war. Already Russia has listed that it has destroyed 254 Ukrainian tanks, 32 aircraft on the ground, 46 multiple rockets launchers,103 pieces of artillery/mortars and 164 special military vehicles.  

Replenishing these stocks will definitely extend the war and more importantly will bring millions of dollars to the arms manufacturing industry. Additionally multiple buildings have been destroyed and as we mentioned earlier thousands have fled their homes to neighbouring countries.  

Mainstream media informs us that the ‘International Community’ has as one, condemned Russia for its attack on Ukraine. While we do condemn war - all wars without exception - many a Sri Lankan has begun to wonder who or what makes up the ‘international community’ that these mainstream media houses refer to. As far as has been seen, India has not condemned Russia. It has deplored the war and offered its services to bring about peace. China has condemned the West for pushing Russia into a conflict which it has for over eight years tried to fend off. Pakistan has not condemned Russia. No African country has condemned Russia nor have the Latin American countries did so or blamed it for the conflict - more than two thirds of the word’s population.  

Who then is the ‘international community’ Western media houses refer to? Curiously we have never heard of the so-called ‘International Community’ condemning Israel for the continuing atrocities it is committing on Palestine and Palestinians. As the head of the Palestinian delegation at the ongoing UNHRC deliberations in Geneva said - the reality for millions of Palestinian victims of human rights violations continues to deteriorate, their right to justice continues to be denied and the culture of impunity of the Israeli perpetrators gets further entrenched.  

Even today, hundreds of Palestinian families in Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank, in Sheik Jarah and Silwan are in the midst of a battle to protect their homes from confiscations and destruction by the occupier state of Israel. Families are being evicted.  Israeli settlers raid the Al-Aqsa Mosque and provoke Palestinians into attacking Israeli settlers. Israel then carries out raids on entire Palestinian villages evicting people from their homes and even shooting civillians irrespective of whether they be old or children.   

This ‘international community’ has condemned Russia for its intrusion into Ukraine. Russia has been condemned and sanctioned. EU air space has been blocked to Russia and calls are being made for Russia to be suspended from even international sporting events.  But this selfsame ‘International Community’ has at yet to condemn Israeli atrocities even once at the United Nations, even though a UN appointed committee has shown proof of Israel committing apartheid on Palestinians. The difference can be described in two words DOUBLE STANDARDS.  

Today some members of the ‘international community are calling for the International Criminal Court to investigate Russia for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. Yet when the same UN initiated an investigation of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity committed by the US in Afghanistan, the US threatened sanctions against those involved in the investigation.  The UN dropped the charges... No word from the ‘International community.’ Perhaps there’s a need to set up a UN Commission to implement “One World, One Law” for all countries on Mother Earth.