Daily Mirror - Print Edition

WHAT’S UP: Aftermath of a Local Election

28 Feb 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Southerners uplifted the 44%(+) Man‘s non – governance’ regime and lowered the ‘no governance’ peg fixed on the Colombo Lad’s 32% (+) vote, taught a lesson to a fiddling government; restoring the status quo to its origin – a process tha tleft the nation on a ‘nowhere’ platform.   

Much needed changes are in the making. UNP picked the message to evolve a possible transition for its survival. Not good enough at a self-destructing moment, but a beginning for a beleaguered leader facing possible corruption charges. Where are the Rip van Winkles of the SLPP doing; still singing hosannas’ to the Rajapaksas’? Where is the good guy himself?   

 A reality check leads to the possible emergence of a coming group of economic hit men to arrive on the back of a NATIONALISTIC ECONOMIC PLAN.

Word‘National’ will not satisfy the committed nationalists in the South that leads the rat pack, with their theme of an existing economic downturn. Who is the coming Nationalistic Economic Man – a crafty politician or a wily technocrat or a giddy don?   

Joint Opposition could miss the bus being over- engaged in protecting the Rajapakses’ on charges of corruption. Nationalistic Economic Plan to be successful for the next generation needs extension on an island wide network - mindful to include all nationalities. A presidential election cannot overlook the Tamils in the North and the Islamic Forces in the East, as votes are equated on a common plank at the count, unlike at a general election. Who wins the presidential sweeps through the next general election in comfort? Can SLPP overlook the Tamil vote? It can, if it registers majorities as at Kaduwela in near uniformity or a low poll takes place in the North? Both are unlikely propositions - as2005 was a queer eccentricity in a divided South and terrorist controlled North.   

UNP thinks of a new man at the helm in a while, with a crazy 19th amendment in place, tailor made for a ride on a slow coach, in comfort for an aged leadership,willing to accept a relaxed transition with the old team awaiting greedily to grasp the last of the fortune cookies at the market place - a wait too long to await; giving time to forget the band of robbers in the largest heist in history, in a tangled economic atmosphere, knowing the tendencies of our public service to indulge in guessing games on reading the exit of a declared PM and undeclared President is in the offing - a state of near anarchy prevails as law and order will take much time in bidding long farewells to its few remaining well wishers. Ranil always bows to public opinion yet belatedly. An alert for Mahinda Rajapaksa with a stopper on his back,to move out– may not desire as the UNP will take him on a judicial process with an enfeebled public administration that searches for their next saviour to lean on. Who thinks of the party first or country next, before self? Don’t be in a state of shock if MR and RW walk out on corruption charges without a scratch –a likely arrangement.   

A reality check leads to the possible emergence of a coming group of economic hit men to arrive on the back of a NATIONALISTIC ECONOMIC PLAN. Word‘National’ will not satisfy the committed nationalists in the South that leads the rat pack, with their theme of an existing economic downturn

Will Sampanthan decide to retire gracefully from leadership of the TNA giving way to another?   

Election results were more a reaction from the Sinhala Buddhists’ inbuilt silent nationalistic tendencies that assessed accurately the minority voting patterns, coming from the North and East and in the vocal urban Catholic electoral districtssuch as Negombo (Little Rome) and Wattala UC that votes patently for RW except where there is a sizeable Buddhist vote are present as in the electorates of the Catholic belt of Katana, Wennappuwa, Nattandiya and Chilaw. It was pleasing to watch temples and churches voting together on a Pan Sinhala engagement, a pleasing hangover after Sinhala Buddhist - Catholic brothers-in–war,fought gallantly to untie terrorism. An undercurrent North unconsciously helped to create a union in the South,that hundreds of padres and priests could not achieve on fake religious amity exercises, clad in purple cassocks and saffron robes previously. Why cannot the north learn a lesson from the south?   

Most don’t know the man who made the difference at the last local government elections? If the name of MR emerges as a possibility- a pleasant front man in hard times to carry a message where there are a few willing to pick delivery.He is an iconic leader that can still launch friendly voters on a Mexican wave by mere appearance before a pre-arranged crowd; he is over committed by being tied down to allegations of corruption in the family. Not MR; still it has to be a Rajapaksa for the faithful?   

It’s his brother Basil stupid, a sitting MP who did not contest in 1983 and 2015 - saw the writing on the wall beforehand,How many outside the district, realized he was not on the list of candidates for the fast developing Gampaha district that he nursed till 2015? On losing the election became a virtual fugitive in USA. Wise men once thought it was a plot hatched with the UNP that Basil had stitched up. Anything is on the cards with this marvel.   

Coming third in Polonnaruwa in his home district is the end of the road for a presidential candidate when he is in a one – man party outfit

Next time, come elections,in 2020, this government may probably disqualify him if they want to be in the reckoning on their own - being elusively exclusive Basil is smart to cover his tracks. One dubious interview will reveal he is a nonentity that many read on face value, writes him off for a preferred copy by turning to his financially scrupulously proper, co-leader in name - a peg seeking to fall in to any hole in the lust for facilities. Is it another stunt of Basil to ease the glare off his posterior? There is always a hidden agenda before a grand master makes a move.   



He is genuinely unpopular with most of his party men, from way back. He thinks differently: behaves outrageously: gets his pockets soiled but it is indeed a revelation to watch the craftsman toil hard on the drawing board being among the few from the old SLFP that works astutely on his instincts, intelligently and shrewdly. He has much homework to do to reach the 50% mark on votes if any from the family is to reach the catchment area. Has made glaring errors - to show he is not invincible - got it wrong in the North backing the EPDP in 2015, alienating the few MR fans.   

If Ranil moves out voluntarily it is the end of the road for MR and Gotha(written off by the company he keeps not understanding politics). Who knows the forces that might retain Basil, once a favorite son of Gamini Dissanayake at a time it was said that Mahaweli flowed closed to Basil’s residence. All other Rajapaksas stood with the SLFP, as B asil took a short cut to the UNP.   

Joint Opposition could miss the bus being over- engaged in protecting the Rajapakses’ on charges of corruption. Nationalistic Economic Plan to be successful for the next generation needs extension on an island wide network - mindful to include all nationalities

Coming third in Polonnaruwa in his home district is the end of the road for a presidential candidate when he is in a one – man party outfit. Rakapaksa has proved an unknown party can come alive from an unknown territory provided it contains known names.   

Why did the JVP strong on their financial and political integrity allow dismayed good governance, pro – democracy, kids with NGO outlook that lost their way after a mild flirtation with the SLFP/UNP combine, fall in to their midst. They were allowed to hitch their chic good looks and worldly learning’s away from the JVP doctrine, on the loot spent to acquire publicity on paid space, without political testing – while JVP reached great fame, heading the NGO Commission and COPE affairs in Parliament single-handedly?Are those greatly cherished JVP characteristics temporary in disarray?Don’t abandon these lost intellectuals,fatigued after their short march to fame on the Sirisena trail, holding language and cultural skills comparable to those attendees at the Galle Literary Festival; useful tools for the JVP to exploit on their forward march on a propaganda onslaught.   

 JVP must learn to survive on their skills and not rely on the dodgy fame of others. The smiling faces of the JVPchiefsseen in the company of Ravi Karunanayake is a pic they would not like to see in circulation. JVP are assured of a parliamentary presence so bide your time -- without joining every‘Johnny Come Lately’ that drops your way to promote themselves on your good name.