Daily Mirror - Print Edition


25 Jul 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



Where indeed is our country heading??? Capital Punishment has finally been introduced but to no avail!!! Murderers are NOT ENTITLED TO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT; taking the life of another does not warrant Capital Punishment in this country, only drug dealing does!!! While we applaud this long overdue Act being implemented, we cannot help but ask why Murderers are not included??? In the past, we had Capital Punishment here but it was abolished on the grounds that this was a Buddhist country and therefore it must be abolished!!!   

WITH ABSOLUTELY NO INSULT TO BUDDHISM, some of the wastrels think nothing of taking a human life, they deal in all kinds of treachery, rape, murder, drug trafficking, and other horrendous activities but when that happens, Buddhism and its precepts are completely forgotten or overlooked!!! We even had a HANGMAN in the days gone by, but that guy was also rendered jobless!!! Now we are calling for NOT ONE BUT TWO HANGMEN!!! WE WONDER WHY???   

One of America’s former First Ladies Nancy Reagan had said: “I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.”  That is TRUTH INDEED!!!



Who is helping? 

Criminals must indeed be wondering why they stayed away from our PRISONS FOR SO LONG, IT IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BE IN!!! WITH INCOMING CALLS, OVERSEAS FACILITIES AVAILABLE AND ONE SMART GUY NETTING IN RS. 20,000/- A MONTH WITH ONE MOBILE PHONE; IT REALLY MUST BE THE PLACE TO STAY!!! When so much Drug Activity is going on inside the Prison, how is it that none of the authorities has ever bothered to find out WHO INSIDE THE PRISON IS HELPING THE DRUG TRAFFICKING??? THERE IS NO WAY THEY CAN CARRY THIS OUT SO SUCCESSFULLY WITHOUT INSIDE HELP!!! Don’t the authorities realize that without inside help this operation cannot be the success it is??? As the ‘DAILY NEWS’ rightly says, just sending offenders to prison is totally counterproductive, they need to be rehabilitated and we say this needs to be done either by the Police or the Forces or someone who will brook no nonsense from them and, more importantly, someone who CANNOT BE BRIBED!!!



Donation Syndrome 

Touching on another subject that this column has constantly dealt with is EDUCATION!!! Now the Prime Minister says the “New Education 

Standard Act To Be Introduced Shortly” please note again it is ‘Shortly’ nothing, absolutely nothing is NOW!!! First, how about paying attention to whether our children can get into a school or not!!! Whether the COLOSSAL DONATIONS THAT ARE DEMANDED CAN BE PAID OR NOT!!! THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MUST LAY DOWN A LAW SPECIFYING THE DONATIONS REQUIRED ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF SCHOOL AND THE GRADE THEY ARE SEEKING ENTRANCE TO!!!IF THE SCHOOLS FAIL TO ADHERE TO THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RULES, THIS OFFENCE SHOULD BE PUNISHABLE BY LAW!!! This is something that should have been looked into a long time ago, particularly as it would have given the really poor children a chance to go to school!!! The village schools should be graded and donations fixed at a reasonable level so the poor parents don’t have to pawn everything they own to educate their children!!! How can we talk of ‘FREE EDUCATION’ in a country such as this???


The Big Mess

We seem to be going from one mess to another!!! Colombo and its environs are FILTHY DIRTY!!! Garbage dumping continues with absolutely no concern for the environment or the cleanliness of the city and its surroundings!!! People dump garbage without any concern about the unhygienic mess they are creating, they just can’t be bothered!!! It is always someone else’s problem to keep the city clean; most of them have no personal sense of pride in the way they dress, the way they walk, the way they talk, it is a typical ‘I DON’T CARE ATTITUDE’!!! THE WORST ARE THE BETEL CHEWERS AND EVEN MORE SO ARE THOSE WHO CONTINUALLY KEEP SPITTING REGARDLESS OF HOW UNHYGIENIC IT IS!!! We wonder if it has ever occurred to the Government to use the Forces to man the areas or even the entire city to curtail garbage dumping and also spitting!!! To do this effectively the Forces should be in civvies and be given the authority to impose on-the-spot fines or take the offenders to the nearest Police Station!!! Whether the Forces are occupied or not, they are being paid by the government, isn’t it; so why not put them to some good use??? LET THEM TEACH THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS TO BE PROUD OF THEIR COUNTRY!!!


Where are they?

How is it that ALL the unsolved mysteries have conveniently been pushed to the background??? WHERE HAVE ALL THE CULPRITS GONE TO??? WHAT HAPPENED TO UDAYANGA, MAHENDRAN, JALIYA, THE ONES BEFORE THAT, SHALILA MOONESINGHE, MALAKA DE SILVA, DUMINDA SILVA, I HAVEN’T GOT THEM ALL BUT THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY KNOW THEM ALL  AND LIKE ME, WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED??? Poor Thajudeen’s and Lasantha’s Murderers; what happened to them; are we even being told who they are??? Now they say that two CDs on Thajudeen’s murder are to be released!!! Can we ask where they were all this time and when, in the name of JUSTICE, are they going to be released??? Duminda is languishing in prison sitting out his life sentence; perhaps in 5 Star Comfort!!! Most of the political renegades are on PERMANENT BAIL!!! YES, THAT’S A NEW ONE, PERMANENT BAIL!!! If the President can roam the world while the country is in disarray, what are the people of this country expected to do??? Do we have a choice??? NO CHOICE AT ALL – MURDERERS OR CLOWNS!!! SO WE ARE TOLD!!! THEY ARE SKILLED AT COVERING UP THEIR MISTAKES, LACK OF GOVERNANCE !!!



The big little scam

There is a big little scam being carried out by the lower ranks and apparently, it has been going on for some time now. The bus conductors, the fishmongers, the vegetable vendors, and other small-scale operators are carrying out a right royal swindle!!! Apparently, if your bus fare is 40/- and you give a 50/- rupee note, you can kiss the balance 10/- goodbye!!! If there is a balance due to you on the fish or vegetables you buy, you can rest assured that you are not going to get that balance back; whether it is 5/- 2/- 1/- or even -/50 cents!!! The balance money is very adroitly tucked away and if you protest you are even told to leave your purchases and go!!! The attitude is WHY NOT IF THE BIG GUYS CAN DO IT, WHY NOT WE??? WHAT WORKS FOR THEM, WORKS FOR US TOO!!!