Daily Mirror - Print Edition

War-War and Jaw-Jaw

23 Jun 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



Give the man a break. Donald Trump found out in Singapore that, as Churchill said, “Jaw-Jaw is better than War-War.” If war can be avoided by a warm, long, very private chat without advisers, with effusive body gestures and promises of a world stage when his opponent, Kim Jong-un is invited to the White House, then Trump has shown the way. 

It was learning the hard way because a few months ago when Trump threatened to incinerate North Korea he met counter threats from North Korea that could have led to the deaths of 30 million people in South  Korea alone, never mind what numbers might die in an attack on American troops stationed in Japan and Guam naval base. 

I have no proof but I do think Trump can make a grand peace with North  Korea unlike his predecessors. They too had the will but were defeated by a Republican-dominated Congress that made implementation on what was agreed as impossible, and in George W. Bush’s case a refusal to build on Bill Clinton’s effective diplomacy. Trump, if he wills it, will have no trouble with Congress. As many commentators have said, if Barack Obama or Clinton had done a Singapore there would have been a big move to have them impeached. 



I have no proof but I do think Trump can make a grand peace with North  Korea unlike his predecessors. They too had the will but were defeated by a Republican-dominated Congress that made implementation on what was agreed as impossible



If peace arrives this will turn modern American, European and Russian military history on its head. The record over the last 70 years has been appalling. 

The UN Charter was conceived during the Second World War. Drafts were written in the basement of the US State Department. It prohibited the unilateral use of force. Force can only be used if the Security Council supports it. 

In April last year, President Donald Trump launched an attack on Syria to retaliate for chemical weapons used by the government against its own people. The Security Council was ignored. 
In September last year, four Israeli jets fired a volley of missiles at a Syrian government facility that probably produced chemical weapons. Israel, as usual, didn’t ask the Security Council for approval. 
Four years ago, Russia took over the Ukrainian territory  of Crimea without Security Council arbitration or authorisation. 

French President Francois Hollande was ready to back Obama’s plan to invade Syria. Only a last minute change of mind forestalled it -- Obama was much influenced by a vote in the British Parliament that forbade its government to participate in airstrikes unless the UN approved them. 

In the early years of his presidency, Obama decided to go to war with the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, with the active support of a number of European countries. This time they sought Security Council authorisation, which they were given. But Russia reasonably felt it had been seriously misled. Rightly, it argued, the resolution it had supported said it was to keep the peace, not to kill Gaddafi. Later, as internal fighting wrecked the country, Obama volunteered that this was his worst mistake. 

China has intimidated its neighbours into passivity, building military installations on islands and rocks in the South China Sea. One can presume these will be used, if the need arises, without asking the Security Council for permission. Likewise, if China  invades Taiwan which it keeps threatening to with an ever louder voice it will not seek permission from the UN, nor will the US-- as in 1996 -- if it sends in a naval force to police the Taiwan  Strait.  Further back there were the US wars in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, the US invasions of Granada, Panama and the Dominican Republic, the mining of Nicaragua’s main port, the NATO bombing of Belgrade and later the NATO war with the Serbs over Kosovo and the US/British invasion of Iraq. None of these actions sought UN approval. 

As for the Soviet Union, it sent in tanks to crush the uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Later it 
invaded Afghanistan. 

What a record of abuse of the Charter. But if the US and Europe break the rules why shouldn’t Russia and China? And vice versa.  Nevertheless, the rules have often been observed. The US, the EU, Russia, China and a host of smaller countries have worked to make the Charter and peacekeeping effective and have pushed forward the boundaries of international law, peacekeeping and humanitarian practice. This has been one powerful reason why the number of wars has precipitously declined since the end of the Second World War. Today, there is not one interstate war and the number of civil wars has decreased since the end of the Cold War (although in recent years civil wars in the Middle East and Africa have pushed the graph measuring wars up again). Humankind has become less violent. 99% of the world is not at war. 

If Trump could make a deal with North  Korea it would be a momentous victory for Jaw-Jaw and the UN Charter. Only fools believe in War-War. 

Jonathan Power 
(Note: For 17 years Jonathan Power was a foreign affairs columnist and commentator for The International Herald Tribune/New York Times.)