Daily Mirror - Print Edition

What was and what is

23 Sep 2020 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



The boy in the wheelchair had helped the boy on crutches all the way across campus to his class and when he was leaving he had said “I hope you feel better soon!” These beautiful examples should help us to realise how very shallow and puerile our lives really are

Today’s reality is resonant with unuttered pain; we are continually looking at the survival of the fittest. It is one mad scramble to survive, always looking to be better than the rest

All those years ago, we knew all our neighbours, today we are strangers to our neighbours

Way back then, only one person worked to support the whole family, whereas today, all have to work to support one child! People loved to study, read books and stay abreast of what was happening



According to Julia Carey’s poem “LITTLE ACTS’ we are told that little acts of kindness can form a mighty ocean. Dwelling on the way things were, I’ve read some really beautiful stories that are worth sharing, so here goes.

Apparently, a boy slipped on a wet tile floor and a boy in a wheelchair caught him before he slammed his head on the ground. After helping him, the boy in the wheelchair said “believe it or not, that’s exactly how I injured my back 3 years ago. In the USA, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to a fire fighter and gave him a hug. When he tensed up, she realised he didn’t recognise her; she let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere smile and said “On 9.11.2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center.” Some acts of kindness are acknowledged and that gladdens the heart. Looking at canine love, a guy had watched his dog get run over by a car. He sat on the side of the road, holding him and crying; and just before he died, the dog licked the tears off the boy’s face. Looking back; a father, his three sons and two daughters stood around their mother’s hospital bed when she uttered her last coherent words before she died “I feel so loved right now, we should have gotten together like this more often.” Another guy says when he kissed his dad on the forehead as he passed away, in a small hospital bed; he realised it was the first time he had kissed his father since he was a little boy.   



The tragedy is why does all this awareness occur when, most often it is too late? Does it take death or something more drastic to make us realise that showing affection and kindness is so beautiful and shouldn’t be left till it is too late

The tragedy is why does all this awareness occur when, most often it is too late? Does it take death or something more drastic to make us realise that showing affection and kindness is so beautiful and shouldn’t be left till it is too late? Why do people today find it so hard, or should I say, actually impossible to demonstrate kindness or show true feeling or affection to another human being or even animals and why wait until it is the last moment? What amazes me is that people who should really be complaining are not and most of us, who have so much to be thankful for, are continuously complaining! Apparently, a 27-year-old breast cancer patient was found laughing hysterically at her 2- year-old daughter’s antics. Now, shouldn’t this make us realise that we need to stop complaining about life and start celebrating it again? In yet another beautiful example of kindness to another, a boy in a wheelchair saw another boy struggling desperately on crutches with his broken leg and offered to carry his backpack and books. The boy in the wheelchair had helped the boy on crutches all the way across campus to his class and when he was leaving he had said “I hope you feel better soon!” These beautiful examples should help us to realise how very shallow and puerile our lives really are. According to another shining example in Kenya, a refugee had been travelling and hadn’t eaten in over three days. He looked extremely starved and hungry and another guy who was travelling with him had offered him the rest of the sandwich he was eating. The first thing the refugee said was “We can share it!” What absolute thoughtfulness springing from such brokenness?   

In the long ago and far away, people wanted, longed for children; but today, people are afraid of having children. Likewise, children respected their parents; today however, parents have to respect their children. It is such a metamorphosis! Marriage was easy and divorce pretty difficult but nowadays, it is the opposite, marriage is difficult and divorce so easy. All those years ago, we knew all our neighbours, today we are strangers to our neighbours. At that time, the villagers were flocking to the city to find jobs; today people are fleeing from the city to find peace! Way back then, only one person worked to support the whole family, whereas today, all have to work to support one child! People loved to study, read books and stay abreast of what was happening, today however, they sadly love to only update Facebook, Instagram and What’s App! The phone and the laptop are their constant companions!   

Today’s reality is resonant with unuttered pain; we are continually looking at the survival of the fittest. It is one mad scramble to survive, always looking to be better than the rest, constantly rushing to get there before the others, the incessant need to be top dog, acceding to the cruel realities of having to curry favour irrespective of the cost! These are the stark realities we have to face in the cut-throat ruthless world of today. Humanity, sincerity, kindness, being good neighbours; are all sadly but surely foreign and alien to people of this day and age. 

Having said all this, I’d like to leave you with what an Unknown Author has said about the POST CORONA WORLD OF TODAY:   
“We fell asleep in one world and woke up in another  
Suddenly Disney was out of magic  
Paris was no longer romantic  
New York does not stand up any more  
The Chinese Wall is no longer a fortress  
And Mecca is empty.  
Hugs and kisses suddenly become weapons  
And not visiting parents and friends becomes an act of love  
Suddenly you realise that power, beauty and money are worthless  
And can’t get you the oxygen you are fighting for  
The world continues its life – it is beautiful  
It only puts humans in cages  
I think it is sending us a message  
“You are not necessary  
The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine  
When you come back remember