Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Where have all the suspects gone- Far, Far, away!!!

25 Apr 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

1. Do we hear loud whispers asking where have all the suspects gone? Far, far away we are told!!! Should we ask why??? Arjuna Mahendran was last known to have been in Singapore, Udayanga in Dubai, Jaliya only the good Lord knows!!! We’ll definitely need to keep an eye on that since it was the director of the National Eye Hospital who gave him the green light saying that the surgery could not be performed in our island home!!!

  • Mahendran was last known to have been in Singapore, Udayanga in Dubai, Jaliya only the good Lord knows!!!
  •  Aluthgamage has been released on bail and he had the distinction of coming out with two Ministers in attendance!!
  • When the present IGP took over there was a lot of optimism that he would change the Police Force for the better!!! 

Now, Aluthgamage has been released on bail and he had the distinction of coming out with two Ministers in attendance!!!  We are constrained to ask “who is afraid of whom?” Finally, ‘Red Notice’ has been issued on Mahendran, assuming of course, that he won’t disappear to the rural India or some other country before the sleuths get him.

Cabinet Reshuffle

2. Shuffles and reshuffles, still struggling to find their way, in-fighting!!! Postponing the inevitable of who gets what!!! Karunanayake is also being considered for a Ministerial Post!!!  Are we that bankrupt that we have to get these people back into the Government??? Our erstwhile Prime Minister has not yet bothered to tell us why Karunanayake was made Finance Minister in the first instance Now, he is being given consideration yet again!!! Who should get the credit for this, we wonder!!! 



3. The country has never been in such chaos!!! Not even the illustrious Ministers know where they are going!!! How can they, when they cannot even arrive at decisions regarding portfolios??? How can they when they did not realise all these years that they had not concentrated on the development of the country??? So, we are expected to believe that they are going to do it now??? Who is fooling whom??? Let’s first ask, who felt safer with all these conmen being abroad??? Who is really afraid of whom??? 

What shocks and surprises does the new Cabinet hold??? Why are they so afraid of giving Law and Order to Sarath Fonseka, when he is the only man capable of handling it??? Why is the reshuffle being continuously postponed??? The dates are being shuffled more than the Ministers themselves!!!
4. Rape, drugs, killings, accidents, malfunctions are still happening!!! Isn’t there a single man with a spine, who can stand up and bring proper punishment on all the offences that are going unpunished today?

Don’t we have one man who can call a spade a spade??? Why can’t we do what they did in Bhopal, India??? 

The Police made all four rapists walk the streets and gave the public the right to stone them or beat them up and the women really did!!! They went for the “Jugular” (metaphorically!!!) If India had the guts to mete out such punishment, why can’t we??? Perhaps we need to send someone to purchase some “guts” from India???

5. Looking around we need more than guts to get this sorry country back on track!!! Killing one another, fighting one another, accidents by the dozen, buses with passengers overflowing horning and horning always on the wrong side, when they are expected to keep to the left!!! Who gives a damn, who cares???

Do the Police, the men who are expected to maintain law and order to a certain extent at least??? When the present IGP took over there was a lot of optimism that he would change the Police Force for the better!!! What happened to the change??? 

Nobody can glance at a newspaper these days without a sense of revulsion – accidents, suicides and murders seem to be the order of the day!!! Perhaps it is a general feeling, that despite the Government’s insistence that the economy is improving and one or two small indicators point to some growth, no one is in an optimistic mood, no one feels like spending money!!! Everywhere people are worried about what the effect would be not only on business but on life in this country in general!!!

6. The newspapers of the April 22 and 23 were full of articles and supplements on the late and great Athulathmudali!!! It is correct that there were many glitches but both Lalith and Gamini also worked for the good of the common man!!!

Karunanayake is also being considered for a Ministerial Post!!!  Our erstwhile PM has not yet bothered to tell us why Karunanayake was made Finance Minister in the first instance ....

They left behind lasting monuments of their various noteworthy accomplishments that have lasted 25 years and will certainly go on for more!!! It is such a pity that the present Government cannot at least draw from their glowing examples, be guided by their entrepreneurship and strive to some extent to emulate both Lalith and Gamini.

The people are confused, they wonder if this Cabinet of Ministers cannot even decide on a date when the Cabinet is going to be changed- if it will ever happen-how can the common man ever believe what they are being told???

Postponement of everything seems to be the order of the day and they- from the President down-have not yet come to grips with what they have not done, perhaps because they don’t know, even now, when they are going to!!!

The shame indeed is ours, because we brought them into office!!!