Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Whines and woes of a pampered princeling - EDITORIAL

16 Jan 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Britain’s Prince Harry (the second son of King Charles) and his wife Meghan - the duke and duchess of Sussex - have been hogging the limelight worldwide since they decided to step away from their royal duties.  

Harry’s tale of woe stems from the fact that he no longer enjoys the privileges he (Harry) was born into after his decision to step away from royal duties. Something akin to you or I resigning our jobs, but expecting our employer to continue paying us our salaries! 

Surprisingly, Harry and his wife are attacking the very institution which provides them with entitlements and privilege, they still continue to enjoy. Their gripe is mainly focused against Harry’s elder brother who is destined, by the order of royal succession to be the next British Monarch or King...

For long, this newspaper refrained from commenting on the right royal spat within Britain’s ‘Royal’ Family. A war of words being fought in full media glare - via Harry and his wife Meghan’s media campaign to air their perceived grievances and treatment by the royal family publicly.
While some may say this is none of our (Sri Lankans) business, the fact remains our country, despite its indebted situation, is still a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The British Monarch is also the head of the Commonwealth. 

Today the British monarchy is fast becoming a laughing stock worldwide, thanks to the antics of Harry, the second son of the present British King - Charles.
We cannot go on pretending, something strange is not happening for the sake of avoiding unpleasant facts on the ground. Nor do we need to know the grimy secrets and details of private family lives.
Again, this is not the first time a member of Britain’s Royal Family has rebelled against the constraints of Britain’s constitutional monarchy. 

Prince Edward, (Harry’s uncle and then heir to the crown) had the strength of character to dump monarchical constraints and lead a life separate from the institution of the monarchy, its constraints and attendant pomposity.
Prince Edward willingly gave up his right to the throne to marry the woman he loved - an American and also a divorcee. 
Sadly, it seems Prince Harry does not enjoy a similar strength of character. He is using the prerogatives of his birth, to run down the very institution which continues to offer him a privileged lifestyle and to air his jealousy against his brother - Prince William - who is heir to the throne.

Anderson Cooper brought up the issue in recent interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes”. Critics say the Duke and Duchess are cashing in on their Royal titles while they still can,” Cooper said. “Why not renounce your titles as Duke and Duchess?” 
Caught flatfooted, Harry could only mumble “what difference would that make...” 
The reality is, it does make a difference. Harry insists on being referred to as ‘Duke’, yet, he reviles the institution which offers him the privileges he complains about.

What is getting more and more clear however, is that the duke’s real grouse is his dissatisfaction that the privileges he enjoys, are not as much as that he would have liked them to be.
Unfortunately for Harry, his tales of woe and whining are turning the British public too against him. The Guardian reports a recent ‘YouGov’ poll has found that Britons over the age of 65, dislike Harry and his wife Meghan more than disgraced Prince Andrew who is accused of pedophilia activities.

With the Guardian reporting another ‘YouGov’ survey carried out in December 2022, showing nearly half the British public agreeing Prince Harry’s title should be removed, it may be better, the princeling renounces his titles himself. 
Else, he may be unceremoniously removed by his father who is King.