24 Mar 2022 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
None of these vaccines has been tried and tested
A normal vaccination takes at least 10 – 15 years for development. You have to do four phases of trials
I think we as medical people have a duty to protect the people
The vaccine just reduces your immunity
So I would say that even the vaccinated are a danger to the population, rather than the unvaccinated
World Health Organization has absolutely no right to interfere in our affairs
We have little children running around with masks. Kids need oxygen. They have growing brains, growing bodies
Not a single government right now in the whole world is working for the well-being of the citizens
The pandemic is still a hot issue here in Sri Lanka and around the world. Although we see a drop in numbers the issue is still being discussed and a lot of precautions are being taken. The vaccination drive in Sri Lanka has been spoken of highly by both the Government and the World Health Organization (WHO). However, the attempt to force the public to get vaccinated has raised some concerns and has also been challenged in court.
Author and doctor in homeopathy and Chinese medicine Dr. Manuka Wijesinghe is among those who are against vaccination for Covid. In an interview on Daily Mirror ‘On Fire’ Dr. Manuka Wijesinghe voices her concerns.
Q So, the whole issue these days is should we get vaccinated or not? Should we get the third dose or not? And now there’s talk of a fourth dose, as well. Your comments?
If I could turn back the time I would ask you not to get a single vaccination, because none of these vaccines have been tried and tested. Not a single one. And they created a pandemic based on a PCR test, with a supposed new virus, which was not even a new virus, which is a mutation of an old virus. This brought a new set of technologies, which are called vaccinations, and fundamentally inundated the population with it. So, if I could turn back the clock I would say, please don’t get a single vaccine. If you’ve got one or two, don’t get the third, don’t get the fourth. Hide, run, flee, do whatever you can to because these are very, very dangerous.
Q But what you’re saying is going against what is generally being said, which is ‘Get vaccinated. That’s the only way to be safe, isn’t it?
Well, not really. Let’s assume there’s someone who doesn’t buy the newspapers or have television. They wouldn’t even know there’s a pandemic. Because nobody is falling dead in front of their faces or their eyes. So it’s just that there’s a great agenda to try untested stuff in the whole world, and that’s a huge problem. A normal vaccination takes at least 10 – 15 years for development. You have to do four phases of trials. This hasn’t even come to the third phase. And they announced the pandemic, brought a new technology called MRNA which has never been tested or tried on the human population and governments are coercing people with the willingness of doctors, virologists, epidemiologists to take vaccines which are not tested. Nobody knows about the side effects. If you don’t have health, what is the purpose of life? What are the collateral damages? Let us say, hypothetically, you can actually avoid Covid, because lots of people we know have been vaccinated three times but they’re still getting covid. Then what is the rationale behind it? It’s obvious that the government is not working towards the good health of the people; it is subjecting the population to some kind of an experiment, almost like a sacrifice. Don’t ask me what the agenda is. It’s a very complicated thing and I think journalists should look into this matter, and I think we as medical people have a duty to protect the people. Medicine is all about health. And that is why I’m completely worried about this. I’m very, very concerned. I’m sad, not for myself, but for young people who are of child-bearing age. You don’t know what the consequences of these vaccines are for those who want to have children. I wrote a letter to Pfizer recently saying my sister is pregnant, should we vaccinate her, and they wrote back to me saying, “We are not authorized to make recommendations for vaccines during pregnancy. Pregnant and breast-feeding mothers have been excluded from clinical studies to date. A clinical study of efficacy and safety study of Pfizer in pregnancy is currently underway.” So we don’t know anything, yet governments are forcing this on people. The world started by saying we have to protect the old people. I understand that. But why do we have to vaccinate the young people, children or the pregnant. We have something called natural immunity, all mammals have something called natural immunity. It has developed in the last 500 million years, as long as mammals have been. Why are we reducing natural immunity with vaccination?
And they created a pandemic based on a PCR test, with a supposed new virus, which was not even a new virus, which is a mutation of an old virus. This brought a new set of technologies, which are called vaccinations, and fundamentally inundated the population with it. So, if I could turn back the clock I would say, please don’t get a single vaccine. If you’ve got one or two, don’t get the third, don’t get the fourth”
Q Aren’t the vaccines supposed to boost your immunity?
Oh no, exactly the opposite. The vaccine just reduces your immunity. When this virus changes, your body is no longer able to cope with a new vaccine. I’ve written about it too. When the corona vaccinations were first tried in the population of animals, minks in the USA, when the minks were dying and they could no longer get their minks, the veterinary people started a vaccine to test it on ferrets. They did the first vaccine and then the second and let them out into the wilderness, and when the virus mutated, they all died. Their bodies could not cope with a mutation. I am convinced that the same thing is going to happen to the human population, too. That when the virus mutated into something else, let’s say, another seasonal flu, you don’t have the immune system which is really quick to deal with something which is changing. As a result, you become more dependent on drugs that suppress you.
Now, there’s a recent gazette notification that the unvaccinated should not be seen in public places. They say that the unvaccinated are the carriers of diseases, so only the vaccinated can go to public places. Now we all know that even the vaccinated contract covid. Now the reason they wanted people to get vaccinated was not because they would not be carriers of covid, but because they would not have that bad symptoms. So you could be a carrier, but you won’t have fever and you won’t have a cough, so you won’t even know that you’re ill. So you go out and infect the people out there, whereas an unvaccinated person still has the symptoms, because they have fever or cough, so they stay at home because they know they are sick. The symptom has never been the disease. The symptom is what the body produces in order to get rid of a disease that the body has, of a pathogen, a virus. So I would say that even the vaccinated are a danger to the population, rather than the unvaccinated, who will probably stay at home until they’re cured.
Let us say, hypothetically, you can actually avoid Covid, because lots of people we know have been vaccinated three times but they’re still getting covid. Then what is the rationale behind it? It’s obvious that the government is not working towards the good health of the people; it is subjecting the population to some kind of an experiment, almost like a sacrifice”
Q So are we just going with the flow, with the WHO making recommendations, and countries coming up with vaccines, without doing proper research?
I personally think that the World Health Organization has absolutely no right to interfere in our affairs, because we have our own data. We are a country whose population has not been destroyed with so many drugs, and while I can’t speak for people in Colombo, people especially in the villages, are those without disease. So the WHO has no right to order vaccinations upon us without knowing what our date is. There is no one size fits all in medicine. This is not a clothing store or something like that. This is about health. It is about natural immunity. We have little children running around with masks. Kids need oxygen. They have growing brains, growing bodies. The only thing which gives natural immunity is oxygen. And what are we doing? We are covering our faces.
Now the reason they wanted people to get vaccinated was not because they would not be carriers of covid, but because they would not have that bad symptoms. So you could be a carrier, but you won’t have fever and you won’t have a cough, so you won’t even know that you’re ill. So you go out and infect the people out there, whereas an unvaccinated person still has the symptoms, because they have fever or cough, so they stay at home because they know they are sick
Q So instead of following the guidelines that the health authorities have recommended how can one keep safe from covid?
I work in homeopathy and have dealt with enough patients. I don’t call them covid patients, because theoretically if you say covid, I’m not supposed to deal with them, because it’s supposed to be an infectious disease. No. There were the simple flu, fevers, sore throats, sneezing body aches, and we had enough medication in our country. Whether it’s homeopathy or Chinese medicine we built up the immune system. I studied under Anton Jayasuriya and one story he said was when Chairman Mao was ruling China, and they ran out of medication, he sent his barefoot doctors into the villages to see what they do in the villages. They discovered certain acupuncture points which built up natural immunity. So they basically applied pressure on those points to make sure people got stronger. So, there’s no pandemic, there’s an epidemic - it’s a disease. And that’s all we should do. Stay at home. Rest. Take our Koththamalli, inhale, steam, and whether it’s ayurveda or homeopathy or Chinese medicine, it’s enough. It’s not a deadly disease at all. Unfortunately, we have lost common sense, and we have become totally dependent on pseudo-science which we call science, just because we see some graphs and numbers and little designs, we think it’s science. Science has never been a religion or a dogma. Science is a tool which we use to come to truth. This is a religion, it’s not science.
Q Since you mentioned Ayurveda, I wanted to ask you about the ‘Dhammika Paniya’. There were questions as to whether it was effective and it was made fun of eventually. What is your take on that?
My take on that is there was an agenda to destroy the reputation of ayurvedic medicine or hela medicine, before this started, because the people who were behind the Dhammika Paniya were also media owners and they were also bringing lots of tests into the country. There was a huge organised movement I mean that was organised criminality, to destroy the faith people have in traditional medicine. And it could be that Dhammika’s pani wasn’t good. People say that Dhammika wasn’t an ayurvedic doctor. It doesn’t matter what he is. There is nothing wrong in taking honey. It’s less lethal than taking untested vaccines. So what they did was they gave this honey to all the people, started PCR testing and then said people are positive. Now, PCR positive is not an indication of disease, it’s a machine that says you’re positive. What are you positive for, if I’m not ill. If you stop PCR testing, there will be no pandemic, and we would never have had a pandemic. So Dhammika was used as a convenient tool, people started laughing at him because he had said some goddess had given him the powers. It doesn’t matter, because what is Western Science doing? Some biologist sat in front of a computer and came up with a simulation of the corona virus. There is no difference.
The world started by saying we have to protect the old people. I understand that. But why do we have to vaccinate the young people, children or the pregnant. We have something called natural immunity, all mammals have something called natural immunity. It has developed in the last 500 million years, as long as mammals have been. Why are we reducing natural immunity with vaccination?”
Q Now the authorities are making it mandatory to get vaccinated, to follow the health guidelines, failing which legal action would be taken. Do you think people like yourself should challenge this, if not in court, in some other platform?
It has been challenged already and there are a couple of cases. I think we need public awareness. We need people to get onto the streets. What’s happening in Europe? The only reason why many countries like Austria are giving up the vaccine mandates is because millions of people are on the streets protesting. People are willing to give up their jobs; people in healthcare don’t want to work anymore. It’s the power of the masses. We need the same kind of people. We need people to go out onto the streets and stop this. Without that it’s not going to happen because not a single government right now in the whole world is working for the well-being of the citizens. They are working for a global agenda, and only the citizens can stop it. We have to stop it. They are not going to stop it for us. And it’s our health, not theirs.
Q Has your research been shared together with your findings and what you say about vaccinations? Has that information been shared with the relevant authorities here which is to say what they’re doing is wrong?
I have written a couple of articles about this and I’ve been working on some cases, as well. We are basically trying to have legal action taken against it. But unfortunately that’s not enough. I think every single body has to have tons of petitions coming out; one, two or three people are not going to be enough. Everybody in their power has to do that. And I think we have to fight against the medical mafia as well. They know what they’re doing, but they are afraid to speak. If they do speak, they will lose their jobs. And we have to come back to ethics and forget about all the greed and money, because this is all about greed. I have lived in this country, I was born in the 1960’s and I have seen healthy populations. I have seen people before the free-market economy who’ve lived to a ripe old age without having diabetes or any other health problems. Now, everybody, from the age of thirties, is diseased. People have lost what it is to take care of themselves with traditional knowledge, you know, inherent knowledge which we got from our parents. For the slightest cough or cold, we go to the hospital. We don’t need hospitals for that. What we have now is a whole range of chronic diseases. So you can live up to age 90, but you’re diseased from the age of 30, so what is life? If your life is spent going to the hospital from doctor to doctor, channeling is it worth? It’s a huge money-making business and has nothing to do with health. The purpose of life is for you to realize what your potential is and you live towards that. But if your life is spent channeling doctors for the many parts of your body, for the diseases caused by Western medicine, which only suppresses the diseases that one has, that is not a full life: a life worth living.
Disclaimer: Daily Mirror does not endorse the views expressed by our guests on this programme
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