Daily Mirror - Print Edition

H.E. Julie Chung The Ambassador of the United States of America in Sri Lanka

06 Jan 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      




She is the esteemed Ambassador of the United States of America in Sri Lanka, and stands as a beacon of unwavering dedication and unparalleled excellence in the realm of diplomacy. Her remarkable tenure is defined by an extraordinary level of popularity and unmatched activity, earning her widespread acclaim as one of the most esteemed and engaged diplomats in the country. Her tireless efforts have been instrumental in guiding Sri Lanka through challenging economic times. Her pivotal role in fostering robust foreign direct investments from the United States into Sri Lanka speaks volumes about her profound impact on the country's economic landscape. Beyond her diplomatic prowess, she is renowned for her proactive engagement within the local community. Her genuine compassion and commitment to uplifting and supporting Sri Lankans in various spheres have earned her the utmost respect and appreciation nationwide. Her exemplary public relations skills have fostered an indelible connection with the people of Sri Lanka, solidifying her status as an iconic figure in the diplomatic arena.

Furthermore, her transformative leadership, coupled with her tireless endeavors to bolster bilateral ties, elevate her to a league of extraordinary diplomats. Her trailblazing approach, coupled with an unwavering dedication to fostering a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Sri Lanka, marks her as a diplomat of unparalleled distinction and merit; Her Excellency, U.S. Ambassador Julie Chung.

Your Excellency, share with us a summary of your professional journey: Your career has been remarkable. What inspired you to pursue a diplomatic path?

In my second year at the University of California, San Diego, I stumbled upon an intriguing advertisement for a U.S. State Department fellowship program. Initially set on a path in journalism due to my passion for writing and reporting, the prospect of globe-trotting while serving my country seized my attention. this opportunity to represent the values I hold dear and showcase that in America, with determination, anyone can achieve their dreams, regardless of background, resonated deeply with me. The allure of diplomacy lies in its diverse challenges, requiring constant acquisition of new skills, languages, and cultural understanding. My diplomatic journey has led me through various roles in China, Japan, Vietnam, Colombia, Iraq, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and assignments in Washington, D.C., centered on North Korea, Japan, and Western hemisphere affairs. From aiding individuals with consular matters to analyzing intricate economic and political issues and crafting impactful public diplomacy programs, each assignment has been a stepping stone, broadening and honing my professional growth. It has been a privilege to represent America and discover common ground in every corner of the world I've served.

Share with us a summary of your personal journey?

I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and at the age of five, immigrated to California, United States. The foundational values instilled by my parents; faith, a strong work ethic, and unwavering optimism, have been the cornerstone of my resilience, molding my life in profound ways and paving the way for my success in a land filled with opportunities. Growing up in the United States, I was immersed in a diverse environment, attending school alongside individuals from varied backgrounds. As an immigrant, my unique journey and perspective filled me with immense gratitude for the abundant opportunities afforded by the United States.

In your experience, what are some of the most critical challenges or complexities in maintaining diplomatic relations between the US and Sri Lanka?

From my experience, maintaining diplomatic relations between the US and Sri Lanka comes with significant complexities. As the US Ambassador, my vision revolves around a thriving, interconnected, and resilient Sri Lanka. Ultimately, I aim to witness Sri Lanka flourish into a nation where every citizen discovers opportunity. This juncture in Sri Lanka’s history is pivotal, offering its citizens the chance to shape its future. Will it champion democratic principles and human rights? Will it embrace market-driven economic practices and lead global climate initiatives? Can it reconcile deep-seated grievances for enduring peace? Many advocate for sustained economic recovery as the top priority, achievable through ongoing reforms and fostering trust between the government and its people. Optimism is my guiding principle. I firmly believe in the potential for Sri Lanka to overcome present challenges and forge a future aligned with its aspirations for prosperity, unity, and opportunity through concerted efforts, but it will take hard work.

As a woman holding a prominent diplomatic position, have you faced any unique challenges or barriers in your career, and how have you overcome them?

In my journey, there have been moments where gender biases were evident, such as instances where foreign counterparts bypassed me to address my male colleagues. I've also witnessed the global double standards that women in leadership positions encounter across various fields, including diplomacy, politics, media, and business. Regrettably, issues like online harassment, misinformation, and sexism persist, impacting women in Sri Lanka and beyond. Witnessing individuals belittle others to elevate themselves is disheartening. Yet, I live by the adage, “I may bend, but I won't break.” Despite these challenges, I find strength in maintaining dignity and transcending negativity. My strategy involves championing meritocracy, advocating for equal opportunities, and spotlighting the invaluable contributions women consistently offer. Rising above these barriers, emphasizing equality, and highlighting the unique strengths that women bring to the forefront form the bedrock of my approach.



How do you prioritize gender equality and women's rights in the context of diplomatic relations, and what initiatives have you championed in Sri Lanka in this regard?

Promoting gender equality and women's rights is pivotal for a world of equal opportunities, transcending gender barriers. It's a cause we all should champion, recognizing its integral role in human rights. Integrating more women into the workforce not only boosts profits but enhances overall performance. Yet, Sri Lanka faces a low women's labor force participation rate of 36%, hindering the country's economic potential. The U.S. Embassy actively supports initiatives empowering Sri Lankan women. Our efforts span various fronts. We facilitate grants and loans for women business owners, catalyzing growth, like aiding Francis Jasmin, a small business owner in the north who used a USAID CATALYZE PSD grant to expand her operations. Programs like HatchWorks AccelerateHER provide seed funding and mentorship, propelling women entrepreneurs like Lactoboost forward. The International Visitor Leadership Program nurtures emerging women leaders, fostering skills and global networks. Through USAID, we connect women's groups aiding gender-based violence survivors with essential services, promoting policy reforms for a safer future. Addressing the IT gender gap, USAID’s ‘SheReturns’ program, with SLASSCOM and WTech Forum, empowers women in tech with training and support. Advocating for women’s economic inclusion, I speak at various forums, emphasizing their pivotal role in Sri Lanka's recovery. Engaging with young girls through programs like Youth Forum and English Access Micro-Scholarship fosters confidence, showcasing examples of women breaking barriers. By empowering these young minds, we aspire to create a future where gender equality thrives.

Balancing personal life and a demanding career can be challenging. How do you manage to maintain a work-life balance amidst your diplomatic responsibilities?

Juggling a diplomatic career with personal life is no easy feat. Like many, I strive for balance, acknowledging that some days I excel while others, I fall short. Granting myself and others grace is key; I try not to be too hard on myself. Staying organized is my lifeline. I meticulously plan ahead, prioritizing school events and family time, adjusting meetings where possible. My husband plays a significant role, managing our son's schedules, aiding with studies, and spending quality time together. With numerous diplomatic obligations, his support at home is invaluable. And yes, my potent espresso is a non-negotiable ally, it keeps me going!

What advice would you give to young women aspiring to pursue a career in diplomacy or international relations, particularly in male-dominated fields?

My advice to young women aspiring for careers in diplomacy or international relations, especially in male-dominated arenas, is to never underestimate themselves from the outset. Take inspiration from individuals like Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala, the first Sri Lankan to conquer Mount Everest. Her remarkable achievement defied doubts and skepticism, proving that women can lead the way. Embrace the challenges ahead, just as scaling Everest demands multiple trips to acclimate, navigating these fields requires resilience.

Understand that setbacks and frustrations are part of the journey; persistence is key. Perfection isn't the goal, authenticity and openness about weaknesses and mistakes foster growth, not just for yourself but for others around you.

Could you share a memorable moment or experience from your time as the US Ambassador in Sri Lanka that has significantly impacted you personally or professionally?

Stepping into our newly inaugurated embassy was a moment brimming with both excitement and emotion. Our team, alongside many Sri Lankans, navigated through a series of challenges, from the pandemic's impact to remote work, economic uncertainties, and political unrest. The official opening of our new embassy marked a significant turning point, signifying a fresh start for us. This state-of-the-art, environmentally conscious facility not only showcases U.S. dedication and investment in Sri Lanka but also stands as a collaborative hub for innovation within the local community. The addition of the American Center within the embassy, hosting programs like English language classes, leadership training, and youth-centric events, transformed it into more than just a physical structure. It symbolizes a profound commitment to our mission and the immense potential within the U.S.-Sri Lanka relationship. This moment stands as a testament to resilience and the enduring spirit of partnership, shaping my personal and professional outlook in profound ways.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

While the future remains uncertain, I envision myself engaged in something that resonates with the profound sense of purpose I currently experience in Sri Lanka, amid this pivotal phase in our U.S.-Sri Lanka partnership. Ideally, I see myself returning to Sri Lanka, rekindling connections and visiting cherished friends. It's remarkable how life has brought me full circle, from a tourist here eleven years ago to now serving as Ambassador. As Sri Lanka's new tourism branding suggests, ‘You will come back for more,’ and I do hope to return, embracing the connections and experiences that have left an indelible mark on my journey.

Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?

I draw my inspiration and mentorship from my father, a living embodiment of the American dream. His upbringing in Korea, marked by hardship and loss during the Korean War, shaped his perspective. As a teenager, he wrote in his diary to, ‘hope for the best but prepare for the worst,’ a principle he steadfastly upheld. Arriving in the United States with virtually nothing, he embraced hard work, honesty, and unwavering integrity, ascending from humble beginnings to excel in aerospace technology and innovation. Later in life, empowered to make a difference, he dedicated his time and resources to uplifting others, especially within the Korean-American community and his church. My parents’ teamwork, unwavering commitment to family, and prioritization of faith above all else continue to fuel my drive and serve as a constant source of motivation and inspiration in my life.

What is your biggest fear and how do you manage it?

Throughout my life, I’ve had a fear of letting others down, an internal struggle that often weighs heavily on me. Acknowledging my tendency to place immense pressure on myself, my New Year's resolution revolves around fostering a healthier equilibrium and prioritizing my overall well-being. I'm actively engaged in learning to seek assistance, drawing strength from my support network, and mastering the art of respectfully declining commitments to avoid overextension. Additionally, my Christian faith plays a pivotal role in my coping strategy. Daily prayers and leaning on my beliefs provide the resilience necessary to navigate these challenges. This resolution isn't just about conquering fear; it's about fostering personal growth, achieving a balanced life, and nurturing mental, physical, and emotional strength.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Being the U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka stands out as a defining pinnacle in my career. It's a role that's both thrilling and deeply humbling. The opportunity it presents to contribute to positive transformation, forge enduring bonds with the Sri Lankan community, and provide unwavering support during challenging periods has been unparalleled. In response to the economic crisis, the United States government took substantial action, offering over $270 million in new aid between June 2022 and June 2023. This wasn't just financial assistance; it was a tangible manifestation of solidarity. Delivering 36,000 metric tons of Triple Superphosphate (TSP) fertilizer directly into the hands of over a million hardworking paddy farmers just in time for the Yala planting season was instrumental. It ensured these dedicated individuals had the necessary resources to cultivate the land and sustain the nation's food supply. Moreover, our support extended to small businesses through vital loans, providing a lifeline for growth in a challenging investment climate. These partnerships sparked remarkable innovation, from aiding a business crafting artificial limbs for Sri Lankans to revolutionizing the three-wheeler industry by transitioning to renewable energy sources. Together, these endeavors represent not just financial aid but a collaborative effort fostering innovation and progress. Serving in this capacity has allowed us to achieve significant milestones, forging a path toward a more resilient and vibrant future for Sri Lanka.

If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be?

If I could revisit the start of my career, I would advise myself to embrace risk-taking and find my voice sooner. In the early stages, shyness hindered my ability to express, question, and challenge both individuals and policies. I've learned the significance of speaking truth to power, addressing those in positions of authority, and remaining open to feedback from peers and subordinates. To the women of Sri Lanka, I would impart the wisdom of recognizing their innate strength in the face of adversity. They're not alone in their struggles; their experiences are acknowledged and valued.

Seeking support from friends, family, or community resources during challenging times is essential. Embracing their unique journey and understanding that overcoming obstacles only adds to their resilience and strength would be my message of encouragement.

Have you been harassed or discriminated against?

Certainly, I encountered instances of harassment during my childhood, particularly in school where I faced bullying due to language barriers and appearing different. Additionally, while working on an assignment in Latin America, I experienced discrimination as a minority woman. These challenging encounters have fostered a profound sense of empathy within me. They've enabled me to better comprehend and connect with individuals navigating adversity in their lives.

How do you want to be remembered one day?

I hope to be remembered as someone who made a positive impact, inspiring others to believe in themselves and their potential.