Daily Mirror - Print Edition


25 Nov 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      


In my weekly column titled ‘She Can,’ I've had the honor of spotlighting inspirational women, weaving their empowering stories into narratives of resilience and accomplishment. However, this week marks a special departure as the column is aptly titled, ‘They Can.’ This shift is an ode to a collective force of remarkable individuals, not just one, but a group of extraordinary women whose collaborative efforts resonate with profound impact. It's a privilege to introduce the incredible work achieved not by a singular woman but by an assembly of inspirational women, each a testament to the boundless strength and compassion that unites them. As a young girl, I vividly recall the magic of the International Christmas Charity Bazaar, holding tightly to my mother's hand as we ventured through a bustling tapestry of festive delights. The aroma of delectable Christmas treats wafted through the air, filling me with wide-eyed wonder. Fast forward to 2019 when an invitation arrived, inviting me aboard as a member of the esteemed committee. It was a moment that stirred a deep sense of fulfillment; the chance to be part of an event that resonated with heartfelt meaning and unwavering dedication to the community. Joining hands with a group of extraordinary women, each volunteering their time and passion, has been nothing short of a privilege. This remarkable event isn't merely a charity bazaar; it's the grand opener of the festive season in our city, where the threads of different cultures intertwine. It's a joyous gathering where expatriates and locals, representing diverse countries and charities, converge in a beautiful tapestry of unity and giving.

Roshni Mohinani, how did the idea of organizing the International Christmas Charity Bazaar in Colombo come about, and what inspired the ladies to take on this initiative annually?

The story of the International Christmas Charity Bazaar in Colombo dates back to 1982 when a group of local and expatriate women in Sri Lanka initiated this heartwarming event. What initially commenced under the guidance of the British Women's Association gained substantial momentum following its fervent reception, ultimately transitioning to be managed by the American Women’s Association. Since then, this annual extravaganza has become a hallmark preceding the advent of December. It spans a joyful four hours and serves as both a celebration of Christmas and a profound charitable endeavor. The ICCB Committee meticulously ensures that every rupee amassed through ticket sales, fortuitous draws, and raffles finds its way to meticulously chosen causes. These range from aiding school children with meals to supporting Alzheimer's foundations, battling cancer, and numerous other charitable pursuits.

Continuing its ethos of inclusivity, the event welcomes new participating nations each year, under one clear stipulation: all earnings from their stalls must directly benefit a chosen Sri Lankan charity. This altruistic framework underscores the collective commitment to giving back and supporting those most in need. The incredible success of the previous year's event saw a remarkable collection of over Rs. four million rupees. Notably, the committee doesn't seek financial gain from the participating countries; while an entrance fee is charged to attendees, those managing stalls are exempt from fees. The primary focus remains on fostering a spirit of generosity and aiding as many individuals as possible during the festive season. This event symbolizes a harmonious confluence of goodwill and collaboration. Various countries proudly showcase their cultures through individual stalls, all while rallying together for a common cause. It transcends being a mere marketplace; rather, it epitomizes the incredible impact of collective generosity and unity toward a noble purpose.

Anusha Sethwala, what challenges does the committee typically face in organizing such a large-scale event, and how does the committee overcome them, given that all the ladies work on a voluntary basis? 

Organizing a large-scale event like the International Christmas Charity Bazaar poses several challenges, especially given that all the ladies involved work on a voluntary basis. One significant hurdle is securing a spacious venue without incurring costs. Additionally, obtaining sponsorships and prizes for activities like raffles and lucky dips can be quite challenging. Post-COVID, there have been additional difficulties in securing participating countries. The turnover of country representatives has been high, making it more challenging to bring new nations into the fold. However, those with longstanding involvement eagerly continue to participate, showcasing their unwavering support. One of the most complicated aspects has been attracting new faces to join in. Despite the dedicated efforts of a committed group of ladies on the committee, recruiting new individuals has become increasingly complex in recent times. Overall, the key challenge lies in maintaining the event's momentum and ensuring its success while dealing with fluctuations in venue availability, securing sponsorships, and coping with the turnover of country representatives. Yet, the dedication and tireless efforts of the committee members remain pivotal in overcoming these obstacles and ensuring the continued success of this remarkable charitable endeavor.

Aruni John, can you highlight some of the significant achievements or milestones that the ICCB Sri Lanka has reached over the years in terms of funds raised and impact on the local community? 

The ICCB Sri Lanka has achieved significant milestones, especially in terms of fundraising and its impact on the local community. Over the past 15 years, there's been an impressive uptick in attendance, with the event drawing over 2600 visitors annually, more than doubling its initial attendance. The funds raised by the committee stem from various sources including entrance tickets, raffles, lucky dips, and a select number of sponsorships. These resources are then channeled entirely towards carefully vetted local charities, many of which have received our consistent support over the years. This consistent backing has notably impacted diverse areas such as education, food programs, healthcare, water projects, and support for individuals with disabilities or those who have faced abuse. An integral aspect of the event's impact lies in its unique setup, allowing participating countries to donate the proceeds from their sales directly to local charities of their choosing. This approach ensures that the raised funds are spread across a wider spectrum of causes, touching upon various aspects crucial to the local community's well-being. Overall, the ICCB Sri Lanka's achievements stand as a testament to its ability to unite diverse resources and nationalities toward a shared goal of benevolence, resulting in a tangible, widespread impact across numerous vital sectors within the local community.

Aruni, could you share some insights into the local charities in Sri Lanka that have benefitted from the funds raised through ICCB Sri Lanka in the past?

The ICCB Sri Lanka has extended support to a diverse array of local organizations, emphasizing our commitment to aiding initiatives that directly impact the lives of Sri Lankans in need. Our foremost criterion is that these organizations are entirely rooted in Sri Lanka, ensuring that the raised funds effectively benefit the local community.

We actively seek organizations addressing issues often overlooked by the public eye. For instance, the Lanka Alzheimers Foundation (LAF) and NEST are dedicated to assisting elderly individuals grappling with Alzheimer's and psychological concerns, endeavors often clouded by societal stigma. These centers foster respectful environments, curating activities for both caregivers and elders navigating these conditions. Another supported organization is Emerge, providing aid to abused women who have bravely escaped traumatic domestic violence. Their work, though often unseen by necessity, is essential in aiding these women as they rebuild their lives. Our assistance enables them to acquire new skills, empowering them to pursue alternative livelihoods. EASE and IDE focus on providing safe spaces for children with special needs, filling a crucial gap in education where few schools allow for the integration of these students into mainstream settings. Additionally, we extend support to providing school meals for local children whose families are struggling due to the country's economic challenges, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition. Each of these organizations represents our dedication to channeling funds toward impactful causes that might otherwise escape widespread attention, ultimately making a tangible difference in the lives of those often overlooked by mainstream support.

Roshni, how does the committee go about selecting the local charities that will receive support from the funds generated by the International Christmas Charity Bazaar?  

Choosing the local charities that benefit from the funds raised at the International Christmas Charity Bazaar is a process rooted in seeking out impactful initiatives. We actively scout for commendable projects and frequently receive proposals from various organizations seeking our support. Upon establishing initial contact, we extend an invitation to the charity or project to present their mission and goals to us. Subsequently, the committee engages in discussions to evaluate the feasibility and impact of contributing to their cause. If a majority consensus within the committee aligns with supporting the initiative, we move forward with the donation. Transparency remains paramount throughout this journey. We maintain an open and ongoing dialogue with the selected project, fostering a relationship that ensures clear communication channels and a thorough understanding of how our support directly affects their efforts.

Anusha, could you share some heartwarming stories or examples of how the funds raised during the International Christmas Charity Bazaar have directly impacted individuals or communities in need? 

There's a tapestry of heartwarming stories showcasing the direct impact of funds raised from the International Christmas Charity Bazaar on various individuals and communities. For instance, our support extended to the Lady Ridgeway Tracheostomy Unit by providing essential materials. We've also sponsored surgeries through the Little Hearts program, granting children the opportunity for life-changing medical interventions. In a bid to empower and enable women, we facilitated the provision of Pink Tuk Tuks in the southern regions, empowering female drivers and enhancing their livelihoods. Addressing crucial needs, we've constructed vital water wells in remote areas, ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water for communities that previously lacked this essential resource. Our collaboration with the Indira Cancer Trust enabled the provision of wigs, offering comfort and dignity to individuals undergoing cancer treatment. Presently, our support extends to sponsoring meals for children in schools across the Colombo district, ensuring these young minds are nourished and empowered to learn.

These initiatives represent just a glimpse of the impactful endeavors made possible through the generosity and support garnered from the International Christmas Charity Bazaar, enriching lives and fostering positive change within our communities.

Anusha, given the voluntary nature of your work, what motivates and drives the members of the charity committee to dedicate their time and effort to this cause? 

The driving force behind the dedication and commitment of our charity committee members stems from the poignant awareness of the vast social differences within our country. It's impossible to overlook the pressing needs of people when faced with the stark realities present in our society. By devoting just a few hours of our day to these causes, we witness the tremendous impact it has on the lives of numerous individuals. It becomes increasingly challenging to turn away from these needs when we recognize the transformative power that even a small amount of time and effort can yield. The sheer magnitude of social disparity and the evident impact of our collective actions propel us forward. It's the innate desire to contribute positively, even in the face of daunting social challenges, that fuels our motivation to dedicate our time and energy to these causes.

Roshni, how has the International Christmas Charity Bazaar evolved over the years, and are there any new initiatives or activities planned for the upcoming event? 

The International Christmas Charity Bazaar has undergone a remarkable evolution since its inception. What initially began as a gathering of expatriate ladies with a shared intent to aid the local community has burgeoned into a collaborative effort between both expatriate and local communities rallying together for a common cause. Over the past 41 years, the event has transformed significantly. Initially incurring costs for essentials like venue, printing, and transport, the event's growth has been paralleled by a surge in sponsorships. These generous sponsorships have alleviated all associated costs, ensuring that every penny raised by the committee at the event directly benefits the charities we support. This shift is a source of immense pride for us, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our invaluable sponsors for making this possible. As we look forward to the upcoming event, we're excited about introducing support for new charities. This expansion aims to diversify the channels through which we receive funds, allowing us to extend our impact across a broader spectrum of causes and communities.The journey of the International Christmas Charity Bazaar reflects a remarkable evolution fueled by the unity and generosity of both local and expatriate communities, and we're thrilled to continue this legacy of giving and collaboration.

Aruni, can you elaborate on the collaboration and support you receive from the local community, businesses, and other organizations in Colombo for the success of ICCB Sri Lanka? 

The ICCB Sri Lanka owes much of its success to the steadfast support and collaboration of our local community, businesses, and various organizations in Colombo. Our esteemed sponsors play a pivotal role in different facets of the event's triumph. The Galle Face Hotel graciously provides the venue, a cornerstone of our event's success. Wijeya Newspapers Limited, our Media sponsor, significantly boosts our event's visibility through advertising and marketing. Additionally, Animate, our print partner, contributes to our branding, enhancing our outreach and influence. A standout feature of our event is the raffle, generously fueled each year by the local business community.

Their unwavering support in sponsoring prizes adds excitement and incentive, encouraging participation and furthering our fundraising efforts. Moreover, the local community and businesses generously contribute to our lucky dip, a key driver in our fundraising endeavors. These donations, from both individuals and businesses, are crucial in ensuring the resounding success of the event. The collective support and generosity of our local community, businesses, and organizations in Colombo form the bedrock of ICCB Sri Lanka. Their contributions enable us to fulfill our charitable objectives and tangibly impact the lives of those in need. This collaborative effort truly embodies the spirit of unity and philanthropy within our community, allowing us to continue our mission of making a positive difference.

Anusha, how does the committee balance the festive and charitable aspects of the event to create a meaningful experience for both participants and beneficiaries?

Finding the balance between the festive and charitable elements of the event is indeed a challenge, but we're committed to moving forward and remaining open to new ideas. This year, for instance, we're introducing a heart-warming addition by inviting the Sri Lanka Federation for the Visually Impaired to sing Christmas carols at the event. Not only does this contribute to the festive atmosphere, but it also offers them exposure and support. It's these kinds of initiatives that seamlessly blend the joyful ambiance of the season with our mission to create a meaningful impact for both participants and beneficiaries.

Aruni, what strategies does the committee employ to raise awareness about ICCB Sri Lanka within the local community and beyond? 

We utilize a variety of strategies to raise awareness about ICCB Sri Lanka within the local community and beyond. Social media plays a significant role; we leverage platforms like Facebook, and Instagram, to share event details, updates, and engaging content to reach a wider audience. Additionally, we harness the power of print and digital media, collaborating with newspapers, websites, and magazines to feature articles, advertisements, and event announcements, maximizing our visibility among diverse demographics. Word of mouth remains a potent tool as well. Encouraging attendees, participants, and supporters to spread the word about the event among their networks helps in reaching new audiences and generating interest. These multifaceted approaches ensure that ICCB Sri Lanka receives ample exposure, attracting attendees and supporters from both the local community and beyond, amplifying our charitable impact.

Roshni, looking ahead, what are the long-term goals and aspirations of the Charity Committee for ICCB Sri Lanka, and how can individuals or organizations contribute to this ongoing charitable initiative?

Looking ahead, the Charity Committee's enduring goal for ICCB Sri Lanka is to ensure the continuity of this event for years to come. Our aim is to sustain fundraising efforts, allowing us to consistently contribute to enhancing the lives of those in need within our local community. The support and involvement of the expatriate community are integral to the event's success. We take pride in uniting nations to collectively make Sri Lanka a better place, and this collaborative spirit remains pivotal.

Individuals or organizations looking to contribute to this ongoing charitable initiative can do so through sponsorships and donations. These vital contributions enable us to distribute more funds and amplify the impact of the event. For those interested in joining our community or offering support, please reach out to us via email at iccbs[email protected]. We welcome fresh ideas, new projects, and the collective efforts of those willing to make a difference. Together, we can continue to grow this initiative and extend its reach for the betterment of our local community.

ICCB 2023 will be held on the 3rd of December from 11:00am to 3:00pm at the Grand Ballroom, Galle Face Hotel, Colombo.